
Terms containing 汇费 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.为了付还费用,你方可开汇票向我方支取In reimbursement of this cost you may draw on us
textile佣金与汇费commission and exchange
busin.佣金加汇费价格Commission and Exchange
busin.使用费汇款最高限额ceiling on remittance of royalties
textile使用费汇款的最高限额ceiling on remittance of royalties
fin.汇费exchange cost
econ.兑付汇票手续费payment commission
econ.兑付汇票的手续费payment commission
textile出口押汇费charges for negotiation of export bills
busin.出口押汇费charge for negotiation of export bills
tech.分段运费的汇总combination of sectional charges
commer.到岸价加汇费CIF and exchange
busin.到岸价加汇费成本、保险费、运费加汇费价cost, insurance, freight and exchange
shipb.到岸价加汇费cost, insurance, freight and exchangeCIFE
interntl.trade.到岸价加汇费及到达目的港价CIFE port of destination
interntl.trade.到岸价加汇费及到达目的港价cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination
textile到岸价格加汇费CIF and exchange
interntl.trade.到岸价格加汇费成本、保险费、运费加汇费价cost, insurance, freight and exchange
econ.到岸价格加汇费CIF and exchange
econ.到岸价格加汇费cost, insurance, and freight and exchange
interntl.trade.到岸价格加汇费成本、保险费、运费加汇费价cost, insurance freight and exchange
shipb.到岸价格加汇费cost, insurance, freight and exchange
textile到岸价格加汇费价,成本、保险费、运费加汇费价cost,insurance,freight and exchange
econ.到岸价格加汇费价格cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination (货价、保险费、运费及到目的港价)
avia.到岸价格加汇费价格cost, freight, insurance and exchange
textile到岸价格加汇费及到目的港价,成本、保险费、运费、汇费加到目的港价格cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination
tech.到岸价格加代理费和汇费cost, insurance, freight, commission and exchange
tech.到岸价格加佣金,汇费及利息cost, insurance, freight, commission, exchange and interest
textile到岸价格加佣金、汇费及利息,成本加保险费、运费、佣金、汇费及利息价格cost, insurance, freight, commission, exchange and interest
textile到岸价格加利息及汇费,成本、保险费、运费加利息及汇费价cost, insurance, freight, interest and exchange
tech.到岸价格加利息和汇费cost, insurance, freight, interest and exchange
busin.到岸价格加汇票费价格cost, freight insurance and exchange
textile到岸价格加汇票费价格,汇票在内的到岸价格cost, freight insurance and exchange
econ.到岸加汇费价格cost, insurance, freight and exchange
econ.到岸成本、运费、保险加汇费cost, freight, insurance and exchange
busin.加快费已电汇express paid by telegram
busin.加快费已电汇express paid by telegraph
interntl.trade.加快费已电汇付讫express paid by telegraph
commer.加快费已电汇支付express paid by telegraph
econ.汇费foreign exchange cost
busin.外汇兑换费用exchange cost
commer.外汇掉期费用swap cost
interntl.trade.定期付汇费bill for a term (period bill)
interntl.trade.实际及已分配制造费用汇总表summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expenses
commer.岀口押汇费charges for negotiation of export bills
fin.工资及福利费分配汇总表summary of apportionment of wages and welfare benefits
busin.工资及福利附加费分配汇总表summary of apportionment of wages and welfare benefits
tech.已分摊制造费用汇总表summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied
interntl.trade.已分配制造费用汇总表summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied
fin.已分配制造费用汇总表summary of manufacturing expense applied (summary of standing orders and applied manufacturing expenses)
busin.已分配推销及管理费用汇总表summary of applied selling and administrative expenses
interntl.trade.已分配销售及管理费用汇总表summary of applied selling and administrative expenses
econ.已汇去 2500 美元支付各项费用The remittance for $2500 has been sent to cover the expenses
econ.成本、 保险费、运费加汇费价,到岸价加汇费cost, insurance, freight and exchange
el.成本、保险费、运费、汇费及目的港价cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination (C.I.F. & E port of destination)
econ.成本、保险费、运费、汇费及目的港价cost, insurance, freight exchange and port of destination
interntl.trade.C.I.F. and E成本、保险费、运费加汇费到岸价格加汇费价cost, insurance, freight and exchange
earth.sc.成本、保险费、运费加汇费cost, insurance, freight and exchange
commer.成本、运费、保险费加汇费价格cost, freight, insurance and exchange
proj.manag.承兑汇票手续费acceptance commission
tech.押汇手续费negotiation charges
busin.押汇贴现费用指本国银行为押汇而垫付本国货币,向国外收回此笔垫款需费时日,故收取若干天贴现利息,称贴现费discount charge
proj.manag.损益表汇总反映企业在某一特定时期内、如一个月或一年的收入和费用The income statement presents a summary of the revenues and expenses of an entity for a specific period of time, such as a month or a year
proj.manag.汇费exchange cost
busin.汇费change-over cost
fin.收益费用汇总表summary of income and expenses
busin.未交订货与已分摊制造费用汇总表summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expense
interntl.trade.,汇票费charge for remittances
econ.汇兑手续费exchange commission
busin.汇兑手续费、exchange commission
textile汇兑手续费charges for transfers
textile汇兑手续费remittance fee
econ.汇兑手续费charge for remittances
busin.汇兑手续费exchange charge
proj.manag.汇兑附加费exchange surcharge
busin.汇回使用提成费remittance of royalties
busin.汇总收费bulk billing
telecom.汇总计费centralized charging
econ.汇总费在内的到岸价cost, insurance, freight and exchange
busin.汇款手续费及汇率差额bank charges & difference in rates of exchange
econ.汇款手续费和汇兑差额bank charges and difference in rates of exchange
busin.汇款手续费和汇兑差额bank charge and difference in rates of exchange
interntl.trade.汇款手续费和汇率差额bank charges & difference in rates of exchange
securit.汇款收费率remittance rate
textile汇款费charge for remittance
busin.汇款费率remittance rate
interntl.trade.汇费remittance fee
busin.汇费charge for transfers
econ.汇费cost of exchange
econ.汇费the remittance fee (charge)
interntl.trade.汇费charges for remittances
textile汇费charges for remittance
textile汇费charges for transfers
interntl.trade.汇费remittance charges
interntl.trade.汇费remittance charge
econ.汇费charges for transfers remittance fee
busin.汇费exchange charge
busin.汇费charge for remittance
busin.汇费charge for remittances
econ.汇费在内的到岸价格cost, insurance, freight and exchange
proj.manag.汇费支出remittance fee paid
proj.manag.汇费收入remittance fee received
tech.汇费remittance rate
proj.manag.汇费通知单remittance charge memo
busin.生产费用汇总表summary of production expenses
busin.汇费cable rate
logist.电汇手续费Telegraphic Transfer fee
busin.目的港交货的到岸价加汇费CIFE port of destination
textile目的港交货的到岸价格加汇费CIF exchange and port of destination
econ.目的港交货的到岸价格加汇费cost, insurance, and freight exchange and port of destination
econ.目的港交货的到岸价格加汇费CIF exchange and port of destination
busin.进口运费汇票import freight bill
econ.银行对顾客收取的费率或汇价bank's rates for customers
securit.银行承兑汇票费率banker's acceptance rate
tech.银行汇款手续费bank remittance fee
textile银行费用和汇兑差额bank charge and difference in rates of exchange