
Terms containing 汇 总 表 | all forms | in specified order only
hydroel.st.主要建筑工程量汇总表Summary of quantities of main civil works
busin.产业部门汇总表industry tabulation
econ.人工汇总表labour summary
busin.人工汇总表labour summary
tech.人工成本汇总表summary of labour cost
tech.人工成本汇总表summary of labor cost
hydroel.st.代表性方案的主要工程量汇总表summary of main working quantities of the representative alternative
econ., construct.估算汇总表estimate summary
interntl.trade.借款汇总表summary statement of borrowings
tech.全厂工资汇总表summary of factory wages
tech.全厂工资税汇总表summary of factory payroll taxes
busin.全厂薪工税汇总表summary of factory payroll taxes
busin.凭证汇总表summary of vouchers
econ.分组汇总的财务报表grouping financial statement
tech.列入总汇表的数据tabulated data
securit.利润汇总表consolidated income sheet
interntl.trade.制品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
commer.制成产品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
fin.制成品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
busin.劳动力汇总表labor summary
econ.半成品发出汇总表the recapitulation of semifinished products issued
busin.半成品发出汇总表recapitulation of semi-finished products issued
tech.单价汇总表abstract of bids (工程)
econ.历史资料汇总表historical summary
fin.原始凭证汇总表summary of original vouchers
busin.原始凭证汇总表summary of original documents
interntl.trade.发出商品汇总表goods-delivered summary
busin.发出商品汇总表goods delivered summary
busin.发料汇总表summary of materials issued
tech.发料汇总表material requisition summary
econ.发料总汇表material requisition summary
fin.各部应负责任汇总表summary of responsibility
econ.固定资产折旧汇总表depreciation summary
hydroel.st.坝址、厂址方案比较汇总表summary of alternative comparison of dam area and powerhouse area
interntl.trade.实际及已分配制造费用汇总表summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expenses
econ.客户定单汇总表summary of customer's orders
busin.客户订单汇总表summary of customer's order
tech.客户订单汇总表summary of customer's orders
fin.工业股票汇总表portfolio of industrial share
securit.工业股票汇总表portfolio of industrial shares
avia.工作延误汇总表job delay summary (这是一种表格,MD82/MD83, MD90-30, ARJ21, C919等机型生产时,张贴于工作区处,如飞机在生产过程中,出现图纸不协调、工艺技术、工艺装配和零件短缺等各种问题,直接影响计划进度时,由工长将问题填写在现场的 JDS上,提出是什么问题影响生产,各职能部门的现场联络员对 JDS 每天跟踪,发现需要本部门解决的问题,立即采取有效措施做出处理,写明解决问题的具体日期,并限期解决,工长最后签字,表示同意。JDS 的作用是:①加强现场问题的处理保证生产进度; ②明确责任,沟通各职能部门与生产车间的联系; ③促进职能部门作风的改进,服务现场; ④及时提供信息; ⑤生产计划实施的信息反馈)
bridg.constr.工程数量汇总表collecting quantity table
hydroel.st.工程量汇总表Summary bill of quantities
proj.manag.工程量清单汇总表summary of bill of quantities
fin.工资汇总表payroll recapitulation (payroll summary)
busin.工资汇总表wage summary
interntl.trade.工资汇总表wages summary
econ.工资汇总表payroll wage summary
busin.工资汇总表payroll summary
busin.工资汇总表payroll recapitulation
fin.工资及福利费分配汇总表summary of apportionment of wages and welfare benefits
busin.工资及福利附加费分配汇总表summary of apportionment of wages and welfare benefits
fin.工资支出汇总表wage payment summary
busin.工资税金汇总表summary of payroll taxes
tech.已分摊制造费用汇总表summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied
interntl.trade.已分配制造费用汇总表summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied
fin.已分配制造费用汇总表summary of manufacturing expense applied (summary of standing orders and applied manufacturing expenses)
busin.已分配推销及管理费用汇总表summary of applied selling and administrative expenses
interntl.trade.已分配销售及管理费用汇总表summary of applied selling and administrative expenses
busin.应税厂工资汇总表summary of taxable factory wages
tech.废损材料汇总表summary of scrap and spoiled materials
interntl.trade.开发信贷汇总表summary statement of development credits
econ.成品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
fin.成本汇总表cost summary
fin.所得税汇总申报表summary income tax return
proj.manag.投标报价汇总表summary of tender
busin.折旧汇总表depreciation summary
busin.报废材料汇总表summary of scrap and spoiled materials
busin.损坏工件汇总表summary of spoiled work
fin.损坏工作汇总表summary of spoiled work
econ.损坏工作汇总表material of spoiled work
tech.损毁作业汇总表summary of spoiled work
interntl.trade.损益汇总表profit and loss summary
tech.损益汇总表profit and loss summary account
textile损益汇总表,盈亏汇总账profit and loss summary account
proj.manag.损益表汇总反映企业在某一特定时期内、如一个月或一年的收入和费用The income statement presents a summary of the revenues and expenses of an entity for a specific period of time, such as a month or a year
interntl.trade.收支汇总表summary statement of receipt and expenditures
fin.收支汇总表summary of income and expense
tech.收支汇总表summary statement of receipts and expenditures
tech.收支汇总表summary of receipts and expenditures
interntl.trade.收料汇总表summary of materials received
tech.收料汇总表summary of material received
busin.收益汇总表summary of earning
tech.收益汇总表summary of earnings
busin.收益盈余汇总表combined statement of income and surplus
fin.收益费用汇总表summary of income and expenses
proj.manag.施工进度汇总表construction summary schedule
busin.汇总表monthly summary
fin.月份汇总表monthly summary
busin.月度汇总表monthly summary
busin.未交订货与已分摊制造费用汇总表summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expense
bridg.constr.材料汇总表list of summary of materials
bridg.constr.材料汇总表summary of materials
manag.材料汇总表materials summary
tech.材料及设备汇总表summary of materials and requirements
tech.材料损耗汇总表summary of scrap and spoiled materials
interntl.trade.材料耗损汇总表summary of scrap and spoiled materials
commer.材料耗用汇总表summary sheet of materials used
tech.材料耗用汇总表materials used summary sheet
busin.材料设备汇总表summary list of materials and equipment
hydroel.st.枢纽布置方案比较汇总表comparison summary of main structure layouts
tech.标价汇总表bid tabulation
tech.标价汇总表bid abstract
tech.标准统计汇总表standard statistical tabulation
fin.残废料汇总表summary of scrap and spoiled materials
hydroel.st.永久及施工临时用地汇总表Summary of land requisition for permanent use and constructi temporary use
busin.汇总会计报表combined accounting statement
tech.汇总会计报表summary settlement
proj.manag.汇总估价表estimate summary
securit.汇总报表consolidated statement
econ.汇总损益表consolidated income statement
econ.汇总损益表consolidated profit and loss sheet
busin.汇总损益表consolidated profit and loss statement
oil汇总损益表consolidated income sheet
tech.汇总损益表consolidated in come statement
UN, account.汇总表summary
corp.gov.汇总表summary statement
exhib.汇总表aggregated list
auto.汇总表condensed table
bridg.constr.汇总表summary statement
textile汇总表summary list
tech.汇总表summarizing schedule
work.fl.汇总表summary table
econ.汇总表a recapitulation statement
econ.汇总表summary sheet
econ.汇总表position sheet
fin.汇总表recapitulation statement
securit.汇总表recap sheet
econ.汇总资产债表consolidated statement
oil汇总资产负债表composite balance sheet
econ.汇总资产负债表consolidated balance sheet
econ.汇总资产负债表consolidated statement of resources and obligations
securit.汇总资产负债表consolidated statement of resources
USA泽塔实验室公司附录 H 国外雷达型号汇总表320系列雷达 S 波段三坐标雷达Zeta Labs.
busin.现金凭证汇总表cash vouchers summary
securit.现金凭证汇总表cash voucher's summary
fin.现金收支汇总表summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements
interntl.trade.现金收支汇总表summary statement of cash receipt and disbursements
busin.现金收支汇总表summary statement of cash receipt and disbursement
busin.现金收支汇总表combined statement of cash receipts and disbursements
commer.现金收支汇总表summary sheet of cash receipts and disbursements
econ.现金收支汇总表combined statement of cash receipts and disbursement
busin.现金收支汇总表combined statement of cash receipt and disbursement
fin.现金收支汇总表-所有基金combined statement of cash receipts and disbursements-all funds
busin.现金收支汇总表—所有基金combined statement of c.ash receipts and disbursements-all funds
fin.生产成本汇总表cost of production report
busin.生产费用汇总表summary of production expenses
bridg.constr.用料汇总表summary of consumed materials
fin.用料汇总表summary of materials consumed
fin.盈余汇总表summary of earnings
tech.科目汇总表categorized accounts summary
busin.科目汇总表账务处理程序bookkeeping procedure using categorized account summary
busin.耗用材料汇总表summary of materials consumed
tech.耗用材料汇总表summary of material consumed
interntl.trade.耗用零件汇总表summary of cost of finished parts used
busin.耗用零件成本汇总表summary of cost of finished parts used
tech.耗用零件成本汇总表summary of cost finished parts used
busin.联邦储备银行汇总资产负债表consolidated statement of condition of all federal reserve banks
busin.营业收支汇总表summary of operation revenues and expenses
fin.营业收支汇总表summary of operating revenue and expense
tech.营业收支汇总表summary of operating revenue and expenses
interntl.trade.薪资汇总表payroll summary
interntl.trade.薪资汇总表payroll recapitulation
fin.薪金分析汇总表payroll recapitulation (payroll summary)
tech.表格汇总tabular compilation
fin.记账凭证汇总表summary of vouchers
avia.设计规定汇总表design specification summary sheet
tech.财力负担汇总表summary statement of resources and obligations
busin.财务分类汇总表grouping financial statement
fin.财务状况汇总表summary of financial position
busin.责任制造成本汇总表factory cost responsibility summary
interntl.trade.贷款汇总表summary statement of loan
interntl.trade.资产负债变动汇总表summary of balance sheet changes
fin.资产负债变动汇总表summary of balance sheet change
fin.运输收入汇总表summary of transportation revenue
interntl.trade.退料汇总表summary of materials returned
interntl.trade.退货成本汇总表summary of cost of returned goods
fin.部门成本汇总表departmental cost summary sheet
fin.销售成本汇总表summary of cost of goods sold
fin.销货定单汇总表summary of customer’s orders
interntl.trade.销货成本汇总表summary of cost of goods sold
fin.预算汇总表budget summary
tech.预算汇总表budget procedure
IMF.预算总汇表budget summary