
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一批质量lot quality level
一般价格general level of prices
运价upstream freight rate
吨位tonnage launched
不透water-tight compartment
不透watertight compartment
两位数字的double-digit levels
个人消费level of personal consumption
价格price level
低于票面价值-有贴par below-at a discount
低收入low-income level
排水water supply and sewerage
设备更新water supply rehabilitation
fees for water supplied
保持同一keep on an "even keel"
允许载货吃线船舶deep-load line
兑换各种货币兑换时,开列其计算方式memorandum of exchange
兑换率贴exchange ex. ;change
关于陆运输问题条约Treaty on Questions Relating to Surface Transport
关于有国际利害关系的通航道制度公约和规则Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern (1921.4.20)
关税tariff level
national waters
内地inland waterborne transport
内地inland water-borne transport
内河river freight
内河运发货单inland waterway consignment note
内河运提单inland waterway bill of lading
内陆land-locked waters
农田利管理on-farm water management
净贴net premium
净贴net premium rate
出港引outward pilotage
分店销品branch consignments (shipments)
移泊费shifting berth
加压pressurized wates
或贴水日contango or making-up day
外汇premium rate
rate of premium
contango rate
pressurized wates
只限water-borne only
可接受品质acceptable quality level
可航navigable waters
可通航的navigable waters
船舶draught draft
国际标准draft international standard
draft difference
标尺draft mark
light draught
线line of flotation
线Plimsoll mark
各国生活平比较international comparison of levels of living
同一平的劳动力流动性horizontal labor mobility
固定薪straight salary
固定薪加佣金salary plus commission
国际international waterway
国际道的非航行使用non-navigational uses of international watercourses
国际价格international price level
国际性通航navigable waterway of international concern
外汇兑换exchange memo
外汇贴exchange discount
大瓶汽carbonated water
存量stock level
定额险保单valued policy
实际排量吨位actual displacement tonnage
工资wage level
干预价格intervention level
航路smooth water course
船舶平均吃average draught
库存stock level
应装未装空dead freight
信号pilot signal
pilot vessel
pilotage dues
总的进口level of total imports
战争面险协定water-borne agreement
战争面险条款water-borne clause
战争险面合约water-borne agreement
招请引员旗pilot flag
招请引员旗号pilot flag
按总物价平调整会计purchasing power unit accounting
按指定价格平买卖的指示stop-order (stop loss order)
按物价平调整price level adjustment
按物价平调整的财务报表price level adjusted statements
tons of displacement
船舶吨位vessel tonnage
吨数tons of displacement
吨数ton of displacement
量吨displacement tonnage
量吨位displacement ton
量吨位displacement tonnage
量和载重量deadweight tonnage
量和载重量displacement tonnage & carrying tonnage
股本watered capital
股票watering stock
股票指价值不实的股份watered stock
股票watered stock
资本股本,虚增资本watered capital
收入income level
既定指标established target level
最低限度生活minimum standard of living
最高record level
有升at a premium
期望Level of Aspiration
未摊销贴净额net unamortized discounts
每日升daily premium
每日贴daily premium
比氏吃线Plimsoll lines
上交通waterborne traffic
上小贩marine hawker
战争险上范围协定water borne agreement
上飞机sea plane
下生境under-sea habitat
产业marine industry
产物marine products
利资源water resources
力发电站hydroelectric generation plant
力工程学hydraulic engineering
压机打包hydraulic press-packing
territorial waters
密舱壁watertight bulkhead
密试验watertight test
尺计重weight by draft
尺计重checking weight by draft
平一体化horizontal integration
平式结合horizontal integration
平技术转移horizontal technology transfer
平竞争horizontal competition
平贸易horizontal trade
ship man
damage by water
果船的冷气舱cooler room
,汇票费charge for remittances
cement and lime
泥砖cement bricks
泵厂water pump factory
water stain
湿痕water stain stained
water damage
渍保险单water damage insurance policy
渍货damaged goods
渍货water-damaged cargo
渍险with average
渍险with particular average
渍险承保单独海损with average
渍险条款average clause
wet stained
water damage
溃货water-damaged cargo
火灾救护队salvage corps
灾保险flood insurance
电站和有关工程hydroelectric power facility and related works
的污染water pollution
管保险water-pipe insurance
脚公会freight conference
脚到付freight to be collected
解法hydrolysis process
资源工程学water-resources engineering
fair way
路贸易river trade
运企业water transport ation enterprises (operators)
运承运人carrier by water
运货物waterborne goods
运贸易量waterborne trade
运贸易量waterborne commerce
闸价格sluice-gate price
陆埃运设备port terminal facilities
陆联寧mixed traffic
陆联运through transport by land and water
陆联运land and water coordinated
陆联运提单overland B/L
陆路线surface route
陆运费shipping and traffic
陆运费freight and cartage
陆运输surface movement
陆运输shipping and traffic
陆通运sea-land service
marine risk
maritime insurance
marine insurance
险保单marine policy
险保单marine insurance policy
险保险人marine insurer
险保险单marine policy
险保险费marine premium
险单marine insurance policy
险投保单marine insurance application
险费率委员会CMS Rating committee
mine and torpedo risks
雷及鱼雷险mine and torpedo risks
remittance fee
charges for remittances
沿海off shore
沿海coast waters
警报网flood alarm network
式损益表意同报告式损益表running form of profit and loss statement
线操作pipe line operation
账式决算表running account form
浅吃驳船shallow-draft barge
浮标buoyed channels
损坏damaged by sea water
损失sea water damage
损害sea damaged
sea damage
渍条件sea damage
海上保险marine insurance
海运ocean freight
消费level of consultation
及汗潮fresh water and sweat
吃水fresh water draft
损失fresh water damage
fresh water damage
油渍risk of freshwater oil damage
risk of freshwater damage
勘查条款fresh-water survey clause
险条款水面岸上同样有效fresh-water clause afloat and ashore
险条款fresh water clause
雨淋损失fresh and/or rain water damage
雨淋险risk of fresh and/or rain water
雨淋险fresh and or rain water damage risks
雨淋风险fresh and/or rain water damage risks
deepwater harbour (port)
深吃deep draft
港口harbor depth
港口和ports and waterways
满载吃线full load line
作业diving operation
物产火保险fire and marine insurance
物价price level
特定specific bodies of water
生产性就业level of productive employment
生活level of living
用胶mucilage sealing
淡化计划报吿report on water desalination
盒遭cartons wet stained
O/S/O矿砂/泥浆/石油兼用船ore/slurry/oil ship
票价fare level
票据经纪人的汇表,exchange broker’s quotation
票据高升shaving (a note)
积载排load displacement
移开破漏包件并用洗除酸或腐蚀物remove leaking packages, wash acid corrosive off with water
dead freight
空船吃light draught
空载吃light draught
空载排light displacement
股票升stock premium
股票升premium on capital stock
股票掺stock watering
航道fairway depth
船主与手所订的合同ship's articles
船头存forepeak tank
船舱底bilge water damage
船舶吃线标志scale of feet
船舶的吃draft of vessel
船舶载货吃标记plimsoll mark
擦改eradicator eraser
蔬菜果商green grocer
蔬菜果罐头及保藏品canned & preserved fruits, vegetables & sea foods
比例payroll scale
袋装sack of cement
装载吃load draught
货物上运输条件floating conditions
货运价率freight rate level
exchange discount
marking-up day
汇率premium rate of exchange
premium rate
contango rate
资本盈利leveling of capital gains
轻排量吨位light displacement tonnage
过浅滩的容许吃bar draft
进口陆运费inward freight and cartage
进港引inward pilotage
远东脚公会Far Eastern Freight Conference
燃烧品dangerous when wet
燃烧物品substances combustible in contact with water
遭受sustained water stain
配额quota levels
重排量吨位loaded displacement tonnage
铁路运输及rail and water
银行bank slip
销售准假设levels of sales hypothesis
纸包装waterproof papering
限于上的条款water-borne clause
雇佣和解雇手的契约signing on or off of crews
保险pluvious insurance
rain insurance
雨淋淡损失rain and freshwater damage
high water
高于票面价值-有升par above-at a premium