
Terms for subject Environment containing 水文 | all forms | in specified order only
气象学、海洋学和水文学交互信息和处理系统国际会议International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing System for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology
水文地质学hydrogeology The science dealing with the occurrence of surface and ground water, its utilization, and its functions in modifying the earth, primarily by erosion and deposition (一门科学用以研究地表与地下水的形成、利用、和改变土地的功能(主要是藉由冲蚀和沉积)。)
水文hydrology The science that treats the occurrence, circulation, distribution, and properties of the waters of the earth, and their reaction with the environment (研究地球上水的产生、循环、分布、性质,及其与环境反应的科学。)
水文平衡hydrologic balance An accounting of the inflow to, outflow from, and storage in a hydrologic unit such as a drainage basin, aquifer, soil zone, lake or reservoir; the relationship between evaporation, precipitation, runoff, and the change in water storage (计算流域、含水层、土层、湖泊或水库这类水文系统中的流入量、流出量以及储水量;包括蒸发、降水、迳流以及储水量变化之间的关系。)
水文循环hydrologic cycle The movement of water between the oceans, ground surface and atmosphere by evaporation, precipitation and the activity of living organisms, as one of the mayor biogeochemical cycles. Each day water evaporates from the oceans and is carried in the air from the sea over the land, which receives it as precipitation, and finally returns from the land to the sea through rivers, thus completing the cycle (通过蒸发、降水以及生物活动使海洋、地表和大气中的水分转移,这是主要的生物地化循环之一。每天水分从海上蒸发进入空气,飘至陆地上空降落为雨,最终通过江河再汇回海洋,就这样完成一个循环。)
水文气象学hydrometeorology That part of meteorology of direct concern to hydrologic problems, particularly to flood control, hydroelectric power, irrigation, and similar fields of engineering and water resource (气象学中直接有关水文问题的部分,尤其是洪水控制、水力发电、灌溉、以及工程和水资源相关的领域。)
水文气象预报中心Hydrometeorological Prediction Center
水文流域hydrographic basin 1. The drainage basin of a stream. 2. An area occupied by a lake and its drainage basin (1. 溪流的流域。 2.湖泊与其流域所涵盖的地区。)
水文流量hydrologic flow The characteristic behaviour and the total quantity of water involved in a drainage basin, determined by measuring such quantities as rainfall, surface and subsurface storage and flow, and evapotranspiration (通过测量降水量、地表和地下水库储水量,流量和蒸发量来确定流域盆地中总水量及其特征。)
水文灾害hydrologic disaster Violent, sudden and destructive change either in the quality of the earth's water or in the distribution or movement of water on land, below the surface or in the atmosphere (地球上水流品质,或地面上、地表下、大气中的水流移动或分配的剧烈、突然与毁灭性的变化。)