
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing 水的 | all forms | in specified order only
一定要小心使用香水,千万不可轻视它的影响力!You must use the perfume carefully Never underestimate it!
主要功效:粉底液营养丰富,具有出色的保湿水润以及隔离效应,能令肌肤持续水嫩自然,富有弹力!六、香水Efficiency: Rich in nutrition, the liquid foundation has excellent moisturizing and makeup effects to constantly keep skin tender, natural, and elastic! (Perfume)
乳香和没药经点燃可作为礼拜时的熏香或者用作制作香水的材料Frankincense and myrrh were burned as incense during worship or used in making perfumes
从香茅和其他特定精油中提取或人工制成的一种无色、有芳香气味的液体被用于制作香水A colorless aromatic liquid, obtained from citronella and certain other essential oil or produced synthetically, is used in making perfumes
他在头发上抹了一些发胶,而对于自己的脸蛋,除了用点保湿水防止干燥脱皮外,也做不了别的修饰He put some gel in his hair, but other than some moisturizer to keep his skin from flaking he couldn't do much about his face
你想告诉我是你亲手做成这些香水的吗?You mean to tell me that you made this perfume from scratch?
你要的那种牌子的香水在我们公司脱销了The brand of perfume you wanted is out of stock in our company now
品牌香水是真正的、完全自然的安全香水,不含有害化学成分和有毒合成物Brand perfumes are genuine and completely natural and safe fragrances, free from harmful chemical ingredients and toxic synthetics
在化妆水的选用上,油性皮肤的人可以选用爽肤水,中性皮肤者选用滋润水比较好As to choosing toners, oily skin can use astringents while normal skin should use moisturizing toners
奇怪得很,这种黏稠且奇臭的油脂竟被用来制作优质香水Strangely enough, this greasy, ill-smelling product is used in making fine perfumes
女士们必须小心不要过分使用香水,特别是在暖和的天气里Ladies must be careful not to overdo their fragrance application, particularly in warm weather
如果你想购买由纯天然原料制成的香水,我们公司是您的首选If you want to purchase perfumes which are made up of natural compounds, our company would be the best choice
如果你醒来觉得脸有点肿胀,这种爽肤水是你最好的选择。它可以镇静和收紧你的皮肤If you ever wake up feeling like your face is a little puffy, this toner is your best bet for calming and tightening your skin
将酒精、香精和水按照一定的比例放入容器中,搅拌混合放置一段时间,让香精中的杂质充分沉淀Pour alcohol, essence and water into the container according to certain proportion, then stir and place for a while to let the impurities to precipitate adequately
巴黎的一些大型企业禁止员工在上班时间使用味道浓烈的香水In Paris, some big enterprises have enforced bans on the use of heavy perfumes during work time
我们保证制造的香水和酒精、香精和水一样纯净,不带任何杂质,因为经过了预处理,能保证产品外观清澄、气味醇和、香气扑鼻We guarantee to make our perfume as pure as alcohol, essence and water, without any impurities, because pretreatment guarantees our products to be limpid, mellow and fragrant
我们公司提供超过300款的香水产品,包括一系列的热带香型和古典香型的香水Our company offers more than 300 SKU’s in perfume products, including a full line of tropical and classical fragrances
我们的工作是用人工以及天然香料来调配香水Our job is to blend artificial and natural chemicals to create scents for perfumes
我只放了一小撮这个,一些那个东西,那边的一点点东西,就做成了香水I just threw in a pinch of this, some of that, a little bit of that over there and voila, I ended up with the perfume
我对你们的香水很感兴趣。我已经看过了你们的展品,并且研读了产品目录I’m interested in your perfume. I've seen your exhibits and studied your catalogs
我是在为中国的连锁店采购香水。它们对这几个品牌的法国香水很感兴趣I’m buying for chain stores in China. They are also interested in these brands of French perfumes
我确定我们的价格已经是最优惠的了。在其他地方,这个品牌的新款香水价格近几年来涨了不少I am sure our prices are the most favorable. Elsewhere prices for brand new perfumes have gone up tremendously in recent years
护肤产品、护发产品、除臭剂和香水,还有清洁用品都是用天然材料制成的Skin care products, hair care products, deodorizers and perfumes, and cleansing products of our company are all made naturally
橘子的使用如此多样,除了作为水果,它被作为香料制成众所周知的香水,像娇兰或雨果?博斯Orange is so versatile in use that, besides as fruit, it has been made as fragrance for well-known perfumes, like by Guerlain or Hugo Boss
用干净的棉球将爽肤水涂抹在脸上Apply the toner to your face with a clean cotton ball
白天工作时用运动古龙水。晚上用具有异国情调的东方树木香型香水Sporty colognes are for the day while working, exotic, oriental and woody fragrances for the evenings
的这款花香味香水怎么样?How about this Isawell’s flowery perfume? Isawell
眼线应该是防水的,如果你是敏感肌肤还应选用低过敏材质的The eyeliner should be waterproof, as well as hypoallergenic if you have sensitive skin
石油溶剂在工业上已广泛用于各种制造过程,以生产各种不同的产品,例如涂料、印刷油墨、上光剂、黏合剂、香水、胶水和油脂Petroleum solvents are used extensively by industry in manufacturing processes for such diverse products as paint, printing ink, polish, adhesives, perfumes, glues and fats
美国普通消费者每天要使用十种左右的美容护肤品,包括化妆品、香皂、洗发水、沐浴液、发胶及古龙香水等。七、办公用品An average U. S. consumer uses about 10 cosmetic products every day, including makeup, soap, shampoo, lotion, hair gel and cologne
英格兰中西部的人为了让内衣的味道更好,会在上面喷洒香水West midlands spray their undergarments with perfume to make them smell better
荼薇香味的香水对神经有舒缓功效The bitter sweet perfume has a calming effect on nerves
虽然我们的兰蔻香水具有高质量和与众不同的香型,但是它的价格比普通香水高很多,我认为广告应该针对时尚人群Although our Lancome perfume is of high quality and of different flavors, it is much more expensive than ordinary perfume. I think the advertising should aim at fashionable people
这个品牌的香水是我们的畅销货。我们产品的价格会根据国际市场需求的变化而变化。价格可以商议,尤其是针对大订单The perfumes of the brand are our best-selling lines. The prices of our products will fluctuate according to the international market demand. And we are always open to negotiate, especially on larger orders
这些哺乳动物分泌的黏稠、淡黄色、有麝香味的液体,可用于香水的制作The thick, yellowish, musky fluid secreted by these mammals is used in the manufacture of perfumes
这种香水真的很新奇,你们公司在哪里采购到这种独特香水的This perfume is pretty funky. Where did your company find it?
避免在你的手臂下或乳房上使用解臭剂、止汗剂、扑面粉、润肤液、护肤霜或香水Avoid using deodorants, antiperspirants, powders, lotions, creams or perfumes under your arms or on your breasts
香水制造的工艺过程一般包括准备精华油、预处理、混合、陈化、成品检验、装瓶The manufacturing process of perfumes includes preparing essence oil, pretreatment, blending, maturing, production inspection and bottling
香水是设计用来喷洒在皮肤上的Fragrance is formulated only to be applied to the skin
麝香是制造香水的原料Musk is a substance for making perfumes