
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一切控诉状,付款要和拒付通知都已废弃All presentments, demand for payment, and protest have been abandoned
一般使用要general operational requirement
一般均衡下的需方程式demand equations, general equilibrium
上述定义将适用于本合同,除非上下文另有要The above-mentioned definitions shall apply to this contract except where the context otherwise requires
不受价格影响的商品需inelastic demand
不变需inelastic demand
不合理要unreasonable demands
不大的需a thin demand
不提出权利要或异议的汇票bill free from claims of defences
不稳定的需unsteady demand
不追责任的保险no-fault insurance
专业工作能力考试中对考生所在实习单位的要test of professional competence quantity surveyors, notes for the guide of employers
世界需world demand
个人需曲线individual demand curve
个体需individual demand
个别的需曲线individual demand curve
最佳经济福利,必须在最低平均成本点上生产necessity for operation at point of lowest average cost, for optimum economic welfare
为了追in quest of (truth, adventure, etc., 真理、奇遇等)
make suit
书面形式上的要the requirement of written form
买主未能检査库存轧钢板,这不能成为提出废约要的理由The purchaser failed to inspect the rolled sheet steel in stock, which can not be the reason for any claim for rescission
买主要赔偿因违约造成的损害The buyer claimed damages for breach of the contract
优先权利要prior charge
优先要priority of one's claim
优先要prior claims
估计进口需estimated import requirements
你必须决定这些货物曲规格是否符合协议的要You have to decide whether the specifications of the goods conform to the requirement of the agreement
你方必须按照装船要办理You have to comply with the shipping instructions
你方提供单据的要已悉,并将照办Your demand for documentation has been noted and will be met
债务要creditor's claims
假想需dummy demand
公司有业务方面的紧急需要,要工厂增加产量The business exigencies of the corporation required that the plant should increase the production
公营经济部门借款要public sector borrowing requirement
共同海损分担赔偿要claim for contribution in general average
关于你方要作为我方保险代理人一事,我方会慎重考虑的Referring to your request to act as our insurance agent, we may consider this question seriously
关于你方要退款的事,我们已交我方经理处理With regard to your request for a refund we have referred the matter to our manager
其他当事方不能提出权力要或提出抗辩的票据instrument free from claims and defences of other parties
包商对可靠性的要subcontractor reliability requirements
分付请an allotment note
分析报告表明尿素中缩二脲含量是1.1%,而不是1.0%,比需要的要高一些The analyst report shows that the biuret content of the ures is 1.1% instead of 1.0%, higher than necessary
创造有效需的效果effect of creating effective demand
初步技术要preliminary technical requirements
刺激要demand promotion
刺激要propping-up of demand
刺激需的措施demand stimulation activities
剩余要residual claimant
剩余请residual claimant theory
剩余请residual claimant
包括一切的权利要blanket claim
包装要packing instruction
单一需弹性unitary elasticity of demand
各种特殊需discriminating demand
合伙债权人的进一步请further rights of partnership creditors
合同要contract requirement
合同要性能contract required property
合格的操作要qualitative operational requirement
岀版者on application to (the publishers)
向贵方要赔偿claim on you
员工需指数coefficient of personnel demand
商业性能源的最终需final demand for commercial energy
商品市场关系relation of commodity market supply and demand
商品供关系relation of commodity supply and demand
商品供关系的变化change in relations between supply and demand
商品需构成composition of commodity demand
商品需commodity demand volume
器材需计划material requirement planning
圣诞节到来,此类商品的需又活跃起来The coming of Christmas has brought about a revival of the demand for these items
在这种情况下,若同意你方签订此合同的要,将招致我方很大损失In this circumstance it would cause us a great loss if we were to accede to your request for signing this contract
填写有关…的征求意fill in a questionnaire about...
备件需spares requirement
复合要composite demand
复合需joint demand
复合需composite demand
多年来棉制内衣的需量一直很大For many years cotton underwear has been in great demands
大量要heavy demand
大量订单涌到,意味着需的复苏The inflow of orders infers a revival of demand
大量需keen demand
大量需heavy demand
她写辞职信给总经理,要辞去生产部经理之职She wrote her letter of resignation to the managing director, asking for resigning from her post as production manager
她是唯一的谋销售部经理职务的女性候选人She is the only woman candidate for the post of sales manager
她正对建筑公司起诉,要赔偿100万美元She is suing the building company for 1.000.000 compensation
她要得到经纪人佣金She asked for brokerage on bills
就业职位供比率opening-to-application ratio
屈折需曲线kinked demand curve
市场供关系relation of market supply and demand
市场要market requirement
市场调査表现出供的暂时平衡A survey of the market reveals the temporary equilibrium of demand and supply
市场需因素market demand factor
市政府要本公司为地震幸存者提供食物The city government requisition-ed food from our company to feed the survivers from the earthquake
平均需average demand
引伸需derived demand
引伸需law of derived demand
弹性要elastic demand
弹性需an elastic demand
弹性需elasticity of demand
弹性需法则law of elasticity of demand
一律follow a single pattern
当时他们要其银行再次向你方提示该汇票Meanwhile they are requesting their bank to represent the draft to you
当设备有新的改进时,公司可以要有关人员参加培训课程When new improvements occur in the equipment, the company may require that the persons involved attend training courses
wanted (报刊广告用语)
建议request for proposal
意见seek an advice
邮寄意见表postal questionnaire
意见访问idea-development interview
承包invite bid
订单solicit orders
总需total demand
总需价格aggregate demand price
总需函数aggregate demand function
总需曲线total demand curve
总需清单gross requirements list
总需潜力aggregate demand potential
总需行为参数aggregate demand behavioral parameters
总需调控管理aggregate demand management
总需aggregate demand
恒定已知需constant known rate of demand
恳切要an earnest solicitation
成套供supply in full sets of...
我们不得不坚持要你方遵守合同We have to insist on your abiding by the contract
我们严格按法定要经营We have operated exactly according to the statutory requirements
我们任意挑出20袋取样检验,发现质量完全合乎要We sampled 20 sacks at random and found the quality answered the purpose very well
我们企在销售产品的过程中防止那些有害和不经济的做法We hope to prevent those detrimental and uneconomic practices in our distribution of the products
我们会降价,以满足你方要We will cut the price in order to meet your requirement
我们再三要他们延期,但尚未收到他们的答复Although we have repeatedly asked them for an extension n., yet we have not received their reply
我们可明确认定,合同中规定的各项要均已达到We can conclusively presume that the requirements specified in the contract have been satisfied
我们对质量和包装要很严,不能马虎一点We are very particular about the quality and packing
我们已按要亮出了价格标签We have shown price labels as instructed
我们希望你们考虑我们对恢复这个报盘的请We hope you will consider our request for a renewal of the offer
我们提出这个要,并不是利用双方多年交往关系,而是出于需要We advanced the request not presuming upon our long association, but out of necessity
我们有理由向你方要索赔短重总计84吨We are justified in claiming on you for shortage of weight, which amounts to 84 tons in all
我们正寻在电子行业有过成功经历的人We are looking for someone with a background of success in the electronics industry
我们渴望寻一位代理商来处理我们对贵国的出口贸易事宜We are earnestly looking for an agent to handle our export trade with your country
我们的顾客要我们按发票金额减少10%Our customers ask us to accept 10% reduction in the price on the invoice amount
我们要你方取道经由新加坡,如果你方选错航线,则任何可能发生的延误由你方负责We have asked you to be routed via Singapore. If you have been routed wrong, we hold you responsible for any possible delay
我们要你方提供一套整洁的货运单据We require you to provide a clean set of shipping documents
我们要助于仲裁来解决本合同执行中发生的一切争论We shall have recourse to arbitration to settle any dispute that may arise during the execution of this contract
我们要每批发的货分别开发票We demand that each lot invoiced separately
我们要立即订船位We want to make a reservation on the ship right away
我们要这笔款用硬通货支付We require that the sum be paid in specie
我们要银行通告那家公司财政状况We asked the bank to report on that company's financial status
我们认为要你方及时完成全部订单是合理的We consider it reasonable to ask you to fill all orders in time
我已递交了谋这一职位的申请I have already handed in my application for the position
我愿意接受你方关于记账交易的要We are pleased to accept your request for open account terms
我方从你方本月6日的电报中获悉,你方对我方的产品非常感兴趣,并要我方为其报价We understand from your telegraph of the 6th inst. that you are keenly interested in our products, and request us to make an offer for them
我方只好要你方承担由于贵方违约造成的全部损失的责任We have to hold you are responsible for all the loss resulting from your default in the agreement
我方将尽力加快装运以及时满足你方要We will do our best to expedite shipment to meet your requirements in time
我方将按你方来函要,印出此种图案We shall print such design according to the instructions in your letter
我方已把此合同上报董事会以批准We have referred the agreement to the board for ratification
我方按要将结束日期延至下个月的同一天We postponed the closing date to the same day of the following month, as requested
我方有理由要你方接受我方索赔We have reasons to request you to accept our claim
我方能按你方要提供各种服务,并且我方的服务是最优质的We can render various services as you may expect from us and our services are the best
我方要你方修改信用证,以便议付汇票We request you to amend your L/C to enable the negotiation of draft
我方要你方立即向开证行交涉此事,以便我方能装上约于…日到达此地的直达班轮We would request you to take up this matter with the issuing bank at once so that we may effect shipment by the direct steamer scheduled to arrive here about...
我方要你方递送符合我公司要求的付款收据We demand that you should deliver to us paid receipts satisfactory to our company
我方认为你方定会同意我公司出口货品质量高、工艺精,足以满足要极高的顾客We think you will agree that the quality of the materials exported by our company and the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most selective buyers
我方请你方给予独家销售与本样品相同的设备的权利We ask you to grant us an exclusive right to sell the equipment identical to the sample
或然需probabilistic demand
所得变动与需income changes & demand
所提交的图案和颜色均不符合顾客要The design and colour submitted do not serve the purpose of the customer
承付赔偿要honour a claim
技术发展要technical development requirement
技术设备的要maintenance requirement
指定demand assigned
按你方要,我方能报最大数量As you requested, we can offer our maximum quantity
按定货人要进行的试验customer-request test
按市场需进行生产gear the production to the market demand
按月需计算订货量一览表month-of-stock table
按此要发售了多批货Many parcels have been sold according to this requirement
按照你方要,每种产品的样品将送交你方In compliance with your request, samples of each type of product will be sent to you
按照制造商的要pursuant to the requirement of manufacturer
按照要,我们将把这几小批货并在一起装运As requested, we will lump there small lots into one shipment
损失赔偿的要obligation of compensation for losses
损害赔偿要damage claim
支持要support requirements
收入水平对进口需的弹性影响income elasticity of demand for imports
放弃拒付或拒绝承兑汇票证书的要waive protest
放款要lending requirements
故你方要赔偿的对象应是船主It follows that the one against whom you should place your claim is the shipowner
敲诈性要extortionate demand
最低保证金要maintenance margin requirement
最低妻报酬率minimum requirements of acceptability
最低技术要minimum technological requirement
最低能源要minimum energy requirement
最大需maximum demand
最小食物援助需minimum food aid requirements
最近我们已考虑了你方关于减价的要,同意减价5%Recently we have considered your request for reduction in price and agreed to reduce it by 5%
最近询盘的增多证实了对玩具需的增长Latest increase in enquiries confirms the rise of demand for toys
最高资金需the maximum financial requirement
有关你要赔偿损害的起诉已超过了法定期限The suit brought by you for damages has passed the statute of limitations
有关证据的形式的要evidential requirement of form
有效总需total effective demand
有效需原理.the principle of effective demand
有效需原理principles of effective demand
有效需原理principle of effective demand
有效霄effectual demand
有权提出权利要的人the person entitled to make a claim
有立付能力的需effective demand
有节制的要a moderate demand
有节制的需moderate demand
有购买力的需demand backed by purchasing power
服务要计划service requirements planning
未决定的损失赔偿要damage at large (指受损失在赔偿要求中未提赔偿金额留待法庭裁决)
未满足的需the unsatisfied demand
未满足的需unsatisfied demand
未经要的余额unclaimed balances
本协议的条款之一要如期支付租金One of the terms of the agreement calls for punctuality of the payment of the rent
材料要material requisition
材料需清单material requirements list
材料需量计划material requirement planning
来自需方面的压力push and pull of demand
核对收账请check credit requisition
根据你方代表的请,我们将提前到10月份装运Upon the request of your representative, we will advance the shipment to October
根据你方要,你方各笔订货将集中一次装运Your orders are pooled into one shipment according to your request
根据你方要,我公司同意你方制造及销售一切货物Pursuant to your request, our company permits you to manufacture and sell any goods
根据我们的要,他们立刻将所有的样品和说明书退坯给我们Upon our demand, they immediately returned to us all the samples and manuals
根据报告,含量的百分比并未达到要It is reported that the content is not up to the percentage required
根据税法要,你应将50%的额外收入缴纳给税务机关The law requires you to submit 50% of your extra income to the tax authorities
正常市场需usual market requirement
正常需曲线normal demand curve
此货将按所要的方式包装We will pack the goods after the man-hour as requested
民间要civil demand
业者office seeker
助于 Mturn to M for help
助于refer oneself to
助于have recourse to (the capital market, arbitration, 资本市场、仲裁)
同法method of agreement
大于供excess of demand over supply
in school
定值required value
得人力securing of manpower
救呼叫save our ship
现廉售cash sale
职启事situation wanted
职指导培训joint instruction training
职者place hunter
过于供excess demand
过于供excess of demand over supply
过于供的市场sellers' market
派生要derived demand
派生要derivative demand
派生需由对一种东西的使用而派生出对另一种东西的需求derived demand
派生需derived demand
海关要我方立即停止装运The customs asked us to stop shipment immediately
潜在要potential requirement
潜在需potential requirement
as quested
照你方要我们已更换了损坏货物As requested, we have replaced the damaged goods
物质需material requisite
物资需计划法materials requirement planning
特定要mandatory requirements
特殊操作要specific operational requirement
用货到付现方式订货,我们至少要付20%定金We generally require a deposit of at least 20% on goods C.O.D
由于你方是我们的老客户,根据你方要,我们已设法为你方保留部分货物Since you are our old customer, we have managed to retain some of the goods for you at your requirements
由于信赖大西洋公司有能力满足并履行我方的各项经营要,我们选定该公司为我方在美国的代理We have selected Atlantic Company as our agent in U.S.A. in reliance upon its ability to meet and fulfil our operating requirements
由于实际需不断增长,物价也就上升了Prices rose owing to the ever-increasing physical demand
由于目前制造的产品满足不了需,我们决定扩大生产Because we cannot manufacture enough products to satisfy the demand at present, we have decided to enlarge our production
由于责任在于船运公司,所以我们意见是你方的补偿要应向该公司提出Your claim for indemnification of the loss sustained should, in our opinion, be referred to the shipping company as the liability rests with them
由于这一季节我们已接受了很多订货,不得不拒绝要迅速交货的新订单Since we are heavily committed this season, we have to reject new rush orders
由于需增加,我们正努力加速生产最新式样的服装As the demand increases, we are taking great efforts to step up production of garments of the latest fashions
由于需增加,销售量上升Due to the increase in demand the sales advanced
由市场供等内部因素引起的价格回升technical rally
甲方要所提供的设备及所用材料均须符合技术规格Party A demands that the equipment furnished and the material used should conform to specifications
登广告征某物advertise for (sth.)
确定申请人的合理要sustain an application in his claim
社会需social want
突点需曲线kinked demand curve
突点需曲线kinky demand curve
"突点"需曲线"kinked" demand curve
符合要的证据evidence of conformity
第三人能要合同当事人履行的保证义务floating warranty
缺乏弹性的需inelastic demand (inelasticity)
职位供open-to-application ration
职工需needs for employee
职工需need for employee
联合供joint supply and demand
船舶遇险救信号save our ship (soul)
董事长要各公司仅按常规开展业务The director will require all companies to conduct their business only in the ordinary course
虚假要speculative demand
衍生的需derived demand
补充要supplementary requirement
补足的需complementary demand
衰退需a faltering demand
衰退需Altering demand
demand (的事物)
request for (bid, withdrawing of order, 招标、撤销定单)
sue sb. for (damages, 赔偿损失)
make a claim to
ask for
act for
appeal for (compensation, 赔偿)
claim (权、物)
make a claim for
与工会就一系列问题签订协议to claim a package
仲裁员回避的理由grounds of challenge of an arbitrator
优先付偿权priority of debt
你方在商品经销业务中设法防止侵害性和不经济的做法You are asked to try to prevent injurious and uneconomic practices in the distribution of the goods
你方见票即付You are asked to protect the draft upon presentation
保险申请书an application list
做出裁决ask for a ruling
偿还claim for refund
偿还the claim for reimbursement
偿还demand for repayment
偿还汇票价值recover the value of bill
偿还贷款calling of a loan
办公时间外提货application for extra-work
加薪ask for a raise
厂方说明延期装运的理由The factory was asked for the reasons for postponing the shipment
回购许可证很可能违背反托拉斯法A license-back requirement is likely to violate antitrust laws
复査选票demand a scrutiny
宣告破产bankruptcy petition
抵销债务的诉讼recourse to set off
提供的文件documentation required
提高工资wage pressure
迫切提高工资press wage claims
支付价金的诉讼an action to recover the price
支付货价的诉讼action to recover the price
日期date of acquisition
更正asking for correction
申请更正asking for correction
现金demand for currency
的交货日期required delivery date
的日期required date
的运费率required freight rate
精确度adequate accuracy
谈判人将修订的合同重新提交总经理批准The negotiator is required to resubmit the revised contract to the executive for his approval
贷款ask for a loan
赔偿demand satisfaction
赔偿书claim letters
赔偿损失claim for indemnification (indemnity)
赔偿损失权right to claim for damages
赔偿的主因subject of claim
赔偿费claim damages of
退回原物的债权claim for the restitution (诉权)
退回所交货物的诉讼the affirmative recovery
退款make a claim for refund
要素要factor demand
要素需factor demand
要素需的分析analysis of factor demand
调整供关系adjust supply to a current demand
负超额需negative excess demander
货币总需aggregate monetary demand
货币的追加需the added demand for money
货币要monetary postulate
货物赔偿要freight claim
质量要quality requirements (规格)
质量要应在协议中详细地加以说明The quality requirements should be detailed in the agreement
贷款borrowing needs
资本需demand for capital
资金需capital requirement
起码需daily wants
起诉要让与财产sue for one's livery
转让权请request for authority to negotiate
退伍军人管理局估价请request for VA appraisal
选择性要option demand
选择性需optional demand
通货膨胀超额需理论theory of inflation induced by excess demand
通货膨胀超额需理论theory of excess demand of inflation
通过合法要获得索赔claim obtained by a legal
鉴于你方首次进行交易,我方决定满足你方要,降价2%As this is our first dealing with you, we have decided to comply with your requirements to lower the price by 2%
销售商要立即偿付欠款The distributors are demanding immediate payment of the arrears
长期性人力需long-term manpower demand
附加要fringe demand
附带要a attendant claim
附带请an accessory claim
wants and needs
下降slow down in demand
下降the recession in demand
下降recession in demand
不断增长可保证此产品畅销Ever-increasing demand is a guarantee for ready sale of this product
不足引起的失业demand-deficient unemployment
与供给demand and supply
伸缩demand elasticity
关系demand relation
分类need hierarchy
参数demand parameter
变动引起的通货膨胀demand-shift inflation
向后定价法demand-backward pricing
和供应demand and supply
因素demand factor
层次need hierarchy
层次理论need hierarchy theory
引起的通货膨胀demand-shift inflation
很大的货币much sought-after currency
law of demand
急剧下降slump in demand
扩张expansionary demand
扩张性demand expansibility
拉动型通货膨胀demand pull inflation
拉动通货膨胀inflation of demand-pull
拉动通货膨胀demand-pulled inflation
拉动通货膨胀论theory of demand-pull inflation
推动型通货膨胀理论demand-pull theory of inflation
推动的通货膨胀demand-pull inflation
收人弹性income demand elasticity
数量quantity required
数量quantity requested
曲线的移动shift in demand curve
概念demand concept
模式demand models
水准an aspiration level
法则law of demand
波动swings of demand
流程工艺demand flow technology
溢岀spill over
demand point
甚殷in demand
疲软the weakness of demand
疲软the weakening in demand
消费者的交叉弹性cross-elasticity of demand
的价格弹性price elasticity of demand
的创造want creation
的变动change in demand
的各种概念demand concepts
的收入弹性income elasticity of demand
的收入弹性income elasticities of demand
的服务弹性service-elasticity of demand
的特性demand characteristics
的边际效用法marginal utility approach to demand
秦构pattern of demand
管理demand-side management
紧缩a demand retrenchment
经济学demand-side economics
结构demand structure
膨胀excess-demand inflation
求过于供引起的膨胀demand inflation
要素demand element
要素的变动change in factor demand
评价管理needs assessment management
评价管理need assessment management
赔偿demand for compensation
过多引起通货膨胀的理论theory of inflation induced by excess demand
过大excess demand
递减法则law of diminishing demand
quantity demanded
量增加increase in the quantity demanded
量很大at a premium
锥体demand cone
预测demand projections
非寻货品unsought goods
非物质的需the non-material need
顶峰要full demand
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