
Terms for subject Technology containing 污点 | all forms | in specified order only
主要排污点key discharge locations
传统点污染源traditional point sources
具有蓝色污点的软木blue goods
农业非点污染源sources of agricultural nonpoint pollution
农业非点污染源agricultural nonpoint source of pollution
农业非点污染源水质模型agricultural nonpoint source water quality model
农业非点污染源污染agricultural nonpoint source pollution
农业非点污染源污染控制agricultural nonpoint source pollution control
农业非点污染源污染模型agricultural nonpoint source pollution model
农业非点污染源污染模拟agricultural nonpoint source pollution simulation
农业非点源污染agricultural nonpoint source of pollution
单个点污染源individual point source
单点污染源single pollution source
污点stain removal
城市污染非点源non-point source of urban pollution
城市非点源污染控制urban non-point source pollution control
城市非点源污染管理模型management of urban non-point source pollution model
多点污染源multiple point source dispersion model
多点污染源扩散模型multiple point source dispersion model
常规点污染源conventional point sources
底泥污染点源point source of sediment contamination
影像污点image smear
污点release point
污点waste drainage point
污点point of discharge
污点effluent point
污点drainage point
污点drain age location
污点discharge site
污点discharge point
污点discharge location
斑点污染试验spot stain test
有毒物质点污染源排放toxics point source discharge
水体人为非点污染源anthropogenic non-point pollution source of water body
水体非点源污染模型non-point source pollution model of water body
污水观测点observation point of waste water
污点pattern stain
污点dirt pattern
污点rust staining
污点stain test
污点清除spot removal
河道非点污染源营养物模型in-stream non-point source nutrient model
油基污点oil-based stain
浮飘线与点污染源扩散模型buoyant line and point source dispersion model
消除污点spotting out
潜在非点污染non-point pollution potential
潜在非点源污染non-point source pollution potential
灰浆污点mortar stain
点污染point pollution
点污染源point source of pollution
点污染源point pollution source
点污染源去毒化point source detoxification
点污染源容许排放量point source discharge permit
点污染源排放point source discharge
点污染源排放point discharge
点污染源排污口point source outfall
点污染源排污装置位置location of point source dischargers
点污染源控制point source control
点污染源控制control of point sources
点污染源有毒物质排放point source discharge of toxic
点污染源污染point source pollution
点污染源负荷point source loading
点污染源负荷point source load
特性非点源污染characterizing non-point pollution
砂浆污点mortar stain
确定性农业非点源污染评估deterministic assessment of agricultural non-point source pollution
空气污染点源point source of air pollution
空气污染集中点air pollution focal point
管理点污染源managing point source
综合点污染源和非点污染源最近评价技术better assessment science in integrating point and non-point-sources
老化污点ageing blemish
老化污点aging blemish
虚拟点污染源virtual point source of pollution
污点wax stain
重点污染物priority pollutant
非点农业污染源non-point agriculture pollution source
非点污染源区area of non-point sources of pollutant
非点污染源地下水污染non-point source groundwater contamination
非点污染源恒定输入non-point source inputs as conservative
非点污染源排放non-point source discharge
非点污染源控制non-point source pollution control
非点污染源模拟模型non-point source simulation model
非点污染源水污染non-point source pollution
非点污染源水质水量模拟non-point source water quality and quantity modeling
非点污染源污染物输出non-point source pollutant output
非点污染源污染负荷pollution load of non-point source
非点污染源评估non-point source assessment
非点污染源调查non-point source survey
非点污染源负荷non-point source load
非点污染源负荷估算computing loading estimates from non-point sources
非点源污染non-point source pollution
非点源污染non-point pollution
非点源污染势non-point source pollution potential
非点源污染控制区area of non-point source pollution control
非点源污染控制对策non-point source pollution control strategy
非点源污染模型non-point source pollution model
非点源污染流量quantity of flow of non-point source pollutant
非点源污染物non-point source pollutant
非点源污染物滞留时间non-point source pollutant residence time
非点源污染物输移模拟non-point source pollutant transport modeling
非点源污染风险评估non-point source pollution risk assessment
面非点污染源areal non-point source
面非点污染源流域环境响应模拟模型areal non-point source watershed environment response simulation model
预测非点污染源风险predicted non-point source risk
颜料污点pigment stain