
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
型铝土矿矿石boehmite-diaspore ore
碳酸钠monohydrated sodium carbonate
一二等准测量first/second-order leveling
一体式解酸化好氧生物滤池integrated hydrolytic acidification-biological aerobic filter
一体式污膜生物反应器integrated sewage membrane bioreactor
一体式生化污处理装置integrated biology-chemistry equipment for sewage treatment
一侧支流unilateral stream
一侧进water entering on one side
一层sheet of water
一次循环管路primary flow-and-return pipe
一次循环管路primary flow-and-return piping
一次循环管路primary circulation pipe
一次冷却primary cooling water
一次回primary water
一次拌和用batched water (混凝土)
一次拌和量所需要的batched water
一次暴雨降total storm precipitation
一次泵冷系统chilled water system with primary pumps
一次脱primary dewatering
一次进支管primary feeder lateral
3一氯一1、2 一环氧丙烷废epichlorohydrin manufacture wastewater
一片sheet of water
一片积piece of water
一种快硬性jet cement
一种淹装置a water bath system
一等first order level
一等first-order levelling (测量)
一等first-order leveling (测量)
一等准仪first-order benchmark level
一等准基点first order bench mark
一等准尺first-order staff
一等准测量first order levelling
一等准点first order bench mark
一等准点first-order benchmark
一等准网primary level network
一等准网first-order level network
一级准点primary benchmark
一级able-bodied seaman
一级污处理primary sewage treatment
一级污处理方法method of primary treatment of sewage
一级潜first-class diver
一维河口质模型one-dimensional estuary water quality model
一般平以上的质量above the average quality
一般平以下的质量below the average quality
一般化soundings generalization
一般大潮高high water of ordinary spring tide
一般家庭污normal domestic sewage (量)
一般就业general level of employment
一般枯mean dry year
一般物价平变动general price level change
一般物价平法general price-level method
一般物价平调整general price-level adjustment
一英寸直径管孔24小时的放water-inch (约 14立方米)
一袋泥拌料one-sack batch
一袋泥混凝土拌料one-sack batch
一闸lock full of water
一面坡排single drainage
一面排路拱one-way crown
丁坝间groin basin
丁坝间groyne basin
丁坝间basin of groin
丁坝防波堤闸basin of groin
丁字排sewerage tee
刀片平回转操纵blade reverse control (平地机)
匀含体系heterogeneous aqueous system
威尼斯磨石Venetian terrazzo
seal ring
自动虹吸管的戽斗sealing bucket
ring for the sealing liquid water
seal water valve
封井泥塞abandonment plug
封冻freezing water level
封冻ice-covered channel
封堵突sealing and blocking the point of bursting water
封存bound water
封缝止joint sealing
封舱压气抽打捞法salvage by sealing
封舱压气抽打捞法air-feeding and water-pumping
封舱抽打捞法salvage by patching and pumping
封闭式轮机enclosed type turbine
轮机open flume turbine
供应室hot-water service room
供应间kettle room
water heater
kettle room
hot-water supply room
hot-water service room
开动井数number of well operation
开发developed water
开发developed head
开发资源development of water resources
开发出developed water power (发电)
开口式地下排open drain
开口式排open drainage
开口式排open drain
开口式铁open-top ladle
开启型灯泡式轮机opening bulb turbine
开坝放dam off
开始initial water breakthrough
开始头高度initial height of water
开始出come on water
开始受底的影响feeling bottom
开始涌矿床field going to water
开始涨beginning of rise
开始蓄beginning of storage
开始退beginning of fall
开式open water tank
开式轮机open flume water turbine
开式回open water return
开式回open backwater
开式回系统open return system
开式回路潜装置open circuit diving gear
开式回路热潜水服hot-water open circuit diving suit
开式排free flooding opening
开式泄open-ended drain pipe
开式潜呼吸器open circuit underwater breathing apparatus
开式潜open diving dress
开式潜open-bottomed bell
开式潜open bell
开式潜ambient dive bell
开式热供应系统open system of hot water supply
开式热热网open-type hot-water heat-supply network
开式盐open brine tank
开式盐系统open brine system
开式铁open-type ladle
开拓open lead
开拓井巷涌water yield of development opening
水力开挖法的开挖cutting jet
开挖canalized waterway
开挖中的排dewatering of excavation
开挖到指定平线cut to line
开挖的排excavating drain trench
开挖的蓄excavated tank
开排沟刀具mole blade
开排沟犁draining plow
开排沟犁draining plough
开排沟犁drainage plow
开掘下隧道subaqueous tunnelling
开掘下隧道subaqueous tunneling
开放式撒open sprinkler head
开放式撒设备open sprinkler system
开放式潜呼吸器open breathing apparatus
开放式给加热器open type feed water heater
开敞open waters
开敞free waters
开敞exposed waters
开敞域单点系泊exposed location single buoy mooring
开敞free water
开敞式再循环冷却处理treatment of open circulation cooling water
开敞式取建筑物open intake
开敞式引道排open approach drainage
开敞式湖混成层open mixolimnion
开旷open water
开环ring-opening hydrolysis
开缝式盲沟open joint drainage
开缝式管道排open joint drainage
开缝排open joint drainage
开采mine level
开采extracting level
开采区中心位降water-level drawdown at the center of mining area
开采漏斗中位标高water-level altitude mining funnel
开采漏斗中心位埋深buried depth of water level at mining funnel
开采试验抽trial-developing pumping test
开阔open waters
开阔open water surface
最优力断面best hydraulic cross-section
最优化level of optimization
最优碳化含optimal moisture for carbonation
最优缺头功率optimum bit hydraulic horse power
最优钻头马力optimum bit hydraulic horse power
最低lowest low water-level
最低lowest water-level
最低minimum water stage
最低位出现时间time of minimum water level
最低位基准面lowest low water datum
最低水位minimum stage gauge
最低水位minimum stage gage
最低平容许水质标准lowest level allowing water quality standard
最低泥含量minimum cement content
最低低lowest low water level
最低可见作用lowest observed effect level
最低可见有害作用lowest observed adverse effect leve
最低地下lowest ground water
最低地下lowest stage of groundwater table
最低地下phreatic low
最低地下basal water level
最低地下basal water
最低安全lowest safe waterline
最低工资minimum earnings level
最低库lowest storage level
最低库minimum pool level
最低库lowest reservoir level
最低枯lowest ever known water
最低枯extreme low water
最低正常lowest normal tide
最低正常运行minimum normal operational level
最低消落minimum drawdown level
最低生活absolute standard of living
最低生活minimum standard of living
最低用minimum water consumption
最低通航位保证率guaranteed rate of the lowest navigable water level
最低通航位保证率guaranteed rate of the lowest navigable stage
最低需minimum water requirement
最低高lowest high water
最佳位变动区间interval of optimal water level change
最佳optimum moisture
最佳力断面optimum hydraulic cross-section
最佳力断面optimum hydraulic section
最佳力断面best hydraulic cross-section
最佳力横断面optimum hydraulic cross-section
最佳optimum depth
最佳耗optimum consumptive use
最佳耗optimum consumption use
最先进技术technological state-of-the-art
最先进技术technologic state-of-the-art
最劣质worst-case water
最后持final retention
最后涂的泥层wash cement
最后涂的泥层final coating cement
最大位降深maximum drawdown
最大压力maximum water pressure
最大maximum hydraulic head
最大maximum water head
最大maximum head
最大平射程maximum horizontal range
最大汽压maximum vapour pressure (力)
最大汽压maximum vapor pressure (力)
最大汽张力maximum vapour tension
最大汽张力maximum vapor tension
最大ultimate stream
最大maximum stream
最大maximum depth of water
最大maximum depth
最大马力maximum hydraulic horsepower
最大供maximum amount of water supply
最大保能力maximum water-holding capacity
最大保maximum water-holding capacity
最大允许位下降值maximum allowable water table decrease
最大允许maximum allowable level
最大出maximum yield
最大分子吸maximum molecular moisture holding capacity
最大分子容maximum molecular moisture holding capacity
最大分子持maximum molecular specific retention
最大分子持maximum molecular moisture holding capacity
最大分级排速率the greatest step discharge rate
最大剩余消毒剂maximum residual disinfectant level
最大剩余消毒剂maximum excess disinfectant level
最大剩余消毒剂平目标maximum residual disinfectant level goal
最大剩余消毒剂平目标maximum excess disinfectant level goal
最大取maximum intake water
最大可容maximum permissible level
最大可能出potential yield
最大可能洪maximum probable flood
最大可能洪maximum admissible flood
最大可能降maximum possible precipitation
最大可能降maximum probable rainfall
最大可能降maximum possible precipitation
最大吃maximum draught (深度)
最大吃extreme draught (深度)
最大吃maximum draft (深度)
最大吃extreme draft (深度)
最大含maximum water-holding capacity
最大含maximum water capacity
最大吸湿maximum hygroscopicity
最大吸着溶量maximum absorbed water volume
最大安全maximum safe water-depth
最大容maximum moisture capacity
最大容许maximum permissible level
最大容许面比降maximum allowance surface gradient
最大容许效应maximum allowable effect level
最大容许效应maximum allowable no-effect level
最大容许照射maximal allowance irradiation level
最大小时用maximum hourly water consumption
最大小时耗maximum hourly consumption
最大小时需maximum hourly water demand
最大小时需maximum hourly requirement
最大年洪maximum annual flood
最大年降maximum annual precipitation
最大持能力maximum water-holding capacity
土壤最大持maximum water-holding capacity
土壤最大持maximum moisture capacity
最大持续产maximum sustained yield
古罗马最大排Cloaca Maxima
最大无觉察到的效应maximum non-observed effect level
最大日污daily maximum sewage rate
最大日用maximum daily consumption of water
最大时污maximum hourly sewage rate
最大时用hourly maximum water-consumption
最大有效maximum available water
最大有效maximum available moisture
最大有效含readily available water
最大有效含maximum available moisture content
最大标准需ultimate standard water demand
最大次降maximum precipitation at a time
最大每小时需maximum demand per hour
最大每日用maximum daily water consumption
最大每日用maximum daily consumption
最大毛maximum gross head
最大毛管maximum capillary capacity
最大毛管持maximum capillary water capacity
最大污染maximum contamination level
最大污染maximum contaminant level
最大污染平目标maximum concentration goal
最大沉大型植物生物量maximum submerged macrophyte biomass
最大洪流量highest flood discharge
最大洪maximum flood discharge
最大浓度maximum concentration level
最大涉深度maximum fording depth
最大深度潜maximum dive
最大灌定额maximum duty of water
最大用maximum water consumption
最大用maximum consumption
最大突maximum water bursting yield
最大给maximum amount of water supply
最大耗peak use rate
最大耗maximum water consumption
最大蓄水位maximum storage level
最大蓄高度capacity level
最大蓄量height of the maximum storage
最大观测降maximum observed precipitation
最大计算洪maximum computed flood (流量)
最大载重线deep-water line
最大连续出maximum continuous rating
最大野外持maximum field moisture capacity
最大钻头马力maximum bit hydraulic horsepower
最大降zone of maximum precipitation
最大降强度maximum rainfall intensity
最大降day of maximum rainfall
最大降maximum rainfall
最大降maximum quantity of precipitation
最大需maximum water need
最大需maximum water consumption
最大静压力maximum hydrostatical pressure
最大静压力maximum hydrostatic pressure
最大静水压maximum static head
最大饱和潜条件maximum saturation diving condition
最大高maximum high water (level)
最小压力minimum water pressure
最小minimum water head
最小minimum head
最小头损失minimum head loss
最小平曲线半径minimum horizontal curve radius
最小流功率minimum stream power
最小minimum depth
最小作用minimal effect level
最小动minimum hydrodynamic pressure
最小可见损害作用minimum observed adverse effect level
最小容许排minimum acceptable discharge
最小干舷吃minimum freeboard draught
最小年洪minimum annual flood (量)
最小枯流量lowest ever-known discharge
最小检测minimum detectable level
最小田间持least field capacity
最小耗minimum water consumption
最小觉察到的效应lowest observed effect level
最小觉察到的有害效应lowest observed adverse effect leve
最小通航minimum navigation depth
最小通航minimum navigable depth
最小通航least navigation depth
最小需minimum water requirement
最常most frequent water level
最常most frequency water level
最年降minimum annual precipitation
最持minimum water-holding capacity
最持least water-holding capacity
最枯lowest low water-level
最枯maximum droughty discharge
最汹most turbulent flow stage
最紧迫阿尔发平检定most stringent level alpha test
最终final water
最终头高度final height of water head
最终灰比final water-cement ratio
最终出final effluent
最终土壤final soil moisture
最终渗final infiltration capacity
最终静final static level
最终饮用水质final drinking water quality
最适optimum watering
最适含optimum moisture percentage
土的最适含optimum moisture content
最适含optimum water content
最适含optimum moisture content
最高highest water-level
最高highest high water lever
最高highest water table
最高maximum surface elevation
最高peak stage
最高maximum high water (level)
最高crest stage
最高位出现时间time of maximum water level
最高位指示器high water alarm
最高位水尺crest gauge
最高位水尺crest gage
最高位线highest water mark
最高位预报crest forecast
最高库水位highest reservoir level
最高上游maximum headwater level
最高低highest low water
最高内在moisture-colding capacity
最高升top surge water level
最高容许沾染maximum permissible contamination level
最高工作maximum operating level
最高日供maximum daily water supply output
最高日供maximum water daily output
最高日供water output on maximum day
最高日供maximum daily output
最高曰供daily maximum water consumption
最高有效field capacity
最高污染物maximum polluted level
最高污染物平指标maximum polluted level goal
最高洪extreme high water
最高洪位线maximum flood line
最高洪highest flood period
最高流冰highest ice floe water level
最高用maximum water rate
最高用maximum water consumption
最高蓄top water level
最高记录highest recorded water level
最高记录highest recorded stage
最高运行maximum operating water level
最高通航highest navigable stage
最高通航highest navigable flood level
最高通航位保证率guaranteed rate of the highest navigable water level
最高通航位保证率guaranteed rate of the highest navigable stage
最高防洪运行maximum flood control operating level
最高需maximum water demand
最高高high tide high water
泥浆cement-water grout
泥浆thin cement grout
泥浆wet cement paste
泥浆cement grout
稀土催化双氧氧化工艺rare earth catalysis-H₂O2 oxidation process
稀土精矿分解废rare earth concentrate decomposition wastewater
稀污weak sewage
稀污dilute sewerage
稀遇洪频率frequency of rare floods
稀释diluting water
稀释dilution water
稀释溶液dilute aqueous solution
稀释系统dilute aquatic system
稀释废dilute waste
稀释有机物一混合物dilute organic-water mixture
稀释污dilute wastewater
稀释污dilute sewage
稀释猪猡污dilute swine wastewater
稀释用thinned water
稀释需dilution requirement
退water recession
退stream-flow depletion
退开始beginning of fall (期)
退方程recession equation
退方程equation of recession
退时间time of recession
退曲线recession limb
退曲线water-reducing curve
退曲线flow recession curve
退曲线方程equation of regression line
退曲线退水过程线recession hydrograph
退falling flood stage
退wasteway section
退falling limb
水工建筑物下游的退流速velocity of retreat
退浪花痕backwash marks
退waste canal
退tail channel
退线lowering limb
退速度retreat velocity
退闸门waste sluice gate
退闸门gate escape
退潮volume of water discharging on the ebb tide
退潮volume of ebb
退潮时的静止slack-water on the ebb
退落degenerate flow
退落地下receding water table
退落潜receding water table
销迹墨canaigre ink
杠杆阀冲厕所valve closet
阀止valve seal
阀门式给gate type hydrant
阀门止valve seal
阀门装置valve seal
water requirement (量)
供水比demand-supply ratio
量曲线water-demand curve
量累积曲线demand mass curve
高峰时间peak demand time
需加催硬剂的无煅烧石膏hard-finished plaster
需氧废oxygen-demanding waste (water)
需用量过程线demand hydrograph
需用的文图hydrograph of demand
需要required amount of water
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