
Terms for subject Environment containing 水平 | all forms | in specified order only
可接受风险水平acceptable risk level Level of risk judged to be outweighed by corresponding benefits or one that is of such a degree that it is considered to pose minimal potential for adverse effects (超出相应收益的风险水平,或可能产生最小负效应的风险水平。)
合格污染水平level of acceptable contamination
技术发展水平state of the art Everything made available to the public by means of a written or oral description, by use or in any other way before the date of the patent application, or an application filed in a foreign country the priority of which is validly claimed (通过书面或口头描述,使用或以其他它任何的方式在申请专利的日期或在外国一个有效申明的优先申请文件之前提供给公众的任何东西,)
效率水平efficiency level The ratio of output to input, usually given as a percentage (产出与投入的比值,通常用百分比表示。)
教育水平level of education A position along a scale of increasingly advanced training marking the degree or grade of instruction either obtained by an individual, offered by a some entity or necessary for a particular job or task (标志着受教育的学位或等级的,在越来越先进的培训方面的情况,由个人取得、或者由某个实体提供、或为某个特定的工作或任务所必须。)
日常活动水平daily activity level
最大污染水平maximum contaminant level
植被水平vegetation level A subdivision of vegetation characteristic of a certain altitude above sea level at a given latitude (在给定纬度的特定海拔高度上的植被特征细分。)
水分〔水量〕平衡〔循环〕hydrologic cycle
水分〔水量〕平衡〔循环〕hydrologic balance
水分不稳定的水分平衡hydrolabile water balance
水文平衡hydrologic balance An accounting of the inflow to, outflow from, and storage in a hydrologic unit such as a drainage basin, aquifer, soil zone, lake or reservoir; the relationship between evaporation, precipitation, runoff, and the change in water storage (计算流域、含水层、土层、湖泊或水库这类水文系统中的流入量、流出量以及储水量;包括蒸发、降水、迳流以及储水量变化之间的关系。)
污染物水平pollutant level A value representing the concentration of a polluting agent in a specified area, often determined by a measuring and recording device (在一个特定的区域代表污染浓度的一个值,通常由测量和记录设备决定。)
生活水平living standard A measurement of the development level in a country or community, gauged by factors such as personal income, education, life expectancy, food consumption, health care, technology and the use of natural resources (对一个国家或社区发展水平的衡量,衡量的因素包括诸如个人收入、教育、预期寿命、食品消费、医疗保健、技术和自然资源的使用。)
生物水平biological water balance The amount of ingoing and outgoing water in a system, which are assumed to be equal in the long term so that the water budget will balance (在一个系统中水的出入量,这是假设在长期情况下,出入量相等,从而使得水的预算平衡。)
营养水平trophic level Any of the feeding levels through which the passage of energy through an ecosystem proceeds; examples are photosynthetic plants, herbivorous animals, and microorganisms of decay (通过生态系统的能量通道而收益的任何摄食水平,例子包括:光合植物、草食动物和衰变的微生物。)
水平线snow level