
Terms for subject Water resources containing 污水 | all forms | in specified order only
丙型半污水生物带γ-mesosaprobic zone
丙型多污水生物带γ-polysaprobic zone
中华人民共和国水污染控制法law of the People's Republic of China on prevention and control of water pollution
中华人民共和国水污染控制法实施细则detailed regulations for implementation of the law of the People's Republic of China of prevention and control of water pollution
临界污水需求量critical wastewater need
乙型半污水生物带β-mesosaprobic zone
乙型多污水生物带β-polysaprobic zone
乙型寡污水生物带β-oligosaprobic zone
二次污水补充secondary wastewater makeup
二级污水处理厂secondary treatment plant
二级污水处理后的污泥secondary sewage sludge
二级处理后的污水post-secondary treated sewage
交替污水处理alternative wastewater treatment
产能污水处理energyplus waste treatment
人工高地-湿地污水处理系统constructed upland-wetland wastewater treatment system
低浓度生活污水low concentrated domestic wastewater
低浓度生活污水处理low concentrated domestic sewage treatment
低温生活污水low temperature domestic wastewater
公有污水处理厂public wastewater treatment facilities
再生污水reclaim sewage
农村生活污水rural domestic wastewater
分散式污水管理decentralised management of wastewater
分段进水活性污泥法step-feed activated sludge process
分流污水split flow wastewater
分流式污水处理系统separate wastewater treatment system
初级污水处理primary waste treatment
初级污水氯化处理接触槽primary effluent chlorine contact tank
动态污水氧化塘模型dynamic lagoon model
化学金属清洗污水chemical metal cleaning wastes
区域地下水污染势regional groundwater pollution potential
医院污水hospital sewage
医院污水处理hospital wastewater treatment
医院污水处理hospital sewage disposal
半化学纸浆污水semi-chemical pulp wastewater
单个污水处理系统法令Individual Sewage Disposal Systems Act
可持续抗污染水资源保护sustainable protection of water resources against pollution
含水层污染aquifer contamination
含水层污染危害图aquifer-contamination hazard map
含油污水oil contaminated water
含硫污水sulfur-containing wastewater
含藻微污染水algae-bearing micropolluted water
含酚污水phenol wastewater
含酚污水phenolic effluent
含酚污水处理phenolic waste treatment
含铬电镀污水chromium-containing electroplating wastewater
回用处理过的污水reused treated wastewater
地下水污染contamination of groundwater
地下水污染概率统计方法评价probabilistic assessment of groundwater contamination
地下水污染源sources of ground-water pollution
地下水污染源source of groundwater contamination
地下水污染源source of groundwater pollution
地下水污染源groundwater contaminant source
地下水污染物groundwater contaminant
地下水污染物输移transport of groundwater contaminant
地表水污染surface water contamination
城市污水urban waste
城市污水municipal sewerage
城市污水处理厂urban wastewater treatment plant
城市污水处理厂municipal wastewater treatment plant
城市污水处理厂municipal sewage treatment plant
城市污水处理厂metropolitan sewage treatment plant
城市污水控制metropolitan waste control
城市污水municipal wastewater flow
城市污水物化生物处理physicochemico-biological treatment of municipal sewage
城市工业污水管理management of urban industrial wastewater
城市水污染municipal water pollution
堤基污水muck ditch of levee
塑料工业污水plastic industry wastewater
处理过的污水treated sewage water
污水生物体系polysaprobic system
污水生物带polysaprobic zone
多城市污水处理multi-city sewage treatment
实际生活污水后生物处理real domestic wastewater post-biotreatment
污水生物带oligosaprobic zone
小型污水处理厂small wastewater treatment plant
就地污水处理系统on-site wastewater treatment system
工业污水trade waste
工业污水industrial sewerage
工业污水人口当量population equivalent of industrial wastewater
工业污水处理厂industrial waste treatment plant
工业污水处理厂industrial waste treatment works
工业污水处理厂industrial sewerage treatment works
工业污水委员会美国水污染控制联合会Industrial Wastes Committee
工业污水排放industrial waste discharge
工业污水排放industrial discharge
工业污水氧化塘industrial waste lagoon
工业水污染industrial water pollution
工厂污水排放industrial facilities discharge
常规污水处理conventional waste treatment
常规污水处理运作conventional waste treatment operation
常规暴雨水污染物控制conventional stormwater pollutant control
废水污染效应effect of wastewater contaminants
废水污染源source of wastewater contaminants
建议采用的最大污染水平proposed maximum contaminant level
微污染原水slightly polluted raw water
微污染水源micro-polluted source
微污染水源汞slightly polluted source water
扇形纳污水receiving water segments
扩散水污染源diffusion source of water pollution
排污下水道effluent sewerage
排污地下水discharge of pollution to ground water
排污管域水文学sewershed hydrology
易使水污染的农药water pollution prone pesticide
暴雨水污染监测stormwater pollution monitoring
曝气污水氧化塘aerated sewage lagoon
最佳实用污水处理技术best practicable wastewater treatment technology
最大污染物水平maximum contaminant level
最大污染物水平目标maximum contaminant level goals
有毒污染物水平levels of toxic pollutant
木材水解产物污水wood-hydrolysate effluent
未净化污水non-purified wastewater
未处理过的污水untreated waste
未被污染淡水水体unpolluted freshwater
未被污染淡水湖泊unpolluted freshwater lake
未被污染的水uncontamination water
杂酚油污染水creosote-contaminated water
水体二次污染secondary pollution of water body
水体人为非点污染源anthropogenic nonpoint pollution source of water body
水体化学污染chemical contamination of waters
水体微生物污水自然净化natural purification of wastewater by water microorganisms
水体污染源管理management of water body pollution source
水体污染源管理措施management measure of water body pollution source
水体污染源评价模型assessment model of water body pollution source
水体污染物吸附adsorption of pollutant in water body
水体污染物混合pollutant mixing in water body
水体病原体污染pathogen contamination of water body
水体粪污染指示菌indicator bacteria of water fecal pollution
水体藻类污染pollution of water body by algae
水体非点源污染模型nonpoint source pollution model of water body
水免污染avoidance of water pollution
水库污染控制reservoir pollution control
水底沉积物污染bottom deposits pollution
水污染人为源man-made source of water pollution
水污染修复remediation of water contamination
水污染固定监测站stationary monitoring station fbr water pollution
水污染工业源industrial source of water pollution
水污染控制与治理water pollution control and rehabilitation
水污染控制对策water pollution control strategy
水污染控制法规water pollution control regulation
水污染控制管理局美国内政部Water Pollution Control Administration USDI
水污染控制联合会会刊美国Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation
水污染流动监测站mobile monitoring station fbr water pollution
水污染源source of water pollutant
水污染生态效应ecological effect of water pollution
水污染生活源domestic source of water pollution
水污染生物监测biological monitoring of water pollution
水污染生物评价bioassessment of water pollution
水污染综合控制integrated water pollution control
水污染自然源natural source of water pollution
水污染遥感remote sensing of water pollution
水生污染物aquatic contaminants
水解产物污水hydrolysate effluent
水解酸化-序批式活性污泥法hydrolysis acidification-sequencing activated sludge process
水资源污染water resources pollution
污染地下水polluted groundwater
污染地下水资源contaminated groundwater resource
污染河水contaminated river water
污染物浓度水平contamination concentration level
污水effluent water
污水三级处理tertiary wastewater treatment
污水dirt well
污水产生量wastewater: generated volume
污水养鱼sewage-fed fish culture
污水再循环系统waste recycling system
污水净化wastewater renovation
污水净化站自动化automation of station fbr purification of sewage
污水净化系统wastewater renovation system
污水分析wastewater analysis
污水初沉池sewage preliminary tank
污水初沉池sewage preliminary basin
污水利用wastewater utilities
污水加氯处理sewage chlorination
污水化学处理法chemical method of wastewater treatment
污水卫生化学分析sanitary chemical analysis of sewage
污水厂出水同化容量值value of assimilative capacity of wastewater effluent
污水厌氧生物处理biological anaerobic treatment of wastewater
污水参数wastewater parameters
污水同化waster assimilation
污水同化容量waster assimilative capacity
污水同化能力waster assimilative capacity
污水回用effluent re-use
污水处理wastewater processing
污水处理waste treatment
污水处理waste disposal
污水处理厂waste treatment plant
污水处理厂出水sewage-treatment-plant effluent
污水处理厂出水sewage plant effluent
污水处理厂厂主协会Sewage Plant Manufacturers Association
污水处理厂污泥wastewater treatment plant sludge
污水处理厂设计wastewater treatment plant design
污水处理技术sewage treatment technology
污水处理装置wastewater treatment facilities
污水处理装置wastewater-treatment equipment
污水完全处理complete treatment of sewage
污水工程wastewater works
污水工程wastewater engineering
污水征税法令wastewater tax law
污水径流wastewater flow
污水径流waste flow
污水排放waste discharge
污水排放标准effluent discharge standard
污水排放水力学waste discharge hydraulics
污水排放量与径流量比、 污径比ratio of wastewater discharge capacity to runoff
污水排海标准ocean discharge criteria
污水控制waste control
污水收集管理系统wastewater collection management system
污水收集装置wastewater collection facilities
污水有毒化学物浓度effluent toxic chemical concentration
污水机械法处理sewage mechanical treatment
污水检测探针waste detection sounder
污水氧化塘waste oxidation pond
污水污染指示物indicators of sewage pollution
污水油月旨sewage grease
污水waste stream
污水sewage flow
污水流入水道transport by water of pollutant to water courses
污水流量sewage flow volume
污水海洋处置ocean disposal of wastewater
污水海湾排放sewage discharge in harbor
污水消毒effluent disinfection
污水消毒膜技术membrane technology for wastewater disinfection
污水深度处理deep treatment of wastewater
污水waste sources
污水source of wastewater
污水滞留池wastewater retention reservoir
污水灌溉effluent irrigation
污水物化处理physicochemical treatment of wastewater
污水物化处理physicochemical sewage treatment
污水物化处理法physicochemical method of sewage treatment
污水特征wastewater characteristics
污水特征effluent characteristics
污水环境科学wastewater environmental science
污水生物分类saprobic classification
污水电导率effluent conductivity
污水离析水流waste isolation flow
污水稀释waste dilution
污水稳定化stabilization of sewage
污水管网network of sewers
污水组分composition of sewage water
污水综合管理规划方法comprehensive wastewater management planning process
污水脱色sewage decolorisation
污水负荷wastewater loading
污水waste way
污水wastewater volume
污水需氧量effluent oxygen demand
河水污染生物学评价biological evaluation of river water pollution
河流水质区域污水处理优化设计optimizing planning of regional wastewater treatment fbr river water quality
河道污水浓度instream waste concentration
污水strong wastes
淡水水体污染contamination of freshwater bodies
淡水生态系统污染毒物评估toxicological assessment of pollution of freshwater ecosystems
深水曝气活性污泥法deep water aeration activated sludge process
混合污水-暴雨水收集系统combined wastewater-stormwater collection system
混合下水道溢流纳污水体监测combined sewer overflow receiving water monitoring
混合暴雨与生活污水管道combined storm and sanitary sewer
漂白厂污水bleachery waste
潜在水污染指示物indicators of potential contamination of water
灰水化粪池污水graywater septic tank effluent
爆发性污染废水explosive contaminated wastewater
牛皮纸厂污水kraft-mill effluent
牛皮纸漂白污水kraft bleach wastewater
牛皮纸漂白厂污水生色团kraft bleachery effluent chromophores
生产污水处理装置process waste treatment plant
生活污水residential wastewater
生活污水domestic wastewater
生活污水house wastewater
生活污水domestic effluent
生活污水低温预处理low temperature pre-treatment of domestic sewage
生活污水管道sanitary sewer
生活污水管道设计sanitary sewer design
生活污水系统sanitary sewer system
生物处理过的生活污水biotreated domestic wastewaters
甲型半污水生物带α-mesosaprobic zone
甲型多污水生物带α-polysaprobic zone
甲型寡污水生物带α-oligosaprobic zone
甲基叔丁基醚污染水methyl tert-butyl ether-contaminated water
电镀工业污水plating industry sewage
病原体污水pathological waste
病原体水体污染water body pollution by pathogen
病毒污染水体viruses contaminating water body
真空辅助污泥脱水床vacuum-assisted sludge dewatering bed
石油工业污水oil industry wastewater
矿山污水colliery effluent
离心污水浓缩机centrifugal wastewater concentrator
粉煤灰-污水污泥混合物fly ash-sewage sludge mixture
污水fecal sewage
污水体影响receiving water impacts
污水体水质模型receiving water quality model
污水receiving water area
纺织工业染整水污染物排放标准discharge standard of water pollutant for dyeing and finishing of textile industry
经济型污水处理厂设计economical design of wastewater treatment facilities
综合二级污水处理后出水synthetic secondary wastewater effluent
美国内政部联邦水污染控制管理局现改名为美国环境保护局联邦水质管理局Federal Water Pollution Control Administration USDI
美国国家水污染控制法令National Water Pollution Control Act (US, 1972年制订,1977年修订)
美国水污染控制联合会现名美国水环境联合会American Water Pollution Control Federation now American Water Environment Federation
美国联邦水污染控制法Federal Water Pollution Control Act
美国联邦水污染控制法修正案Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments
美国联邦清洁水法令国家污染物排放消除许可证制度National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Permit System in Federal Clean Water Act
脱水污泥dewatered sludge
脱水污泥dehydrating sludge
腐臭污水stale sewage
自然污染源水域natural source waters
舱底污水bilge water
船用生活污水处理系统ship board domestic waste disposal system
被油污染的水体oil polluted waters
被油污染的水域oil polluted waters
超声波污水处理wastewater treatment using ultrasound
轻污染水体oligosaprobic waters
造纸工业排放水污染物水质标准discharged water standard of discharged water pollutant for paper industry
酒厂污水distillery waste
酸性矿坑污水acid mine drainage waste
金属电镀污水metal plating wastewater
金属粉-污水filings/wastewater ratio
钻井污水well-drilling sewage
长期污水long-term wastewater
间接地下水污染indirect pollution of groundwater
限定排污水water quality based effluent limitation
污水sewage joining well
集中式污水处理centralized waste treatment
集中式污水收集处理系统centralized wastewater collection and treatment system
集中式污水管理centralized management of wastewater
集污池纳污水catchment receiving waters
露天采矿水污染water pollution from strip-mining
非混合污水管道流no combined sewer flows
非点污染源地下水污染nonpoint source groundwater contamination
非点污染源水污染nonpoint source water pollution
非点污染源水质水量模拟nonpoint source water quality and quantity modeling
预处理-混凝-厌氧水解-循环式活性污泥法pretreatment-coagulation-anaerobic hydrolysis-cyclic activated sludge technology
饮用水含污染物容许量drinking tolerance
高效活性污泥污水处理high rate activated sludge waste treatment
高浓度氨污水highly concentrated ammoniacal sewage