
Terms for subject Technology containing 污染物 | all forms | in specified order only
一级污染物primary pollutant
一般污染物prevalent pollutant
不可生物降解有机污染物non-biodegradable organic pollutant
不可降解污染物non-degradable pollutant
不污染环境的聚合物environmentally friendly polymer
不起化学反应的污染物non-mixing bowl pollutant
临界污染物浓度critical pollutant concentration
主要污染物principal pollutant
优先污染物priority pollutant
优先控制污染物priority considered pollutant
优先有机污染物排放organic priority pollutant compound
优先监测污染物priority monitoring pollutant
传统污染物traditional pollutant
伴生污染物associated pollutant
伴生污染物associated contaminant
允许污染物浓度admissible pollutant concentration
光化学污染物photochemical air pollutant
光化学污染物photochemical pollutant
全国空气有害污染物排放标准national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants
分子态污染物molecule stated contaminant
初始污染物primary pollutant
初始污染物initial pollutant
初始污染物质量primary pollutant mass
初始污染物质量initial pollutant mass
初始污染物primary amount of pollutant
初始污染物initial amount of pollutant
初次污染物primary pollutant
初级污染物primary pollutant
刺激性污染物irritating pollutant
前体污染物precursor pollutant
化学污染物chemical contaminant
化学污染物source of chemical contaminant
化学物污染源source of chemicals
化学物种污染源source of chemical species
单个污染物individual pollutant
单位污染物负荷pollutant load per unit
单位污染物负荷率unit pollutant loading rate
单分散污染物monodispersed pollutant
单色散污染物monodispersed pollutant
合成有机污染物synthetical organic contaminant
合成有机污染物synthetic organic contaminant
合流污水中的污染物pollutants in combined sewage
同位素污染物isotope pollutant
同位素污染物isotope contaminant
含有机污染物废水wastewater containing organic pollutant
含毒性污染物toxic pollutant
含水污染物aqueous pollutant
含油污染物oily pollutant
土壤污染物soil pollutant
土壤含氮污染物soil nitrogenous pollutant
土壤生物污染biological pollution of soil
土壤生物污染biologic pollution of soil
地下水污染物groundwater pollutant (质)
地下水污染物groundwater contaminant (质)
地下水污染物输移transport of groundwater pollutants
地下水污染物输移transport of groundwater contaminants
地区水污染排放物标准discharge standards for regional pollutants
处理过的污水污染物treated effluent contaminant
复合污染物complex contaminant
复合污染物指数combined pollutant index
外源污染物exogenous pollutant
外生污染物exogenous pollutant
多分散污染物polydispersed pollutant
多氯联苯污染物polychlorinated biphenyl pollutant
多相分散的污染物polydispersed pollutant
大气污染物atmospheric polluting material
大气污染物传感器atmospheric contaminant sensor
大气污染物分析仪atmospheric contaminant analyzer
大气污染物滞留区atmospheric area
大气污染物的相互作用interaction of atmospheric pollutants
大气污染物的相互作用interaction of atmospheric contaminants
大气污染物质去除removal of atmospheric pollutants
大气污染物质去除过程removal process of atmospheric pollutants
大气中氧化性污染物atmospheric oxidant
大气微生物污染microbiologic pollution of atmosphere
大气污染对植物的影响effect of atmospheric pollution on plants
大气污染指示动物indicator animals for atmospheric pollution
大气污染指示植物indicator plants for atmospheric pollution
大气污染指示物indicator organisms for atmospheric pollution
大气污染生物净化biological purification of atmospheric pollution
大气污染生物净化biologic purification of atmospheric pollution
大气污染生物学监测biological monitoring of atmospheric pollution
大气污染生物学监测biologic monitoring of atmospheric pollution
大气污染生物学评价biological assessment of atmospheric pollution
大气污染生物学评价biologic assessment of atmospheric pollution
大气生物污染biological pollution of atmosphere
大气生物污染biologic pollution of atmosphere
大量污染物volume of pollutant
天然有机污染物natural organic pollutant
常规污染物conventional pollutant
弱状污染物fanning pollutant
强烈造成污染的货物pollution-intensive goods
污染物total pollutant
污染物total contaminant
污染物负荷total pollutant loading
污染物负荷total contaminant loading
污染物量控制total pollutant quantity control
污染物量控制total contaminant quantity control
总流域污染物负荷total watershed contaminant load
总纳污水体污染物平衡total receiving water pollutant budget
手提式污染物采集器portable contaminant collector
持恒污染物conservative pollutant
持续性污染物persistent pollutant
指数污染物损失exponential loss of pollutant mass
挥发性污染物volatile contaminant
挥发性污染物分析volatile contaminant analysis
挥发性有机污染物volatile organic pollutant
挥发性有机污染物volatile organic contaminant
放射性物质污染radioactive material contamination
最先污染物priority pollutant
最大污染物浓度maximum concentration of pollutant
最大容许污染物浓度maximum allowable contamination concentration
最常用污染物控制技术best conventional pollutant control technology
最高污染物水平maximum polluted level
最高污染物水平指标maximum polluted level goal
有害污染物harmful pollutant
有害空气污染物hazardous air pollutant
有害的大气污染物hazardous air pollutant
有机污染物分布自记仪distribution register of organic pollutant
有机污染物分析organic pollutant analysis
有机污染物标准organic pollutant criterion
有机污染物累积organic pollutant accumulation
有机污染物负荷organic pollutant load
有机微污染物organic micropollutant
有机水污染物organic water pollutant
有机污染生物指数biotic index of organic pollution
有机物水污染water pollution by organic substance
有机物污染organic contamination
有机锡化合物污染organotin compounds contamination
有毒污染物水平level of toxic pollutant
有毒污染物浓度toxic pollutant concentration
有毒化学物质污染pollution by toxic chemicals
有毒有机污染物toxic organic pollutant
有毒有机污染物toxic organic contaminant
有毒物质污染toxic substance pollution
有毒物质点污染源排放toxics point source discharge
标准污染物criterion pollutant
污染物nuclear pollutant
植物毒性空气污染物phytotoxic air pollutant
植物营养物污染pollution by plant nutritious substance
次生大气污染物secondary air pollutant
次生空气污染物secondary air pollutant
次级污染物secondary pollutant
欧洲污染物长途运输方案programme on long-range transport of pollutants over Europe
欧洲污染物长途运输方案program on long-range transport of pollutants over Europe
气传污染物air-borne pollutant
气传污染物air-borne contaminant
气体污染物gas pollutant
气体污染物gaseous pollutant
气体污染物gas contaminant
气态污染物控制control of gaseous pollutant
气态污染物控制control of gaseous contaminant
气溶胶态污染物aerosol pollutant
气载污染物air-borne pollutant
气载污染物air-borne contaminant
气载污染物浓度air-borne pollutant concentration
气载污染物浓度air-borne contaminant concentration
气载颗粒污染物air-borne particulate pollutant
氟化物污染物fluoride pollutant
氟化物污染fluoride pollution
氮氧化物大气污染nitrogen oxide air pollution
氮氧化物污染pollution by nitrogen oxides
氮氧化物污染控制control of nitrogen oxides
氯化物污染chloride pollution
氰化物污染物cyanide pollutant
氰化物污染cyanide pollution
污染物water contaminant
污染物毒性生物评价biological assessment of water pollutant toxicity
污染物毒性生物评价biologic assessment of water pollutant toxicity
水传播的污染物water-borne contaminant
水体污染物pollutant in water body
水体无机物污染inorganic pollution of water body
水体物理污染physical pollution of water body
水体生物污染biologic pollution of water body
水体生物污染控制water body biological pollution control
水媒污染物water-borne contaminant
水成有机污染物aqueous organic pollutant
水污染指示生物water pollution indicating organism
水污染指示生物indicator organisms for water pollution
水污染指示生物indicating organism for water pollution
水污染生物学评价bioassessment of water pollution
水污染生物指数biological index of water pollution
水污染生物指数biological index of water-pollution
水污染生物指数biotic index of water pollution
水污染生物指数biologic index of water-pollution
水污染生物指示法biologic indicator of water pollution
水污染生物指示法biological indicator of water pollution
水污染生物指示法biological indication of water pollution
水污染生物指示法biologic indication of water pollution
水污染生物测定water pollution bioassay
水污染生物测定bioassay for water pollution
水溶态污染物water-soluble state pollutant
水生生物农药污染aquatic pesticide contamination
水的污染物water contaminants
水的生物污染指数biological index of water-pollution
水的生物污染指数biologic index of water-pollution
水质污染物water quality pollutant
水载污染物water-borne contaminant
污染物mercury contaminant
污染货物dirty cargo
污染发散物pollutant emission
污染密集货物pollution-intensive goods
污染微生物学pollution microbiology
污染指标物indicator of pollution
污染指示物pollution indicator
污染指示生物pollution indication organism
污染指示生物pollutional indicating organism
污染控制建筑物pollution control structure
污染毒物评估toxicological assessment of pollution
污染源排污物组分比率source contribution ratio
污染物polluted substance
污染物polluted matter
污染物与环境的相互作用pollutant interaction with environment
污染物产生量pollutant generation quantity
污染物传播pollutant dispersion
污染物侵蚀转移transport of pollutant by erosion
污染物分析仪pollutant analyzer
污染物分析器pollutant analyzer
污染物分离isolation of pollutant
污染物分类contaminant classification
污染物分类classification of pollutants
污染物分解decay of pollutant
污染物削减量quantity of pollutant reduced
污染物动力学pollutant dynamics
污染物化学pollutant chemistry
污染物单位负荷pollutant load per unit
污染物去除率pollutant removal rate
污染物去除系数pollutant removal efficiency
污染物含量pollutant content
污染物含量contaminant content
污染物pollutant mass
污染物团释放free of pollutant mass
污染物在土壤中的迁移transport of pollutant in soil
污染物在大气中的总份额total air-borne fraction
污染物地址大循环geological circle of pollutants
污染物地址大循环geologic circle of pollutants
污染物处理pollutant disposal
污染物完全产生系数complete production coefficient of impurities
污染物对人和社会的影响pollutant effect on man and society
污染物对气候的影响pollutant effect on climate
污染物对鱼类的影响pollutant effect on fishes
污染物平衡pollutant equilibrium
污染物总量控制total amount control of pollutant
污染物感受性pollutant susceptibility
污染物成分pollutant constituent
污染物扩散pollutant dispersion
污染物扩散diffusion of pollutant
污染物扩散dispersal of pollutant
污染物扩散contamination dispersal
污染物扩散标准pollutant emission standard
污染物扩散输移dispersive pollutant transport
污染物扩散运动dispersive movement of contaminant
污染物折纯碱量pollutant quantity in pure base
污染物持久性persistency of pollutant
污染物指标pollutant target
污染物指标pollutant index
污染物排出pollutant discharge
污染物排放pollutant discharge
污染物排放discharge of sewage
污染物排放effluent discharge
污染物排放标准standard for discharge of pollutants
污染物排放标准pollutant discharge standard
污染物排放标准总量total amount of pollutant discharge standard
污染物排放浓度pollutant discharge concentration
污染物排放消除体系pollutant discharge elimination system
污染物排放申报登记discharge of reporting and registering
污染物排放申报登记declaration and registration of pollutant discharge
污染物排放申报登记制度system of reporting and registering pollutant emission
污染物排放申报登记制度declaration and registration system of pollutant discharge
污染物排放许可证pollution license
污染物排放许可证permit for pollutant discharge
污染物排放负荷pollutant discharge loading
污染物排放质量pollutant discharge quality
污染物排放通道pathways of pollutant discharge
污染物排放量quantity of discharge
污染物排放量effluent level
污染物排除contaminant removal
污染物接受者pollutant recipient
污染物控制技术标准pollutant control technology standard
污染物散布pollutant dispersion
污染物散布pollutant dispersal
污染物易感性pollutant susceptibility
污染物最终处理final treatment of pollutant
污染物来源鉴别pollutant source identification
污染物标准指数pollutant standard index
污染物标准指标准pollutant standard index
污染物检出率detective rate of pollutant
污染物残留质量mass of pollutant remaining
污染物水平contaminant level
污染物污染指标the pollution quota of pollutant
污染物沉淀物相互作用pollutant-sediment interaction
污染物活度activity of pollutant
污染物流束plume of contaminant
污染物流股plume of contaminant
污染物流量quantity of pollutant flow
污染物测定measurement of contaminant
污染物浓度pollutant level
污染物浓度concentration of pollutant
污染物浓度动态特征dynamics of pollutant concentration
污染物浓度场pollutant concentration field
污染物浓度控制pollutant concentration control
污染物浓度水平pollutant concentration level
污染物浓度的每日容许摄取量acceptable daily intake
污染物浓度限度pollutant concentration limit
污染物浓度预报pollutant concentration prediction
污染物混合combination of pollutant
污染物清单list of polluting substance
污染物清单list of pollutant
污染物烟缕plume of contaminant
污染物烟缕contaminant plume
污染物烟缕预报contaminant plume prediction
污染物物料衡算material balance calculation of pollutant
污染物生产量pollutant generation quantity
污染物生物检测contaminant biomonitoring
污染物生物降解biodegradation of pollutant
污染物的传播途径pollutant pathway
污染物的侵蚀转移transport of pollutant by erosion
污染物的化学降解pollutant chemical degradation
污染物的危害hazards of pollutant
污染物的地质大循环geological cycle of pollutants
污染物的地质大循环geologic cycle of pollutants
污染物的形态form of pollutant
污染物的影响pollutant effect
污染物的持久性pollutant persistency
污染物的持久性persistence of pollutant
污染物的毒性toxicity of pollutant
污染物的物理吸附与物理沉淀physical absorption and deposition of pollutant
污染物的生物地球化学循环biogeochemistry cycle of pollutant
污染物的生物地球化学循环biogeochemical cycle of pollutants
污染物的生物评价biological assessment of pollutant
污染物的生物评价biologic assessment of pollutant
污染物的生物降解biodegradation of pollutant
污染物的累积build-up of pollutants
污染物的自净作用pollutant self-purification
污染物的转化transformation of pollutant
污染物的转移transfer of pollutant
污染物的迁移transport of pollutant
污染物的近地面浓度ground-level concentration of contaminant
污染物的铅直梯度vertical gradient of pollutant
污染物的长期效应long-term effects of pollutant
污染物监测pollutant surveillance
污染物监测pollutant monitoring
污染物监视pollutant surveillance
污染物目标pollutant target
污染物目标暴露pollutant target exposure
污染物直接产生系数direct production coefficient of impurities
污染物瞬时流场contaminant transient flow field
污染物短期浓度short-term concentration of contaminant
污染物group of contaminants
污染物累积pollutant accumulation
污染物累积contaminant accumulation
污染物累积量amount of pollutant accumulation
污染物综合指数combined pollutant index
污染物行径pollutant pathway
污染物补偿政策pollutant offset policy
污染物表征pollutant characterization
污染物评估contaminant assessment
污染物识别pollutant identification
污染物负荷pollutant burden (量)
污染物负荷pollutant loading (量)
污染物负荷contaminant loading (量)
污染物负荷模式pollutant burden pattern
污染物polluted matter
污染物polluted substance
污染物pollutional matter
污染物pollutant substance
污染物质处理pollutant treatment
污染物质的地面浓度ground concentration of pollutant
污染物质远期效应long-term effects of pollutant
污染物质量pollutant mass
污染物质量mass of pollutant
污染物质量连续性continuity of pollutant mass
污染物路径pollutant pathway
污染物转化pollutant transformation
污染物输移transformation of pollutant
污染物输移pollutant transport
污染物输移contaminant transport
污染物输移模型pollutant transport model
污染物输移模拟模型pollutant transport simulation model
污染物输移转化pollutant transport transformation
污染物输移预报pollutant transport prediction
污染物迁移transport of pollutants
污染物远程输送long-range transport of pollutant
污染物途径pathway of pollutants
污染物采样contamination sampling
污染物释放release of pollutant
污染物释放pollution release
污染物释放free of pollutant mass
污染物量控制quantity control of pollutant
污染物鉴别pollutant identification
污染物鉴别identification of pollutant
污染物鉴定identification of pollutant
污染物降解degradation of pollutant (substance, 作用)
污染物降解pollutant degradation (作用)
污染物降解degradation of contaminant (作用)
污染生物学pollution biology
污染生物指数biological index of pollution
污染生物指数biologic index of pollution
污染生物指示器biological indicator of pollution
污染生物指示器biologic indicator of pollution
污染生物监测biological monitoring of pollution
污染生物监测biologic monitoring of pollution
污染的指标生物index organism for pollution
污染的生物监测biological monitoring of pollution
污染的生物监测biologic monitoring of pollution
污染积成物pollution accretion
污染货物contaminative cargo
污染食物contaminated food
污水污染物wastewater pollutant
污水污染物排放标准wastewater pollutant discharge standard
污水污染指示物indicator of sewage pollution
温血动物污染warm-blooded animal pollution
潛在污染物latent pollutants
潛在污染物potential pollutants
潜伏污染物potential pollutant
潜在污染物potential source of pollutant
潜在污染物potential pollutant source
潜在污染物latent pollutant source
潜在水污染指示物indicator of potential contamination of water
潜水隐污染物latent pollutant
潜隐污染物latent pollutant
物理污染物physical pollutant
物理污染physical pollution
物理污染指数physical pollution index
生态与微量元素污染物分析ecology and analysis of trace contaminant
生物污染物biological pollutant
生物污染物biologic pollutant
生物体污染物负荷量body burden of pollutant
生物体污染organism pollution
生物化学污染标准biochemical pollution standard
生物圈污染biosphere contamination
生物学污染度biological index of water pollution
生物性污染biologic pollution
生物抗污染性organism resistance to pollution
生物水污染water pollution by organism
生物污染biologic contamination
生物污染biologic pollution
生物污染biotic pollution
生物污染图biotic pollution map
生物污染指数biological index of pollution
生物污染指数biotic index
生物污染指数biologic index of pollution
生物污染源biological sources of pollution
生物污染源biologic sources of pollution
生物污染综合控制integrated control of biological pollution
生物污染综合控制integrated control of biologic pollution
生物污染综合防治integrated control of biologic pollution
生物污染评价biological pollution assessment
生物污染评价biologic pollution assessment
生物环境污染物biological environment pollutant
生物环境污染物biologic environment pollutant
生物防治污染prevention and control of pollution with organism
污染物arsenic pollutant
污染物arsenic contaminant
硫化物污染sulfide pollution
硫化物污染失光sulphide staining
硫化物污染失光sulfide staining
硫氧化物污染pollution by sulfur oxides
稳态污染物浓度steady-state concentration of pollutant
污染物tolerance species
耐放射性污染物resistance to radioactive contaminants
耐污染植物pollution tolerant plant
耐污染生物pollution tolerant organism
耗氧污染物oxygen consumptive pollutant
耗氧物质污染pollution by oxygen consumptive substance
联合污染物指数combined pollutant index
腐蚀污染物corrosion pollutant
腐蚀污染物corrosion contaminant
航运污染物shipping pollutant
表面污染物质检测仪surface contaminant detector
逆风污染物upwind wind source of pollution
造纸工业水污染物排放标准discharge standard of water pollutant for paper industry
污染物phenolic pollutant
防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染的海洋公约Convention on Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes and Other Matters into Ocean
阴离子合成表面活性污染物anionic synthetical surface-active pollutant
阴离子合成表面活性污染物anionic synthetic surface-active pollutant
阴离子有机污染物anionic organic contaminant
陆地污染物land pollutant
陆源污染物land-sourced pollutant
污染物remove pollutant
污染物pollutant removal
除微污染物micropollutant removal
除有机污染物organic pollutant removal
除有机污染物organic contaminant removal
非恒定污染物non-conservative pollutant
非持久性污染物non-conservative pollutant
非挥发性污染物non-volatile contaminant
非活性污染物non-reactive contaminant
非活性污染物non-mixing bowl pollutant
非点污染源污染物输出non-point source pollutant output
非点源污染物non-point source pollutant
非点源污染物滞留时间non-point source pollutant residence time
非点源污染物输移模拟non-point source pollutant transport modeling
非离子型有机污染物non-ionic organic contaminant
非致癌污染物non-carcinogen pollutant
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