
Terms for subject Economy containing 汇 总 表 | all forms | in specified order only
人工汇总表labour summary
估算汇总表estimate summary
分组汇总的财务报表grouping financial statement
半成品发出汇总表the recapitulation of semifinished products issued
历史资料汇总表historical summary
发料总汇表material requisition summary
固定资产折旧汇总表depreciation summary
客户定单汇总表summary of customer's orders
工资汇总表payroll wage summary
成品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
损坏工作汇总表material of spoiled work
汇总损益表consolidated profit and loss sheet
汇总损益表consolidated income statement
汇总表summary sheet
汇总表position sheet
汇总表a recapitulation statement
汇总资产债表consolidated statement
汇总资产负债表consolidated statement of resources and obligations
汇总资产负债表consolidated balance sheet
现金收支汇总表combined statement of cash receipts and disbursement