
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一般操作要General Operation Requirements
一般需generic need
不合理需unreasonable demands
不合需货物指不适应顾客消费水平inferior goods
不提出权利要或异议的汇票bill free from claims or defences
不正当损失赔偿要contemptuous damage
个人需individual demand
个别需函数individual demand function
个别需弹性elasticity of individual demand
个别需曲线individual demand curve
中等需moderate demand
中间需intermediary demand
书面形式要requirement of written form
买主要检验customer-request test
事后需ex post demand
二重double summation
互补需complementary demand
互需均等法则law of the equivalent of reciprocal demand
会员资格要membership requirement
估计增加需estimated additional requirement
低需定价法demand-backward pricing
低需经济low pressure economy
体系要说明书system requirement specification
作业要work request
作业请控制job request control
你方供应的电池质量比我方要的低The batteries supplied by you are below the quality we require
使用技术要use requirement
demand and supply
不平衡supply-demand imbalance
价格supply and demand price
关系interaction of supply and demand
关系demand-supply relationship
关系relation bet ween supply and demand
因素demand and supply factor
差距gap of demand and supply
平衡balanced supply and demand
平衡supply-demand balance
平衡coordinating of supply and demand
情况supply-demand situation
情况supply and demand situation
效力force of supply and demand
方程supply-demand equation
时间序列模型supply-demand time series model
曲线supply and demand curves
模型demand and supply model
模式demand-supply model
比例关系proportion between supply and demand
法则law of demand and supply
的转移shift of demand or supply
相抵meeting of demand and supply
矛盾contradiction between supply and demand
自动均衡automatic equilibrium of supply and demand
转移shift of demand or supply
适应性adaptation of supply-to-demand
随机易变性stochastic variability in demands and supplies
供不应supply behind demand
供不应excess of demand over supply
供不应demand over supply
供不应demand exceeds supply
供不应deficient supplies
供给需served demand
供过于excess supply
价值法work-back valuation method
净价net back price
借款要loan request
借款要borrowing needs
借贷需loan demand
全国性要national claim
公司市场上可能达到的需company market potential
共同海损分担的赔偿要claim for contribution in general average
关连需如牙膏与牙刷等complementary demand
列表要listing requirement
创造需demand creation
利需egoistic needs
制造厂主要信息要major information requirement of a manufacturing company
制造规格要manufacturing specification request
刺激需stimulating desire
前置时间需lead time demand
剩余需residual demand
达到approach a state
加权变动需weighted moving demand
区间分半寻half interval search
半对数需函数semilogarithmic demand function
单项需individual demand
即兴需instantaneous demand
压缩国内需lowering domestic demand
合伙债权人的进一步请further-rights of partnership creditors
合同更改请contract change request
合法的要legitimate claim
合法的要juridical claim
合法要legal demand
同意请grant a request
向下倾斜需曲线downward sloping demand curve
员工需系数coefficient of personnel demand
商业性能源最终需final demand for commercial energy
商业需commercial requirements
商品供平衡balance between supply and demand of commodities
商品市场需曲线market demand curve for commodity
商品的需demand for a commodity
商品需commodity demand
商品需一览表demand schedule
商品需分析commodity demands analysis
商品需弹性elasticity of demand of commodity
商品需demand for commodity
地位要needs for status
地区市场潜在需分析area market potential analysis
坚持要债务人还债exact payment from a debter
坚持要纳税人缴付税款exact payment from a taxpayer
增加经费需估计数estimated additional requirement
增加需increased demand
复审请application for review
复核以正确double checked for accuracy
外生需exogenous demand
外销比例要export requirements
多期间需函数multi-period demand function
多样化货币需money demand for diversification
多结需曲线kinky demand curve
多结需曲线kinked demand curve
大量需large demand
存储器要memory requirement
存在、相关和发展的需理论ERG needs theory
存量调整需函数stock adjustment demand function
季节性供seasonal demand and supply
安全设备要Safety Equipment Requirement
定期维修要periodic maintenance requirements
实际职者effective job hunter
实际职者effective job seeker
实际职者effective job applicant
实际总需aggregate real demand
审计要audit requirements
审计要事项auditing postulates
小型研制要small development requirements
尝试法解过程trail-and error solution procedure
就业需employment demand
就业需函数employment demand function
市场供信息分析market supply and demand information analysis
市场供关系market supply and demand relationship
市场供关系研究market supply and demand relationship research
市场供分析market supply and demand analysis
市场供图表market supply and demand chart
市场供平衡balance between supply and demand of market
市场供曲线market supply and demand curves
市场供状况market supply and demand situation
市场潜在需potential demand of the market
市场需commercial requirements
市场需market demand price
市场需关系market demand relation
市场需函数market demand function
市场需分析market demand analysis
市场需图表market demand chart
市场需水平level of market demand
市场需market demand schedule
平衡供总量balancing total supply and demand
平衡信贷资金供总量balancing total supply and demand of credit funds
年度决算要annual accounting requirement
应… 请求at the instance of
应收报人要改发redirection at the address request
应…请求on request
引需driven demand
弹性需elasticity demand
弹性需即价格和购买率之间的变化关系elastic demand
当前需current demand
形式要substantive requirements of form
广告如求职、招租等广告want ad
建议Request for Proposal
意见seek advice
承包solicit a bid
报价bid wanted
凯恩斯总供曲线aggregate demand and supply curve
总供量调控control total supply and demand
总合需combined demand
总需与总供给平衡balance between total demand and total supply
总需gross requirements list
总需曲线aggregate demand curve
总需Total Requirements
总需量抑制政策demand management policy
总需限制restraint of total demand
成套供supply in full sets of...
我们要你方全额付款We insist on full payment
平均值average in question
扩大生产以满足需expand production to meet demand
用险价方法扩大需extension of demand
扩张性需expansionary demand
扩张性需政策expansionary demand policy
承认有要提供契据的权利acknowledgement of right to production of documents
技术要engineering requirements
抑制需checking demand
抑制需containing demand
抑制需restrain demand
抑制需量措施demand-curbing measure
抑制需量政策demand-curbing policy
投机性需即非正常市场需求speculative demand
投资需曲线investment demand curve
挂牌要listing requirement
按要供应available for request
按规定要交货good delivery
损害赔偿要claim for damage
排废量少而合乎环境要的工艺low waste and environmentally sound technology
支票贷款请check credit requisition
收回不法占有动产的请claim detinue
放弃职希望的工人discouraged workers
放弃其应得股利润的要renounce one's claim to a share in the profits
放弃要back down
放弃赔偿要surrender of one's claim
敲诈性要extortionate demands
明示请express request
普遍供过于general glut
最低保证金要maintenance marginal requirement
最低总要轮廓线minimum total requirement contour
最低能源需minimum energy requirement
最大需extreme necessity
最小需minimum demand
最终需部门final demand sector
偿权背书人endorser for value
有关证据的格式要evidentiary requirements of form
有提出权利要的人person entitled to make a claim
有效劳动力需effective labor demand
有需be in demand
服务要servicing requirements
服务要service call
服务需demand for service
未来需future demand
未来需模式future pattern of demand
未来需模式future model of demand
未满足需unsatisfied need
未满足需backlog of demand
未经要余额unclaimed balances
未要not required
未达到要failure to satisfy requirement
材料需计划material requirements planning
材料需material demands
根据合同的赔偿要诉权claim in contract
根据过去分析的需ex post demand
模拟解法analog ue approach
次中好标准criterion of realism
民事需civil demand
水平或平均需模式horizontal or average demand model
利欲望acquisitive instinct
助于诉讼aid for lawsuit
和符号summation sign
和算子summation operator
和规则summation rules
大于供supply behind demand
sale现而廉价抛售distress selling
相关函数的直线图alignment chart of correlation function
job application
apply for a position
seek for employment
职书application of job
职待聘广告栏situation wanted
职者office hunter
职者employment seeker
职者job hunter
解程序solution procedure
消费买方所追的目标objectives sought by consumer buyer
消费者意见和要need and opinions of consumers
消费者超常需函数consumer's exceed demand function
消费者需指在一定时期内消费者愿按现价购买的商品和劳务的数量consumer demand
消费者需分析customer needs and wants analysis
消费者需服务customer needs and wants service
消费要条件consumer requirements
消费需demand for consumption
消费需consumer demand
消费需分析customer demands analysis
消费需分析consumer demand analysis
消费需构成structure of consumer demand
温度要temperature requirement
灵活需convenience demand
特殊操作要Special Operational Requirement
理想需曲线imagined demand curve
理论上的需speculative demand
理论性要预测theoretical requirement forecasting
生产合格要requirement for acceptance of production
由已知总值算租费known amount and compute the rents
由已知总值和现值算未知数known amount and present value-compute unknowns
由已知现值算租费known present value-compute the rents
登广告征advertise for...
真实需genuine demand
确信需上升confirm the rise of demand
社会总供平衡balance between total demand and total supply of society
社会需society's needs
运转unfilled request
符合商业要的优等质量good commercial quality
第三人的权利要claim of third person
筹措资金需financing requirement
筹措资金需financing demands
管理要need of management
累积总需行为参数aggregate demand behavioral parameter
累积需cumulative demand
累积需cumulative requirement
累计投资要cumulative investment requirement
累计最大需cumulative maximum requirement
职位供定额open-to-application ration
职位供open-to-application ratio
职位要job request
职工基本要employee basic needs
职工需估计estimation of required personnel
职工需demand for personnel
聚合总需aggregate demand
聚合总需价格aggregate demand price
聚合总需函数aggregate demand function
脑力或视力的要mental or visual demand
营运要requirement of operation
虚假需imagine demand
虚假需衰退decline of fictitious demand
虚设需fictitious demand point
衍生需derived demand
补偿要application for payment
衰退需faltering demand
make an application
一笔贷款require a loan
交货delivery on demand
人员demand for personnel
他方履行分担责任的诉讼action for contribution
付款require the payment
保证人赔偿claims for guarantee
保险申请书application list
偿付已履行债务的权利right to claim back the performance
偿还recourse back
偿还诉讼recovery action
免税requirement for tax exemption
分配超过百分之百的抽样allocation requiring more than 100 percent sampling
办公时间外提货application for extra work
听证request for hearing
听询request for hearing
增加担保claim for additional securities
履行义务require the performance of an obligation
延长索赔时效期request to extent time-limit of claim
延长索赔期限request to extend time-limit of claim
忱先偿付债务priority of debt
承认或执行仲裁裁决seek recognition or enforcement of an award
报废request for condemnation
抵销债务claim for set-off
损害赔偿权right to claim for damages
提供信息request information
提供报表call report
提高工资press wage claims
提高工资demand for higher wages
撤销订单request for withdrawing of order
收取应收价款claim for proceed
收回价款的诉讼action to recover the price
数量quantity requested
服务总体calling population
权利通知demand notice
精确度claimed accuracy
向认股人缴付股款call on shareholder
解释call to account
订货call for orders
货物在某日或前运达require the goods to arrive on/before
质量quality of requirement
赔偿recourse claim
赔偿赔款demand an indemnity
赔偿损失的起诉sue for damage
赔偿货价claim for proceed
运算时间required time of operation
退回已提供利益的债权claim for restitution of benefits conferred
退货的诉讼affirmative recovery
退还垫付款claim for restitution of advance payment
退还多收费用application for repayment of an overcharge
银行开信用证者accredited buyer
要素需函数factor demand function
调整后请金额adjusted claim
调整商品供adjust supply and demand for commodities
调整物资供adjust supply and demand for materials
职业或工作apply for a position or job
豪迈的目标追ambitious goal seeking
财务损失赔偿要claim for financial loss
货币总需aggregate monetary demand
货币的追加需added demand for money
货币要权学说claim theory of money
货币需函数demand function for money
货币需amount of currency required
货物所有权要claimant to the goods
货物需情况demand for the goods
质量规划要quality program requirements
贷款请application for credit
资产需assets demand
资本主义利润追原则capitalist principle of profit-seeking
资本要requirements of capital
资本货物需变动change in demand of capital goods
资本需capital demand
资金供supply and demand of funds
资金需financial requirement
赔偿要demand for reimbursement
超额需价格excess demand price
超额需膨胀excess demand inflation
退回汇票要赔偿的诉讼action of re-exchange
适合新要培训updating training
适应市场需change ways to cater to market demands
逆需曲线inverted demand curve
通货膨胀供缺口inflationary gap
遗嘱中恳式信托probatory trust
防火和安全要fire prevention & safety requirements
附有权利要的财产property subject to a claim
随机需stochastic demand
一览表demand schedule
下降slowdown in demand
不断变化constant changes in supply and demand
与供给综合曲线combined demand and supply curve
与供给综合曲线combined curve of demand and supply
与市场研究demand and market study
与生产之间的差距gap between demand and production
交叉价格弹性cross price elasticity of demand
价格弹性系数coefficient of price elasticity of demand
估计demand appraisal
促进demand promotion
函数function of demand
函数统计偏离statistical deviation of demand function
分布distribution of demand
分布demand distribution
分类法needs classification method
创造want creation
单一弹性unitary elasticity of demand
压力push and pull of demand
可扩大性expansibility of demand
咨询小组Requirements Advisory Group
demand goods
need chart
图形need profile
大小magnitude of demand
对策demand game
导向定价法demand-oriented pricing
工业效果industry effect in demand
已满足requirement covered
引起推动的通货膨胀demand inflation
引起通货膨胀论demand-pull theory of inflation
弹性有偏估计biased estimation of demand elasticity
很大货币much sought-after currency
成分demand element
成本demand cost
投机成分speculative component of demand
拉动的通货膨胀demand-pull inflation
时间特性time characteristics of demand
服务弹性service-elasticity of demand
构成composition of demand
模式demand pattern
灵敏度demand sensitivity
点指标demand point indicator
爱好的多样化diversification of demand and taste
demand rate
理论theory of demand
甚殷active demand
的价格弹性price elasticity in demand
的派生derivation of demand
管理management of demand
组成部分demand component
市场需求表demand schedule
调整regulation of demand
过剩excess of demand
过度over demand
过猛过度demand pull
demand quantity
量与供应量quantity demanded or supplied
量和供给量quantity demanded and quantity supplied
量大约估计estimate of approximate requirement
量预测的消费水平法consumption level method of demand forecasting
限制demand constraint
限度limit of demand
预测needing forecast
预测need forecast
预测demand projection
预测技术demand forecasting technique
预测方法demand forecasting method
预测法needing forecasting method
预测法need forecasting method
非激励需unstimulated demand
非负需nonnegativity demand
顾客潜在需hidden demand
顾客需服务customer needs and wants service
预定计划需schedule demand
预期供平衡prospective supply/demand balance
预期需demand expected
预期需ex ante demand
预测需forecast demand
领取养恤金的要benefit claim
领导要need of leadership
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