
Terms for subject Chemistry containing | all forms
万能all-service vehicle
steam drum
不可复non-return trap
不爆震non-pinking spirit
乙基leaded fuel
乙基ethylized fuel
乙基leaded gasoline
乙基ethylated gasoline
乙炔提塔acetylene stripper
交替通蒸水煤气炉split run
人造合成synthetic gasoline
伴热蒸steam tracing
低压蒸lowpressure steam
低压蒸light pressure steam
低压蒸low pressure steam pipe
侧面放管路side relief
催化裂化catalytic gasoline
催化裂化cat gasoline
军用级combat gasolines
net gasoline
式涡轮机condensing turbine
透平condensing turbine
加四乙铅的ethylized fuel
加氢hydrogenated gasoline
加铅leaded up gasoline
加铅ethyl gasoline
加铅乙基化leaded up gasoline
加长载重lengthened motor lorry
博士试验阴性的doctor sweet gasoline
厂标house-brand gasoline
双作用double-acting cylinder
双缸蒸往复泵duplex steam piston pump
反向retrograde vaporization
四乙ethyl petrol
含硫sour gasoline (经硫酸精制而未进行碱处理的汽油)
steaming out
喷射式化器injection carburator
喷水凝式泵jet condenser pump
四乙铅tetraethyl gas
国际蒸表卡International Table calorie
国际蒸表卡IT calorie
坎农油精炼过程Cannon process
塔的提段exhausting section of column
塔顶油馏分overhead-taken naphtha
塔顶引出的蒸overhead vapours
外部提段outside stripping section
多级轮机multi-stage steam turbine
天然从油井气中回收的 casing head gasoline
季节性climatic gasoline
工作蒸working steam
常压蒸atmospheric steam (一个大气压的水蒸气)
dry steam
干法dry decatizing
干洗溶剂Stoddard's solvent
干洗溶剂DC naphtha
干蒸硫化dry steam cure
平衡由启动馏分、加速馏分和动力馏分组成的汽油balanced gasoline
废蒸exhaust steam
往复reciprocating steam pump
抗氨轮机油antiammonia turbine oil
抗爆antiknock petrol
挡板提器baffled stripper
捕集器捕集drip gasoline
steam exhaust pipe
blow-down valve
整体式凝integral condenser
direct steam
新鲜蒸motive steam
旋转式化器rotary evaporator
无丁烷debutanized gasoline
无污染non contamination automobile
无铅unleaded petrol
无铅white gasoline
无铅net gasoline
steam heating pipe nue
有效蒸effective steam pressure
杜莱伊尔碱洗Dualayer gasoline process
杰罗法制得的Gyro gasoline
柴油油节油剂 ZN-600diesel oil and gasoline saving agent ZN-600 chan
气体gas spirit
气态gas spirit
气态过热gaseous steam
水冷式water cooled cylinder
水解提塔hydrolyzer stripper
扩散抽机mercury vaporairpump
扩散抽机mercury vaporpump
mercury vaporairpump
mercury vaporpump
化中心nucleate points
化升压pressure build-up vaporized
化升压阀pressure build-up vaporized valve
化效率vaporization efficiency
化能vaporization energy
压表steam pressure gage
压试验steam pressure test
steam jacket
steam seal gland
vapor seal
巴弄染料Cibanone colours
巴弄染料Cibanone colors
巴染料Ciba colours
巴染料Ciba colors
水分离器catch water
口语 gas
凝固napalm bomb
油之丁烷分离塔butane splitter
油加氢gasoline hydrogenation
油加铅leading of gasoline
油加铅doping of gasoline
油喷灯gasoline blast burner
油每英里耗量计每英里路程燃料消耗的计量器gas-per-mile gauge
油汽提塔gasoline stripper
油清净添加剂gasoline detergent additive
油皂gasoline soap
油胶管solvent resistant hose
油脱硫装置gasoline sweetener
油腐蚀试验杯gasoline corrosion test cup
油表标度板gasoline gauge dial
油表标度板gasoline gage dial
油试胶杯gasoline gumming test cup
油试蚀杯gasoline corrosion test cup
炼厂油调和组分总和gasoline pool
油里程每加仑汽油行驶的英里数Gas mileage (miles per gallon)
steam flow
液分离喷嘴steam and water separation nozzle
液平衡vapour-liquid equilibrium
液平衡vapor-liquid equilibrium
液抽提vapour-liquid extraction
液抽提vapor-liquid extraction
液比vapour-to-liquid ratio
液比vapor-to-liquid ratio
液界面liquid-vapour interface
液界面liquid-vapor interface
steam point
相渗透仪vapour phase osmometer
相缓蚀剂vapor phase corrosion inhibitor
相缔合vapor phase association
相裂化汽油vapor-phase cracked gasoline
缸散热片cylinder-cooling fin
缸散热片cylinder fin
缸罩cylinder jacket
缸衬垫cylinder liner
specific steam consumption
蒸坚牵度decatizing fastness
蚀裕量net positive suction head
vapour pocket
vapor pocket
steam pocket
车修补漆automobile refinishing coatings
车内胎air tube
车制造用厚钢板steel heavy plates for automobile
车制造用厚钢板steel heavy plate for automobile
车外胎outer cover
车外胎outer casing
车外胎auto tyre
车外胎pneumatic tyre cover
车外胎auto tire
车外胎半鼓式成型机semi-flat assembly bench
车尾气automobile exhaust gases
车尾气净化用催化剂auto-exhaust catalyst
车废气automobile emission
车涂料automobile coatings
车用皂auto soap
车蓄电池automobile battery
车运输vehicle transport
车配件胶料automotive stock
轮式混合器turbo mixer
轮泵steam jet air pump
沙溴地区用desert-grade gasoline
油墨稀释用printing ink gasoline
泵的pump cavitation
洗涤用溶剂cleaner's solvent
洗涤用溶剂cleaner's naphtha
洛卡普法催化氧化脱硫醇或脱臭Locap gasoline sweetening
direct steam
活蒸live steam
流化焦化-蒸气化fluid coking-steam gasification
混合物liquid-vapour mixture
混合物liquid-vapor mixture
渗透化膜pervaporation membrane
烃蒸转化炉steam hydrocarbon reformer
热蒸live steam pipe
烷基化gasoline alkylate
环型提器annular-type stripper
甲烷与蒸产生氢气的过程methanesteam process
直接蒸再生pan process
直接蒸再生live steam reclaiming process
直馏重油馏分heavy virgin naphtha
石脑油重整提塔naphtha reformer stripper
稳定去丁烷stabilized gasoline
空气蒸鼓风air and steam blast
空白blank gasoline (没有添加剂的汽油)
英国名petroleum naphtha
英国名raw gasoline
英国名crude spirit
精制轻质溶剂petroleum benzine
精制轻质溶剂petroleum benzin
给料feed cylinder
联合烃提法integrated hydrocarbon stripping process
聚合polymerized gasoline
背压式轮机back pressure turbine
脱蜡油提塔dewaxed oil stripper
自冷式still-cooled cylinder
航空aviation gas
航空aircraft motor spirit
航空洗涤aero-washing gasoline
航空烷基化aviation alkylate (航空汽油中的烷基化汽油组分)
芳族型aromatic type gasoline
芳烃aromatic type gasoline
莫比尔公司降低油苯含量工艺Mobil benzene reduction process
莫比尔对二甲苯相异构化过程Mobil vapor paraxylene isomerization process
分配管steam distributing pipe
加热式空气预热器steam air heater
加热设备steam heating apparatus
动力装置steam-power plant
压力开关steam pressure switch
压热釜steam autoclave
发生器steam generating unit
发电厂steam-power plant
增压器steam intensifier
steam quality
mass quality
往复泵donkey pump (锅炉进水泵)
搅动器steam jet agitator
旁路steam by-pass
椴烧炉steam roaster
steam channel
注射固化vapor injection cure
steam jet air pump
滚筒sweet roll
灭火管道steam-smothering line
盘管steam pipe coil
管件steam fittings
管线steam pipe line
精匍steam refining
肢管steam hose
脱烷基化作用steam dealkylation
蒸馏steam stripping
裂化装置steamed cracking unit
锅炉steam generating unit
锅炉steam heating boiler
雾化油烧嘴steam atomizing oil burner
驱动泵steam driver pump
裂化pressure gasoline
裂化净cracked clear gasoline (不含铅水)
褐色未经脱硫和脱色的Brown gasoline (without desulfurization and decolorization)
解吸液purge liquid stripping
诱导期长的long-induction-period gasoline
起动starting fluid
起动primer fluid
轻油蒸转化naphtha steam reforming
轻质烃蒸转化法steam-reforming process of light hydrocarbons
轻质过滤缸油light filtered cylinder oil
载重cargo truck
steam inlet pipe
逆流式凝reversed-flow condenser
速成高压由冷水瞬时生成的高压蒸汽instant steam
酒精混合物alcohol-gasoline blends
酒精油掺混燃料agrol fluid
间接蒸硫化indirect steam cure
防冻antiicing gasoline
页岩shale spirit
高压蒸再生high pressure steamreclaiming process
高压蒸再生Palmer process
高压蒸再生high pressure steam process
高级教练机染成蓝色advance training gasoline
高辛烷值high-octane fuel
高辛烷值high-knock rating gasoline