
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
一年一遇洪annual flood
三向排three-dimensional drainage
三角准测量triangulator levelling
upstream boat
上游upstream level
上游headwater level
上游headwater elevation
上游面坡upstream slope
上游分upstream nosing
上游积upstream ponding
平联结系lower horizontal bracing system
滑道launching way
滑道launching slide
下向排declined groin
下层土排subsoil drainage
下渗infiltration water
下游downstream water
下游level of tail water
下游down stream level
下降fall head of water
不同differential water pressure
不固结不排试验unconsolidated undrained test
不固结排剪切试验unconsolidated drained shear test
不定期洪aperiodic floods
不排三轴剪切试验unconsolidated undrained triaxial shear test
不排三轴试验unconsolidated undrained triaxial test
不排剪切undrained shear
不排剪切强度undrained shear strength
不排沉降undrained settlement
不排沉降undrained movement
不渗watertight layer
不渗impermeable barrier
不良排impeded drainage, poor drainage
不透impermeable soil
不透impervious soil
不透unpermeable soil
不透土层impervious material
不透土层impervious soil stratum
不透地层impervious foundation soil
不透地层impervious stratum, impermeable stratum
不透夹层impervious blanket
不透impermeable course
不透water-tight layer
不透impervious course
不透impermeable bar rier
不透impervious blanket
不透impervious layer impermeable layer
不透impervious rock
不透岩层impermeable rock bed
不透岩石impervious rock
不透接缝watertight joint
不透的地基impervious foundation soil
不透系数imperviousness factor
不透系数imperviousness coefficient
不透膨胀水泥impermeable expansive cement
不透覆盖层impervious blanket
不透覆盖层impervious cover
世界world level
世界先进world advanced level
世界先进advanced world level
平方向both horizontal directions
year with abundance of water
rainy year
high-water season
high-water period
临时准点temporary bench mark
临界力坡度critical hydraulical gradient
临界力坡度critical hydraulic gradient
临界critical water-head
临界critical flow
临界critical depth of flow
临界critical depth of water
临界含critical moisture percentage
优质high quality cement
传给桥墩的平力horizontal force transmitted to pier
估计抽estimating pumping rate
water shed ridge
ridge line
dividing water shed
工程diversion work
线water shed
线water parting line
线dividing line
面积area of diversion
分阶跌stepped bed
切向tangential water-flow
初始含initial moisture content
各向不等压不排固结试验anisotropically undrained consolidated test
各向不等压固结不排试验consolidated anisotropically undrained test
各向等压固结不排试验consolidated isotropically undrained test
同一平面的力horizontal coplanar forces
冰层water-bearing ice layer
冰层ice layer with water
water-bearing soil
aqueous soil
water bearing ground
waterbearing stratum
water strata
water bearing layer
water-bearing rock
water content ratio
moisture ratio
rate of waterbearing
water content in per cent of dry weight
moisture content
量曲线moisture curve
circle lever
土中soil moisture
土含soil moisture content
土孔隙soil pore water pressure
土方力机械施工hydromechanical soil digging
土的不排剪切强度undrained shear strength
地下underground water level
地下ground water elevation
地下ground water table
地下位上升ground water increasing
地下位下降ground water drawdown
地下位下降ground water lowering
地下位变化change of groundwater table
地下位坡度gradient of groundwater table
地下位降落lowering of groundwater level
地下位降落depression of groundwater table
地下位降落曲线draw down curve of underground water
地下侵入ingress of groundwater
地下侵蚀性corrosive ground water
地下ground water pressure
地下含水层phreatic aquifer
地下phreatic zone
地下平面升降fluctuation of watertable
地下情况condition of underground water
地下排泄drain of underground water
地下ground water flow
地下流量phreatic discharge
地下的状态state of underground water
地下等高线hydro isobaths
地下ground water table
地下groundwater plane
地下surface of underground water
地下排sub-soil drain
地基降foundation dewatering
地基降用的深井deep well for foundation dewatering
地形分orographic divide
地表water on earth surface
地表overland flow
地表ground surface flow
地表ground flow
地表蓄ground surface storage
地表蓄ground storage
地震dynamic water pressure due to earthquake
地震dynamic water pressure during earthquake
地震平运动horizontal motion of earthquake
地震平运动sideward motion of earthquake
地震动压力earthquake dynamic water pressure
地震时压力water pressure during earthquake
地面排land drain
地面排surface water drain
地面积surface impoundment
地面积impounded surface water
堤脚排counter drain
wet season
多向polymodal current
多年平均 降mean annual precipitation
多年平均洪mean annual flood level
多年蓄overyear storage
large stream
大地准测量geodetic leveling
大量含的地层heavily watered ground
天然流分布natural flow distribution
天然流河弯natural stream meander
天然natural channel
天然面线curve of natural water surface
天然面线natural surface curve of stream
天然含natural moisture
天然排free drainage
封冻freezing water level
shooting water
water jet
填土jetting fill
water-jet hole
打桩机water-jet pile-driver
打桩法pile driving by water jet
打桩法jetting piling
沉桩sinking pile by jetting
沉桩jetting piling
沉桩pile jetting
water-jet pipe
小型small resevoir
小平板与准仪联合测绘joint mapping with plane-table and level
开挖降dewatering of excavation
工程diversion works
headrace canal
隧洞water gallery
意外洪emergency flood
catch-water drain
interception channel
catch ditch
截留intercepted water
建筑物water retaining structure
water stop
明沟排open cut drainage
明沟排gutter drainage
明渠open channel flow
明渠及管道flow of water in open channels and pipes
明渠排drainage by open canal
明渠的stream flow in open channel
最低流冰lowest level of ice drifting
最低通航lowest navigable level
最低通航lowest navigable water level
最佳含optimum water content
最大平净孔maximum horizontal clear opening
最大吃maximum draft
最大含maximum moisture content
最大含maximum water content
最大洪流量maximum flood flow
最大洪流量maximum flood discharge
最大高maximum high-water level
最小平曲线半径least radius of horizontal curve
最小平曲线长度least length of horizontal curve
最小平曲线长度minimum length of horizontal curve
最小通航least navigable water depth
最高上游highest upstream elevation
最高上游highest headwater level
最高低highest low water level
最高壅maximum back water level
最高洪highest flood level
最高流冰highest level of ice drifting
最高高hightest water level
压状态water pressure state
有害的harmful water
有效effective water head
有效过面积effective sectional area of flow
有铺砌的截paved gutter
木材含moisture content of timber
标准standard cement
标准normal cement
校核洪checked flood level
校核洪频率checked flood frequency
横向transverse level
横向平力transverse horizontal force
横向排transverse drain
横向排cross drain
气压力千斤顶pneumo-hydraulic jack
上交通water traffic
上施工over-water construction
下勘测underwater survey
下单位容量submerged unit wei ght
下地形underwater topography
下地形图underwater topographic map
下地形测量underwater topographic survey
下基础underwater foundation
下基础subaquatic foundation
下封底tremie seal base
下封底tremie seal
下开挖underwater dredging
下开挖wet excavation
下打桩underwater piling
下打桩underwater pile driving
下挖掘机underwater excavator
下挖泥underwater dredging
下推土机under-water bulldozer
下施工subaquatic construction
下模板underwater form
下浇注under-water pouring
下浇注under-water placement
下测量subaqueous survey
下浮桥underwater buoyant bridge
下混凝土subaquatic concrete
下混凝土封底tremie concrete seal
下混凝土封底tremie seal
下混凝土施工subaqueous concreting
下混凝土浇筑underwater concrete placement
下灌注混凝土depositing of concrete under water
下灌注混凝土subaqueous concreting
下电弧焊underwater electric arc welding
下结构underwater structure
下联接underwater connection
下钻眼水下钻孔underwater drilling
下铁路subaqueous railway
下隧道subaqueous tunnel
中养护curing in water
中养护water curing
moisture content
water resources
利工程irrigation works
利工程water conservancy works
利工程water conservancy engineering
利灌溉网irrigation network
利设施water facilities
利设施water conservancy facilities
土保持工程conservancy engineering for water and earth
土流失water loss and soil erosion
hydraulic head
flood peak
hydrostatic head
头压力water-head pressure
头坡降water-head gradient
头差water-head difference
头损失water head loss
头损失lost water head
头损失loss of water
头损失loss of water head
头落差fall of water-head
头降落head fall
water jet
stage gauge
成岩sedimentary rock
成岩hydrogenic rock
stream flow
current of water
flow of water
流不稳定性flow instability
流不规则性flow irregularity
流冲击力current force
流冲刷current scour
流分布flow distribution
流力force due to water current
流力force due to stream
流动量方程momentum equation of water flow
流压力stream flow pressure
流压力pressure of stream current
流均匀性flow uniformity
流坡降fall of river
流坡降fall of stream
流导向设备current deflector
流情况stream regimen
流扩张flow expansion
流扩散角flow diffusion angle
流扩散角diffusion angle of flow
流断面cross-section of stream
流梯度gradient of water
流特征flow characteristic
流状态stream condition
流痕迹current mark
流线stream line
流线flow line
流落差fall of stream
流角angle of current
流调节flow regulation
流连续性方程continuity equation of water flow
流量water discharge
流阻力resistance of flow
速度velocity of water
阻力hydraulic drag
flood water
torrential flood
great flood
flood flow
事故flood event
flooding level
位曲线stage-hydrograph of flood
位痕迹mark of flood level
位过程线stage-hydrograph of flood
inundate district
flooded area
flood dyke
flood dike
季节flood time
径流量high-water run-off
总量flood volume
持续时间time duration of flood
时期flood time
曲线flood curve
期河床high-water bed
桥孔flooding opening
flood river
治导high-water training
泛滥区flooded area
泛滥宽度flooded width
流向direction of flood
流向flood direction
测量flood survey
淹没swallowed up by flood
灾害flood hazard
灾害flood havoc
痕迹high-water mark
痕迹flood mark
类型flood type
线flood line
观察flood observation
调查flood survey
调节flood control
资料flood flow data
过程线flood profile
迳流flood runoff
退落flood fall
flood discharge
间隔期interflood period
降落期falling flood stage
面超高superelevation of flood surface
频率frequency of flood
洪峰peak flood water level
洪峰flood peak stage
洪峰peak flood gauge
冲刷clear water washing
冲刷erosion of clear water
clean water tank
clear water reservoirs
clear water basin
weep pipe
water seeping
seepage well
seepage soil
permeable soil
土路基permeable soil subgrade
infiltration ditch
渗入influent water
渗入infiltration water
渗漏leakage water
渗透seeping water
渗透infiltration water
渗透osmotic water
渗透seepage water pressure
基础leaky foundation
overflow bridge
涵洞submerged culvert
overflow road
生产污production waste
用排砂井加速固结consolidation accelerated with sand drain
缝隙interstitial water
调节balancing reservoir
调节蓄regulating pondage
plain cement
退recession period
退过程线recession hydrograph
退速度recession speed
adverse current
against the current
obsequent stream
下层土permeable subsoil
下层土pervious subsoil
permeable soil
土壤permeable soil
土层pervious stratum
土层permeable stratum
地基permeable foundation
地基permeable subgrade
垫层pervious blanket
pervious bed
pervious course
pervious layer
岩石permeable rock
材料seepy material
混凝土permeable concrete
混凝土pervious concrete
permeable rock
perforated stone
砂砾层pervious sand-gravel course
系数coefficient of water permeability
路基permeable subgrade
逐时降hourly precipitation
通航navigation water level
通航navigable water level
通航depth of navigation channel
通航navigable water-depth
通航navigable watercourse
通航navigable pass
速凝rapid setting cement
锥体内、台内及台后填渗seepy soil filled in conic body, in abutment and on back of abutment
锥体、排及桥台与路基连接图drawing for connection of conic pitching, drainage, and abutment with subgrade
water-repelling admixture
waterproofing agent
water-proofing admixture
waterproofing course
dampproof course impervious layer
water proof course
工程waterproofing work
措施water-proof measure
方法waterproof process
材料waterproof material
材料waterproofing material
桥面water proofing bridge floor
水泥water proofing concrete
涂层waterproofing plaster coat
混凝土watertight concrete
混凝土铺砌的等级grade of waterproof concrete pavement
程度degree of water-resistance
隔墙retention wall
隔墙reception wall
防洪flood control pool
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