
Terms for subject Finances containing 汇款 | all forms | in specified order only
公证人作成汇票拒绝承兑或拒绝付款的证书noting and protest
凭汇票付款payment by bill (draft)
凭汇票信用证付款payment against draft credit
出口汇票作担保的贷款利率interest rate on loan secured by export trade bill
到货后付款汇票arrival bill
因外币借款而发生的汇兑差额exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings
国内汇兑结算存款domestic exchange settlement deposit
国库汇款treasury remittance
国库汇款treasury remittance order
国库汇款清算treasury remittance settlement
外币付款的汇票bill payable in foreign currency
外汇借款foreign exchange loan
外汇借款合同contract for foreign exchange loans
外汇抵押贷款foreign exchange mortgage loan
外汇综合协议标准条款Synthetic Agreements for Forward Exchange Recommended Terms and Com ditions
带电汇条款信用证L/C with T/T telegraphic transfer reimbursement clause
应解汇款remittances outstanding
开有我行存款帐户的通汇银行depository correspondent
往国外汇款transferring money abroad
承兑后付款汇票after-acceptance bill
拒绝付款汇票bill dishonored by non-payment
无人领取的汇款unclaimed remittance
汇人汇款通知advice of inward remittance
汇人款项inward remittance
汇出汇款或折换申请书application for outward remittance or conversion
汇款余额balance of remittance
汇款兑付通知advice of drafts
汇款兑付通知书advice of drafts
汇款收据receipt for remittance
汇款清帐send remittance to cover
银行间汇款结算town clearing
汇款转账凭证summarized transfer voucher
汇款通知remittance advice
特别提款权每日汇率daily special drawing rights rate
电汇存款wire deposits
自由外汇货款convertible credit
装船时电汇付款pay by T/T at time of shipment
见票付款汇票bill payable after sight
见票后3个月付款的汇款credit 3 months sight
银行汇款bank remittance
银行汇款bank money order
银行从邮箱收取汇款制度lock box system