
Terms containing 水污染 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.严重水污染问题serious water pollution problem
tech.严重污染水源heavily polluted source
tech.中华人民共和国水污染控制实施细则Implementation Rules for Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
tech.中华人民共和国水污染控制实施细则Detailed Regulations for Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
tech.中华人民共和国水污染防治实施细则Implementation Rules for Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
tech.中华人民共和国水污染防治实施细则Detailed Regulations for Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
ecol.中华人民共和国水污染防治法Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
tech.中等污染水moderately polluted water
tech.事故性水污染风险accident water environment risk
tech.二次水污染secondary water pollution
tech.二次最大污染水平secondary maximum contaminant level
tech.水污染well water pollution
tech.交通走廊污染水平corridor pollution level
tech.低污染水体oligosaprobic waters
tech.低污染水体low pollution waters
tech.低污染水域oligosaprobic waters
tech.低污染水域low pollution waters
tech.内陆水域污染inland waters pollution
tech.农业回水污染agricultural backwater pollution
tech.农业非点污染源水质模型agricultural nonpoint source water quality model
tech.农村暴雨水污染rural stormwater pollution
tech.农药水污染aquatic pesticide contamination
tech.初始最大污染水平primary maximum contaminant level
tech.化学水污染chemical water pollution
tech.区域性海湾水污染regional water pollution in the Gulf
tech.医院污水污染source of hospital wastewater
tech.印染水污染water pollution by dyeing
nautic., tech.压载水有害水生物及病原体污染pollution of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ballast water
tech.合流污水中的污染物质pollutants in combined sewage
tech.水污染aqueous pollutant
tech.含有机污染物废水wastewater containing organic pollutant
tech.含酚水塘污染phenol lagoon pollution
gen.国际水污染研究协会International Association on Water Pollution Research
nautic., tech.国际防止生活污水污染证书International sewage pollution prevention certificate
ecol.地下水污染subsurface water pollution
ecol.地下水污染ground water pollution
tech.地下水污染groundwater pollution potential
tech.地下水污染原因groundwater pollution cause
tech.地下水污染groundwater pollution map
tech.地下水污染groundwater pollution zone
tech.地下水污染groundwater plume
tech.地下水污染成因类型origin map of groundwater pollution
tech.地下水污染指数water environment quality
tech.地下水污染方式groundwater pollution fashion
tech.地下水污染标志mark of groundwater pollution
tech.地下水污染模型pollution model of groundwater
tech.地下水污染模型groundwater pollution model
tech.地下水污染治理contamination and remediation of groundwater
tech.地下水污染sources of groundwater pollution
tech.地下水污染sources of groundwater contamination
tech.地下水污染groundwater pollution sources
tech.地下水污染源识别groundwater pollution source identification
tech.地下水污染groundwater pollutant (质)
tech.地下水污染groundwater contaminant (质)
tech.地下水污染物输移transport of groundwater pollutants
tech.地下水污染物输移transport of groundwater contaminants
tech.地下水污染监测groundwater pollution monitoring
ecol.地下水污染监测ground water pollution monitoring
tech.地下水污染监测项目monitoring terms of groundwater pollution
tech.地下水污染程度groundwater pollution degree
tech.地下水污染程度图map of groundwater pollution degree
tech.地下水污染类型groundwater pollution type
tech.地下水污染综合防治integrated control of groundwater pollution
tech.地下水污染评价groundwater pollution assessment
tech.地下水污染调査polluting investigation of groundwater
tech.地下水污染起始值initial value of groundwater pollution
tech.地下水污染迁移的迟后现象delayed phenomenon of groundwater pollution transport
tech.地下水污染途径groundwater pollution pathway
tech.地下水污染预测groundwater pollution forecasting
ecol.地下含水层污染aquifer pollution
tech.地下水农药污染pesticide contamination of groundwater
tech.地下水有机污染groundwater organic pollution
tech.地下水有机污染groundwater organic contamination
tech.地下水的人为污染man-made groundwater pollution
tech.地下水的天然污染natural groundwater pollution
tech.地下水的盐污染salt pollution of groundwater
tech.地下水的自然污染natural groundwater pollution
tech.地下污染水扩散带范围zone of pollutant groundwater
tech.地区水污染排放物标准discharge standards for regional pollutants
ecol.地热水污染geothermal water pollution
tech.地表水污染surface water pollution
tech.地表水污染pollution of surface water
tech.地表水污染surface water pollution map
tech.地表水污染治理contamination and remediation of surface water
tech.地表水重金属污染surface water heavy metal pollution
ecol.地面水污染surface water pollution
tech.处理过的污水污染treated effluent contaminant
tech.大气降水污染rainfall pollution
tech.大气降水污染precipitation pollution
tech.大面积水污染综合调查wide area comprehensive water pollution survey
tech.大面积水污染综合调查comprehensive survey of wide-area water pollution
tech.天然水污染pollution of natural water
tech.天然淡水水体污染contamination of natural freshwater bodies
ecol.工业水污染industrial source of water pollution
ecol.工业用水污染industrial water pollution
tech.常规水污染分析指标conventional water pollution analysis index
tech.常规暴雨水污染控制conventional stormwater pollutant control
tech.平常暴雨水污染conventional stormwater pollutant
nautic., tech.[美]1990 年防止和控制外来水生物污染法令non-indigenous aquatic nuisance prevention and control act
tech.广域水污染综合调查wide area comprehensive water pollution survey
tech.水污染效应effect of wastewater contaminant
tech.水污染source of wastewater contaminant
tech.微污染原水micro-polluted raw water
tech.微污染地表水micro-polluted surface water
tech.微污染富营养化水处理micro-polluted and eutrophic water treatment
tech.微污染水micro-polluted water
tech.微污染水体micro-polluted waters
tech.微污染水体oligosaprobic waters
tech.微污染水体micro-polluted water body
tech.微污染水源micro-polluted water source
tech.微污染水源水slightly polluted source water
tech.微污染水源水micro-polluted source water
tech.微污染水源水处理micro-polluted source water treatment
tech.微污染源水slightly polluted raw water
tech.微污染饮用水处理micro-polluted drinking water treatment
tech.微污染饮用水源micro-polluted drinking water sources
tech.总纳污水体污染物平衡total receiving water pollutant budget
tech.放射性废水污染source of radioactive wastewater
tech.易于水污染的农药water-pollution-prone pesticide
tech.易使水污染的农药water-pollution-prone agricultural chemicals
ecol.暴雨水污染storm water pollution
tech.最大污染水平maximum contamination level
tech.最大污染水平maximum contaminant level
tech.最大污染水平目标maximum concentration goal
tech.最高污染物水平maximum polluted level
tech.最高污染物水平指标maximum polluted level goal
ecol.有效污染水平efficient level of pollution
tech.有机水污染organic water pollutant
tech.有机物水污染water pollution by organic substance
tech.有毒污染物水平level of toxic pollutant
tech.污染的水unpolluted water
tech.未污染雨水clean rain
tech.未被污染的冷却水unpolluted cooling water
tech.未被污染的水uncontaminated water
tech.未被污染的淡水水体unpolluted freshwaters
tech.未被污染的淡水湖泊unpolluted freshwater lake
tech.机载水面油污染探测系统air-borne pollution oil detection system
tech.机载水面油污染监视系统air-borne oil surveillance system
tech.标定水污染系数standardization pollution coefficient
tech.概率统计法地下水污染评价probabilistic assessment of groundwater contamination
tech.次生水污染secondary water pollution
tech.污染water contamination
tech.污染water pollution
gen.污染water contamination
tech.重金属离子污染源heavy metal ion source of water pollution
tech.水中农药污染aquatic pesticide contamination
tech.水井污染well atmosphere pollution
tech.水传播的污染物water-borne contaminant
ecol.水传播的污染物water borne contaminant
tech.水体人为非点污染源anthropogenic non-point pollution source of water body
tech.水体农业污染agricultural pollution of water body
tech.水体农药污染water body pesticide pollution
tech.水体化学污染chemical contamination of water body
ecol.水体工业污染industrial pollution of water body
tech.水体底泥污染源sources of sediment contamination of waters
tech.水体放射性污染radioactive pollution of water body
tech.水体无机物污染inorganic pollution of water body
tech.水体有机污染organic pollution of water body
tech.水体污染water pollution
ecol.水体污染water body pollution
tech.水体污染吸附adsorption of pollutant in water body
tech.水体污染控制water body pollution control
tech.水体污染控制标准water body pollution control standard
tech.水体污染源source of pollutant in water body
tech.水体污染源water body pollution source
tech.水体污染源pollution source of water body
tech.水体污染源控制和管理control and management of water body pollution
tech.水体污染源控制和管理control and management of pollution of water body
tech.水体污染源管理management of water body pollution
tech.水体污染源管理措施management measures of water body pollution sources
tech.水体污染源评价模型assessment model of water body pollution sources
tech.水体污染物pollutant in water body
ecol.水体污染物water pollutant
tech.水体热污染water body thermal pollution
tech.水体热污染water body heat pollution
tech.水体热污染源water body thermal pollution source
tech.水体物理污染physical pollution of water body
tech.水体生活污染domestic pollution of water body
tech.水体生物污染biologic pollution of water body
ecol.水体生物污染biological pollution of water body
tech.水体生物污染控制water body biological pollution control
tech.水体病原体污染pathogen pollution of water body
tech.水体粪便污染指示菌indicator bacteria of water fecal pollution
ecol.水体粪便污染指示菌indicator bacteria of water fecal pollution
tech.水体重金属污染heavy metal pollution of water body
tech.水体重金属离子污染heavy metal ion pollution of water body
ecol.水体重金属离子污染heavy metal ion pollution fo water body
ecol.水体重金属离子污染源heavy metal ion source of water pollution
tech.水体非点源污染模型non-point source pollution model of water body
ecol.水体非点源污染模型non-point sources pollution model of water body
tech.水域污染water pollution
tech.水域污染生态学waters pollution ecology
tech.水域污染生态学pollution ecology of waters
tech.水域环境污染waters environment pollution
tech.水天然污染源natural sources of water pollution
tech.水媒污染物water-borne contaminant
tech.水工业污染源industrial sources of water pollution
tech.水库污染pollution of reservoir
desert.水底质污染aquatic sediment pollution
tech.水成有机污染物aqueous organic pollutant
tech.水放射性污染源radioactive sources of water pollution
tech.水污染vitiate of water
ecol.水污染industrial water pollution
tech.水污染事故water pollution accident
tech.水污染交通源transportation source of water pollution
tech.水污染修复remediation of water pollution
tech.水污染农业源agricultural source of water pollution
tech.水污染化学water pollution chemistry
tech.水污染region of water pollution
tech.水污染危害water pollution hazard
tech.水污染固定源stationary source of water pollution
tech.水污染固定监测站stationary monitoring station for water pollution
tech.水污染water pollution map
tech.水污染型农药water-pollution-prone pesticide
tech.水污染处理water pollution treatment
tech.水污染对健康的影响hazardous health effects of water pollution
tech.水污染对策water pollution control strategy
ecol.水污染对策控制树game tree of water pollution control
tech.水污染工业源industrial sources of water pollution
tech.水污染常规分析指标index of routine analysis for water pollution
tech.水污染成因origin of water pollution
tech.水污染指数index of water pollution
tech.水污染指标water pollution index
tech.水污染指标index of water pollution
tech.水污染指示生物indicator organisms for water pollution
tech.水污染指示生物water pollution indicating organism
tech.水污染指示生物indicating organism for water pollution
ecol.水污染指示生物indicator organism for water pollution
tech.水污染损害water pollution damage
tech.水污染排放许可证water pollution discharge permit
tech.水污染排放许可证制度water pollution discharge permitting system
tech.水污染控制协会Institute of Water Pollution Control
tech.水污染控制协定water pollution control compact
tech.水污染控制厂water pollution control plant
tech.水污染控制学会Institute of Water Pollution Control
tech.水污染控制对策树game tree of water pollution control
tech.水污染控制局Water Pollution Control Board
tech.水污染控制工程water pollution control engineering
tech.水污染控制政策water pollution control policy
tech.水污染控制杂志Journal of Water Pollution Control
tech.水污染控制条例Water Pollution Control Act
tech.水污染控制法令Water Pollution Control Act
tech.水污染控制法规water pollution control regulations
tech.水污染控制法规water pollution control law
tech.水污染控制目标water pollution control goal
tech.水污染控制目标树target tree of water pollution control
tech.水污染控制立法water pollution control legislation
tech.水污染控制站water pollution control station
tech.水污染控制管理局Water Pollution Control Administration
tech.水污染控制系统water pollution control system
tech.水污染控制系统规划water pollution control system planning
tech.水污染控制系统设计water pollution control system planning
tech.水污染控制联合会Water Pollution Control Federation
tech.水污染控制联合会会刊Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation
tech.水污染控制装置water pollution control plant
ecol.水污染控制规划water pollution control planning
tech.水污染放射性源radioactive source of water pollution
tech.水污染效应effect of water pollution
tech.水污染标定standardization of water pollution
tech.水污染模型water pollution model
tech.水污染模式water pollution mode
tech.水污染水平water contamination level
tech.水污染流动监测站mobile monitoring station for water pollution
tech.水污染测定measuring of water pollution
tech.水污染测定measurement of water pollution
tech.水污染消除abatement of water pollution
tech.水污染sources of water pollution
tech.水污染water pollution sources
tech.水污染source of water pollution
tech.水污染潜在源potential source of water pollution
tech.水污染潜在能力water pollution potential
ecol.水污染点源point source of water pollution
tech.水污染water contaminant
tech.水污染物毒性生物评价biological assessment of water pollutant toxicity
tech.水污染物毒性生物评价biologic assessment of water pollutant toxicity
ecol.水污染物的排放标准discharge standard of water pollutants
tech.水污染生态效应ecological effect for water pollution
tech.水污染生态效应ecologic effect for water pollution
tech.水污染生物学评价bioassessment of water pollution
tech.水污染生物指数biological index of water pollution
tech.水污染生物指数biological index of water-pollution
tech.水污染生物指数biotic index of water pollution
tech.水污染生物指数biologic index of water-pollution
tech.水污染生物指示法biologic indicator of water pollution
tech.水污染生物指示法biological indicator of water pollution
tech.水污染生物指示法biological indication of water pollution
tech.水污染生物指示法biologic indication of water pollution
tech.水污染生物测定water pollution bioassay
tech.水污染生物测定bioassay for water pollution
tech.水污染监控器water pollution monitor
ecol.水污染监测monitoring of water pollution
tech.水污染监测仪water pollution monitor
tech.水污染监测系统water pollution detection system
ecol.水污染监测系统water pollution monitoring system
tech.水污染研究water pollution research
tech.水污染研究厅Water Pollution Research Board
gen.水污染研究委员会Water Pollution Research Board
tech.水污染研究实验室water pollution research laboratory
ecol.水污染研究所Water Pollution Research Laboratory
tech.水污染系统water pollution system
tech.水污染纠纷water pollution dispute
tech.水污染线源lineal source of water pollution
ecol.水污染线源linear source of water pollution
tech.水污染综合控制integrated control of water pollution
tech.水污染综合控制comprehensive water pollution control
tech.水污染综合控制规划planning of comprehensive water pollution control
tech.水污染综合控制规划integrated planning of water pollution control
tech.水污染综合治理integrated treatment of water pollution
ecol.水污染综合防治integrated control of water pollution
tech.水污染综合防治comprehensive prevention and control of water pollution
ecol.水污染综合防治comprehensive water pollution control
tech.水污染综合防治规划planning of comprehensive water pollution control
tech.水污染自然源natural sources of water pollution
tech.水污染调查sanitary survey
tech.水污染负荷water pollution load
tech.水污染负荷指数water pollution load index
tech.水污染charge on water pollution
ecol.水污染charges on water pollution
tech.水污染连续自动监测系统continuous and automatic monitoring system for water pollution
tech.水污染追踪water pollution tracing
tech.水污染遥感remote-sensing for water pollution
ecol.水污染遥感监测monitoring of water pollution using remote sensing
tech.水污染重金属离子源heavy metal ion source of water pollution
tech.水污染问题water pollution problem
ecol.水污染防止法案Water Pollution Prevention Act
tech.水污染防治water pollution controling
tech.水污染防治control and prevention of water pollution
tech.水污染防治控制water pollution prevention and control law
tech.水污染防治工程control engineering of water pollution
ecol.水污染防治工程water pollution control engineering
tech.水污染防治政策water pollution control policy
tech.水污染防治法law of water pollution prevention
tech.水污染防治监督管理机关organs of supervision and management of water pollution prevention and control
tech.水污染防治监督管理机构organs of supervision and management of water pollution prevention and control
tech.水污染防治站water pollution control station
tech.水污染预测prediction of water pollution
tech.水污染预防water pollution prevention
tech.水污染预防控制法water pollution prevention and control law
tech.水污染风险water pollution risk
tech.水源污染water source pollution
tech.水溶态污染物water-soluble state pollutant
tech.水环境污染water environmental pollution
tech.水环境污染预测water environmental pollution forecasting
tech.水生生态系统污染aquatic ecosystem pollution
tech.水生生物农药污染aquatic pesticide contamination
tech.水的农药污染aquatic pesticide contamination
tech.水的去污染depollution of water
tech.水的污染含量water contaminant level
tech.水的污染物water contaminants
tech.水的生物污染指数biological index of water-pollution
tech.水的生物污染指数biologic index of water-pollution
tech.水认为污染源man-made source of water pollution
tech.水质污染water quality pollution
tech.水质污染aquatic pollution
tech.水质污染保护管理water quality pollution control
tech.水质污染处理厂water pollution control plant
tech.水质污染征兆pollution sign of water quality
tech.水质污染指数water quality pollution index
tech.水质污染控制water quality pollution control
tech.水质污染标志water quality pollution index
tech.水质污染源water quality pollution source
tech.水质污染物water quality pollutant
tech.水质污染监测仪water quality pollution monitor
tech.水质污染研究实验室water quality pollution research laboratory
tech.水质污染管制法water quality pollution control law (规)
tech.水质污染管制立法water quality pollution control legislation
tech.水质污染管理法water quality pollution control law (规)
tech.水质污染管理立法water quality pollution control legislation
tech.水质污染防止water pollution prevention
tech.水质污染防治water quality pollution control
tech.水质综合污染指数comprehensive pollution index of water quality
ecol.水质综合污染指数water quality comprehensive pollution index of water quality
tech.水资源污染water resource pollution
ecol.水资源的人为污染源man-made source of water pollution
tech.水载污染物water-borne contaminant
tech.水道污染water courses pollution
tech.水银污染泥mercury pollution sludge
tech.水银污染鱼mercury pollution fish
tech.水污染sewage pollution
tech.水污染sewerage pollution
tech.水污染sewage contamination
tech.水污染polluted by sewage
tech.水污染sewerage pollution value
tech.水污染sewage pollution value
tech.水污染指示物indicator of sewage pollution
tech.水污染wastewater pollutant
tech.水污染物排放标准wastewater pollutant discharge standard
tech.污染河水contaminated river water
tech.污染出水分析analysis of sewage effluent
tech.污染含水层contaminated aquifer
tech.污染地下水contaminated groundwater
tech.污染地下水修复remediation of polluted underground water
tech.污染地下水带polluted groundwater zone
tech.污染地下水资源contaminated groundwater resources
tech.污染地表水polluted surface water
tech.污染工业废水polluted industrial wastewater
tech.污染控制水平level of pollution control
tech.污染水unclean water
desert.污染水polluted water
tech.污染水体pollution waters
tech.污染水体polluted waters
tech.污染水体水质water quality of polluted waters
tech.污染水体水质polluted waters quality
tech.污染水修复contaminated water remediation
tech.污染水回收polluted water recovery
tech.污染水域polluted waters
tech.污染水域pollution waters
tech.污染水域contaminated waters
tech.污染水平pollutant level
tech.污染水平pollution level
ecol.污染水平level of pollutant
tech.污染水平与分类contamination level and type
tech.污染水文地质剖面图profile of pollution hydrogeology
tech.污染水文地质图map of pollution hydrogeology
tech.污染水文地质调查contaminative-hydrogeological survey
tech.污染水文地质调查contaminative-hydrogeologic survey
tech.污染水文学contaminant hydrology
tech.污染水流polluted flow
tech.污染水源polluted water sources
tech.污染水藻polluted water algae
tech.污染水道polluted waterway
tech.污染河水polluted river water
tech.污染河水处理polluted river water treatment
tech.污染物水平contaminant level
tech.污染物浓度水平pollutant concentration level
tech.污染的排水沟polluted waterway
tech.污染的水polluted water
tech.污染的水域polluted waters
tech.污染的水道polluted waterway
tech.污染的河水polluted river water
tech.污染雨水polluted rain
tech.沥滤液污染的地下水leachate polluted groundwater
ecol.流域水污染控制规划river basin water pollution control planning
tech.水污染pollution of seawater
tech.水污染salt-water pollution
ecol.水污染seawater pollution
tech.水污染控制及提高水质法Marine Waters Pollution Control and Quality Enhancement Act
tech.海岸水域污染pollution of coastal waters
tech.海岸水域污染coastal waters pollution
tech.海水入侵污染seawater intrusion pollution
tech.海水油污染seawater pollution by oil
ecol.海水石油污染seawater pollution by oil
ecol.消除水污染abatement of water pollution
ecol.水污染fresh water pollution
tech.漂白染色污水bleaching and dyeing wastewater
tech.潜在水污染potential contamination of water
tech.潜在水污染指示物indicator of potential contamination of water
tech.潜在地下水污染possible groundwater pollution
tech.潜水隐污染物latent pollutant
ecol.水污染thermal water pollution
tech.牲畜污水污染pollution by livestock effluent
tech.特发性水污染sudden water pollution
tech.环境地下水污染environmental contamination of groundwater
tech.环境有毒污染物水平ambient levels of toxic pollutant
tech.现时水污染present-day pollution of water
tech.生物水污染water pollution by organism
tech.疏水化学污染物hydrophobic chemical pollutant
tech.疏水有机污染物hydrophobic organic pollutant
tech.疏水有机污染物hydrophobic organic contaminant
tech.稳定性微污染地表水stable micro-polluted surface water
tech.紫外线法水质有机污染监测仪ultraviolet organic pollution monitor
tech.美国水污染控制联合会.Water Pollution Control Federation
tech.美国国家水污染控制法令National Water Pollution Control Act of United States
tech.美国环境政治法清洁水法国家污染物排放消除体系National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System of USEPA Clean Water Act
tech.美国联邦清洁水法国家污染物排放消除许可证制度National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Permit System in Federal Clean Water Act
tech.联邦水污染控制修正法令Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments (美国)
ecol.联邦水污染控制法Federal Water Pollution Control Act
tech.联邦水污染控制法令Federal Water Pollution Control Act (美国)
gen.联邦水污染控制署美; FWQA 的前身Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
tech.联邦水污染管理局Federal Water Pollution Control Administration (美国)
ecol.联邦水污染管理局Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
nautic., tech.美国联邦政府水污染控制法令federal water pollution control act
tech.被污染的地表水polluted surface water
tech.被污染的河水polluted river water
tech.轻污染水域oligosaprobic waters
tech.造纸工业水污染物排放标准discharge standard of water pollutant for paper industry
ecol.造纸工业水污染物排放标准discharge standard of water pollutants for paper industry
tech.酸性废水污染acid water pollution
tech.酸性矿山废水污染acid mine pollution
shipb.锅炉水质污染boiler water-quality pollution
tech.水污染立法water anti-pollution legislation
tech.防止水污染water anti-pollution
tech.防止水污染law of water pollution prevention
tech.防止水污染法规water anti-pollution legislation
tech.防止地下水污染preventing groundwater contamination
nautic., tech.防止生活污水污染证书sewage pollution prevention certificate
tech.防治地下水污染的措施measures of protecting and administering ground water pollution
tech.水污染precipitation pollution
ecol.水污染precipitation contamination
tech.露天矿矿水污染water pollution from strip-mining
tech.非点污染源水污染non-point source pollution
tech.非点污染源地下水污染non-point source groundwater contamination
tech.非点污染源水质水量模拟non-point source water quality and quantity modeling
tech.饮用水污染drinking water contaminant
tech.饮用水中污染物容许量drinking tolerance
tech.饮用水含污染物容许量drinking water tolerance
tech.饮用水微生物污染drinking water microbial contamination
tech.饮用水水源区污染防治管理条例Regulations on Administration of Pollution Prevention and Control in Drinking Water Source Area
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