
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一经要即应偿付simpler first demand guarantee
一般要general requirements
不保证船舶经常浮泊但要安全搁浅not always afloat but safe aground
不正当的损失赔偿要contemptuous damages
专门的承诺要specific commitment request
中间需intermediate demand
得更多的保障起见而作成的拒绝承兑证书protest for better security
书面形式上的要requirement of written form
交付股款的要call on shareholders
交叉需弹性cross-elasticity of demand
以抵消方式要偿还时效已完成的债权recourse to barred claims by set-off
优先的要a first claim
会议日期表以外的要request for departures from the calendar
supply and demand
关系supply-demand relations
关系supply and demand
法则law of supply and demand
供不应的市场tight market
依人力需以度计教育manpower approach to educational planning
依法提出赔偿要prosecute a claim
保留需reservation demand
值得用电报要增值warrant cabling for an increase
偿还请right of recourse
共同海损赔偿要的理算adjustment of claims for general average
具有购买力的需effectual demand
准备金要reserve requirement
减少总需措施expenditure-dampening policies
出售买方"所要货物"的合同"requirements" contract
出租人可以要随时归还的产业租地estate at will
分付请船员请求以薪水的一部分付给家属allotment note
受时效限制的赔偿要barred claim
合法要legitimate claim
向保险公司要赔偿claim against insurance company
商品的需demand for commodity
固定需fixed demand
国民总需gross national demand
国际需平衡equation of international demand
国际需平衡方程式equation of international demand
在提出异议下按要纳税pay duty under protest
坚决的要firm request
外来资金需external financial requirements
失业保险初步赔偿要initial claim for unemployment insurance
孜孜money grabbing
季节性需seasonal demand
实事esse quam videri
实际需actual demand
就不交货要赔偿的诉讼action for compensation for nondelivery
就载货的灭失、损坏提出的赔偿要cargo claim
工厂需demand of the factories
市场供缺口的利用分析niche analysis
市场需market demand
市场需价格market demand price
应得价款之要claim for proceeds
应得价款的要claim for proceeds
弹性需elastic demand
法律行为的形式要substantive requirements of form
承包solicit bid
征收保证金的要margin call
船只报废要request for condemnation
拒绝赔偿要repudiation of claims
损失赔偿要报吿unsatisfactory report
推知的需derived demand
提出某项债权抵销对方的请invoke a right as a defense for the purpose of set-off
提出索赔要submit a claim for compensation
提出赔偿要raise a claim
提出赔偿要put in a claim
提出追偿要provide recourse
放弃作成拒付或拒绝承兑汇票证书的要waive protest
放弃要waiver claim
无弹性需inelastic demand
无效要invalid claim
无股息无分红无还本也无要摊派新股的权利ex all
无要参与新股的权利ex new
最终需ultimate demand
最终需final demand
有关方放弃赔偿要waiver by interested party
有关证据的形式要evidentiary requirements of form
有支付能力的需effective demand
有效需effectual demand
有效需effective demand
有效需原则principle of effective demand
有效需政策effective demand policy
有权提出权利要的人person entitled to make a claim
未经要之余额unclaimed balance
标时消费请dated consumption claims
检查货物请inspective order
正常需normal demand
偿主义give and take system
助条款rescue clause
工程bid on
…后援bid on
过于供seller's market
法律跟不上形势要legal lag
活跃的需buoyant demand
派生需derivative demand
派生需derived demand
满足技术要meet the specification
潜在需potential demand
潜在需latent demand
as requested
特别要ad hoc request
现金需cash requirement
登广告征advertise for
直接需direct demand
相互需reciprocal demand
相辅需complementary demand
确定申请人的合理要sustain an applicant in his claim
竞争需rival demand
竞争需competitive demands
货物符合要的证据evidence of conformity
合同当事人以外的第三人可以要合同当事人履行的保证义务floating warranty
粮食需供应表table on demand and supply of food
累积总需aggregate demand
累积总需价格aggregate demand price
累积总需函数aggregate demand function
绝对需absolute demand
综合需composite demand
能源需energy needs
虚假需imaginary demand
虚假需fictitious use
被抑制的需suppressed demand
付款claim payment
付款的诉权claim for payment
作出裁决ask for a ruling
保证人赔偿claims for guarantees
偿还claim for reimbursement
偿还已履行的债的权利right to claim back the performance
偿还汇票价值recover the value of the bill
偿还的诉讼recovery action
减价claim for reduction
减价abatement claim
分担共同海损claim for contribution in general average
发货通知demand of goods
和解request for conciliation
审判arraign an assize
履约demand for performance
履行义务require performance of an obligation
延长索赔期request to extend time-limit of claim
承包request for bid
报盘solicit offer
抵消债务的诉讼recourse to set-off
损坏赔偿claim for damage
损害赔偿claim damages
损害赔偿的权利right to claim damages
撤销定单request for withdrawing of order
支付一笔特定款项的权利claim to a specified sum
支付价金的诉讼action to recover the price
支付拖欠金额recovery of late payments
支付救助费的债权、诉权claim for salvage
的证明proof of claim
索赔claim compensation
索赔损失申诉书statement of claim
补偿claim for compensation
补偿application for payment
装载美国船条款U.S. flag vessel requirement clause
赔偿lay damage
赔偿seek redress
赔偿demand for compensation
赔偿claim for indemnification
赔偿demand compensation (indemnity)
赔偿appeal for compensation
赔偿claim condensation
赔偿书claim letter
赔偿事先确定的损失的诉讼common assumpsit
赔偿损失claim for indemnification
赔偿损失claim for damages
赔偿损失权right to claim for damages
赔偿损失的诉讼action for compensation for loss
赔偿评定书adjustment letter
赔偿货价claim for proceeds
赔款demand an indemnity
进行和解request for conciliation
追加保证claim for additional securities
退回原物的债权、诉权claim for restitution
退回原物的诉讼action for restitution
退回所交货物的诉讼affirmative recovery
退回货物recover the goods
退款claim for refund
递价call for bid (or tender)
证件要documentary requirements
交换所付款单clearing house credit-ticket
付款书requisition for payment
letter of request
听取意见request for hearing
执行判决seek enforcement of the judgement
承认或执行仲裁裁决seek recognition or enforcement of an award
right of claim
检验survey requested
确认confirmation request
裁减abatement claim
证实confirmation request
证实书circulars for confirmation
证实书circular for confirmation
货币总需aggregate monetary demand
货物要在……日前到达require the goods to arrive on/before
货物赔偿的要freight claim
购买请buying requisition
边际需marginal demand
边际需价格marginal demand price
过分助外国援助undue recourse to external assistance
过度需引起的通货膨胀excess demand inflation
连带需joint demand
连锁影响赔偿要出口信用保险linked-incidence claims
质量flight into quality
追加需supplementary demand
选择性需option demand
配载要stowage requirement
间接需indirect demand
附带请accessory claim
随供而增减的货币elastic currency
价格demand price
价格弹性price elasticity of demand
分析demand analysis
变更引起的通货膨胀demand-shift inflation
引起的通货膨胀demand-pull inflation
引起的通货膨胀demand inflation
引起通货膨胀inflation, demand-pull
引起通货膨胀的理论demand-pull theory of inflation
扩大型通货膨胀demand-pull inflation
收入弹性income elasticity of demand
格局pattern of demand
疲软weakness of demand
的收入弹性income demand elasticity
膨胀demand inflation
过多引起通货膨胀的理论theory of excess demand of inflation
过度引起的通货膨胀demand-pull inflation
预测demand forecast
验收要acceptance requirements