
Terms for subject Technology containing 水面的 | all forms | in specified order only
下水污泥的地面处理land disposal of sewage sludge
不吸水性的表面non-absorbent surface
不规则的油水界面irregular oil-water interface
井的排水面积drainage area of well
井的进水曲面cone of intake of well
倾斜的气水界面dip gas water interface
倾斜的油水界面dip oil-water interface
凹陷的泻水斜面sunk weathered
加有表面活性剂的柴油水泥diesel oil cement (地热井用)
匣形截面的水落管box section leader
单位时间单位面积上的降水量amount of precipitation per unit area and time
压缩改正的调整大地水准面cogeoid of the condensation reduction
咸淡水界面的埋深buried depth of salt-fresh water interface
四面落水的天窗hipped dormer (window)
地下水流出地面的泉眼discharge point
地面上建筑物的防潮与防水dampproofing and waterproofing of aboveground rising structure
地面水不渗透的impervious to surface water
地面水不渗透的impermeable to surface water
地面水的可能渗灌时间opportunity time
坝的承水面dam face
坝的背水面dam back
坝的背水面back of dike
坝的迎水面dam face
墙的水泥抹面hard plaster
对地面水的密封tight to surface water
屋面箱形下水沟的铅衬里lead-lining of box roof gutter
屋顶排水沟的截面section of a valley
已记录的最低水平面lowest recorded level
带水平面的with horizontal surface
平坦的水准表面level plane surface
弯油的汽水界面curved gas-water interface
弯油的油水界面curved oil-water interface
扩大的过水地面enlarged water-carrying cross-section
扩大的过水地面enlarged discharging area
抽水井的平面布置形式planar array pattern pumping well
拌有水泥粘结料的混合式碎石路面施工法cement macadmix method
断面扩大产生的水头损失loss head due to enlargement
断面收缩产生的水头损失loss of head due to contraction
横断面突然变化引起的动力水头损失loss of dynamical head due to sudden change of cross-sectional area
横断面突然变化引起的动力水头损失loss of dynamic head due to sudden change of cross-section area
水力上经济的断面hydraulically profitable section
水平束的截面大小horizontal beam size
水平的气水界面horizontal gas-water interface
水平面内的辐射图horizontal radiation pattern
水泥加固的路面cement treated base
水泥的比表面积specific surface of cement
水泥稳定的路面cement stabilized pavement
水的表面张力surface tension of water
水的表面膜surface film of water
水的面积water area
水磨石的罩面处理terrazzo finish
水线定界线的平面plane surface circumscribed by the water line
水面附近的岸边活性沉积物active stream sediment near water surface
水面静止的渠道sleeping canal
水面静止的运河sleeping canal
油与水之间的交界面oil-water interface
油与水的界面oil-water boundary
浮选在水面的管段floating section
浸满水的地面cold site
清除水面油污的自动平衡刮集装置self-levelling unit for removing oil pollutants
清除水面油污的自动平衡刮集装置self-leveling unit for removing oil pollutants
混凝土表面上用布片涂抹水泥砂浆的饰面sackrubbed finish
空间归算的调整大地水准面free air cogeoid
船舶下水的船台面宽度launching width
路面板的水平滑移horizontal sliding of slab
部分露出水面的船舶残骸stranded wreck
降低的地下水面lower groundwater table
面层为水磨石的梯级terrazzo faced tread
高于水面的岸边活性沉积物active stream sediment above water level
高出周围的水平顶面raised table