
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
一群人正在研究消费者心理学和行为经济学、 他们收集的证据令人印象深刻、 已达到学术A group there is studying consumer psychology and behavioral economics and amassing evidence that's impressive by any academic standard was collected
两位数字的double-digit level
为规划污染管制策略提供依据To provide a basis for the planning of water pollution control strategies
交易员指出、近期表现好于大盘的小盘股在临近收盘时出现跳Traders noted a late sell-off in small-cap shares, which have recently outperformed the broader market
人息income level
今年截至目前、该指数已下跌了 0.4%、为首次跌至2010年年初平以下The measure is now down 0.4% for the early going of 2010, the first time it has ended with a year-to-date loss
假日薪holiday pay
全自动准仪auto level
准许利润permitted level of return
单位容积土壤含moisture density
消防系统sprinkler system
在持续至今的经济低迷之前、尽管日本生活平很高、但它仍旧有很大的贸易顺差Japan, despite its very high standard of living, had, until the current economic downturn, a strongly positive balance of trade
工资平居后者pay followers
工资平领先者pay leaders
库存stock levels
处理厂waste water treatment plant
catch pit
技术平的鉴定technical degree verification
按物价平调整的报表price-level-adjusted statement
按贴价格计算at a discount
discharge canal
pipe sweep
无亏损no-loss level
服务quality of service (QoS)
期望expectation level
期望薪expected salary
未净化的污raw sewage
water stop
每日贴或升daily premium
下开挖工程underwater excavation
准仪plumb level
准仪altitude level
准投标level tendering
利工程hydraulic work
利资源hydraulic resources
力发电站hydro-power station
压成型cold isostatic pressing
坝式经营dam operation
工建筑hydraulic structure
文地质资料hydroelectric materials
文地质资料hydrological and geological data
文条件hydrological conditions
泥仓cement silo
泥砂浆sand and cement mortar
渍险with average (W.A.)
电站hydraulic power station
轮机hydrographic turbine
waterborne traffic
陆联运提单overland bill of landing
沥青防bituminous water-proof coating
线生产line of production
water surging
目标或难度target or hurdle level
硅酸盐矿渣portland slag cement
硫酸盐sulphate cement
磁性墨字符识别magnetics ink character recognition
管理层薪资executive compensation
排水工程water supply and sewerage works
排水系统water supply and drainage system
给排工程water supply and sewerage works
线路transmission line
泥的卡车cement truck
water truck
运作管理operational excellence
这一利率平是以货币市场上廉价的利率为基础、外加少量管理费用与贷款利润计算出来的This was calculated on the basis of a cheap money market rate, plus a small administration fee and a lending margin
酬金level of compensation
waterproofing worker
需求增长速度快于平均平的职位包括计算机网络管理员、数据通信分析师和网络开发员Jobs that are expected to grow faster than average include computer-network administrators, data-communications analysts and web developers
预制泥块cement block