
Terms for subject Water resources containing 水源 | all forms | in specified order only
不可再生水资源non-renewable water resources
世界粮食和农业领域土地及水资源状况State of Land and Water Resources
世界粮食和农业领域土地及水资源状况The State of the World's Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture
人均实际可再生水资源总量water resources: total renewable per capita actual
人均境内可再生水资源总量water resources: total internal renewable per capita
优质饮用水水源quality drinking water resource
低温低浊源水low temperature low turbidity source water
农业取水量占实际可再生水资源总量的百分比agricultural water withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources actual
农业非点源水质模型agricultural non-point source water quality model
区域地下水水源local groundwater source
可再生地下水资源的耗减率depletion rate of renewable groundwater resources
可开发水资源总量Water resources: total exploitable
可持续供水水源sustainable source of water supply
可持续抗污染水资源保护sustainable protection of water resources against pollution
可持续水资源利用sustainable utilization of water resources
可持续水资源管理策略sustainable water resources management policy
可饮用水水源useable sources of drinking water
可饮用水资源potable water resources
地下水污染源source of groundwater contamination
地下水污染源source of groundwater pollution
地下水污染源sources of ground-water pollution
地下水污染源groundwater contaminant source
地下水资源量groundwater resource amount
地表水水源surface water source
城市饮用水源municipal drinking water sources
境内可再生水资源总量water resources: total internal renewable
境外自然可再生地表水资源总量surface water: total external renewable natural
境外实际可再生水资源总量water resources: total external renewable actual
安全水源safe sources
安全饮用水水源safe drinking water source
实际再生水资源actual renewable water resources
实际水资源water resources, actual
废水污染源source of wastewater contaminants
微污染水源micro-polluted source
微污染水源slightly polluted source water
扩散水污染源diffusion source of water pollution
枯水年10年一遇境内产生的水资源量water resources: produced internally in a 10th dry year frequency
水体人为非点污染源anthropogenic nonpoint pollution source of water body
水体污染源管理management of water body pollution source
水体污染源管理措施management measure of water body pollution source
水体污染源评价模型assessment model of water body pollution source
水体热源thermal source of water body
水体非点源污染模型nonpoint source pollution model of water body
水土资源短缺scarcity of water and land resources
水土资源短缺water and land scarcity
水污染人为源man-made source of water pollution
水污染工业源industrial source of water pollution
水污染源source of water pollutant
水污染生活源domestic source of water pollution
水污染自然源natural source of water pollution
水源field delivery point
水源保护water protection
水源保护区water conservation area
水源保护区water source protection zone
水源保护区water conservation district
水源保护区water conservation zone
水源保护措施water protective measures
水源勘察图water prospect map
水源开发water resources development
水源涵养林forest for conservation of headwaters
水源环境卫生防护sanitary protection of water source
水生资源aquatic resources
水质水源source of water quality
水资源保存conservation of water
水资源保存water conservation
水资源保存conservation of water resources
美国水资源协会Water Resource Association (US)
美国地质调查局水资源处Water Resources Branch (USGS)
水资源工程water resources engineering
水资源承载力water resources carrying capacity
水资源污染water resources pollution
美国水资源法令Water Resource Act (US)
美国水资源理事会Water Resources Council (US)
水资源的供应管理supply management of water resources
水资源系统分析analysis of water resource system
水资源综合利用water resources integrated utilization
水资源综合利用water resource integrated utilization
水资源综合管理框架integrated water resource management framework
美国水资源规划法令Water Resources Planning Act (US)
水资源规戈与管理water resources planning and management
水资源调查报告water resources investigation report
水资源质量water resources quality
水资源遥感remote sensing of water resources
水资源需求管理demand management of water resources
水源waste sources
水源source of wastewater
污染地下水资源contaminated groundwater resource
淡水开采量占境内可再生水资源的百分比freshwater withdrawal as % of internal renewable water resources
淡水资源危机crisis of freshwater resources
淡水资源开采总量占实际可再生水资源总量的百分比total freshwater withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources actual
混合及其他水资源灌溉面积占配备完全控制灌溉设施面积的百分比area irrigated by mixed and other sources of water as % of area equipped for full control irrigation
经济水资源规划economic water-resources planning
经济水资源规划模型economic water-resources planning model
美国国家水资源委员会National Water Resources Committee (US)
联合水源保护区united water conservation district
自然水资源water resources, natural
自然污染源水域natural source waters
补充水资源addition water resources
配备完全用其他水源控制灌溉的面积area equipped for full control irrigation by other sources
非传统水资源non-conventional sources of water
非点污染源地下水污染nonpoint source groundwater contamination
非点污染源水污染nonpoint source water pollution
非点污染源水质水量模拟nonpoint source water quality and quantity modeling