
Terms for subject Business containing 水平 | all forms | in specified order only
一流水平first level
一般水平以上的品质above the average quality
一般价格水平general price level
一般价格水平general level of prices
一般工资水平general wage level
一般收入水平general income level
一般收入水平及生活水平general income level and living standard
一般物价水平general price level
一般物价水平general level of price
一般物价水平变动change in general price level
一般生产水平general level of production
一般管理水平general level of management
上置信水平Upper Confidence Level
下置信水平lower confidence level
不变水平检验invariant level test
不变水平阿尔法检验invariant level alpha test
不合格可靠性水平unacceptable reliability level
不确定水平level of uncertainty
世界国际水平world level
世界一流水平world class
业绩水平level of performance
两位数字水平double-digit levels
个人技术水平personnel skill levels
中下等收入水平国家lower middle-income country
中等水平产量yield at medium level
中等收入水平国家middle-income country
二级水平efficient deck hand
产出水平level of output
产品存货水平估计程序Product Inventory Level Estimator
人均消费水平level of average per capita consumption
人均生产水平per capita production level
仓储水平storage level
价格水平调整price level adjustment
企业机械化水平mechanization level of enterprise
估计交货质量水平estimated submitted quality level
水平均衡low-level equilibrium
水平均衡陷阱low-level equilibrium trap
水平对称参数lower-level symmetric parameter
低于一般水平below the average
低收入水平low income level
作业水平activity level
保持同一水平keep on an even keel
保本水平break-even level
保本收入水平break-even level of income
修订后价格水平revised price level
假设检定的显著水平significance level of hypothesis test
储备水平level of reserve
允许水平permissible level
充分就业水平full employment level
先进水平advanced stage
公开市场租金水平open market rental
关税保护水平level of tariff protection
决策水平level of decision making
制造质量水平manufacturing quality level
剪刀差最低水平lowest scissors differential between
加工水平processing level
劳动力水平流动性horizontal labour mobility
劳动者家庭生活支出水平living expenditure level of workers household
即将取得的质量水平incoming quality
政府将物价压低至原来水平roll back
可接受可靠性水平acceptable level of reliability
可接受性质量水平acceptability quality level
可达到的高水平attainable high level
各国生活水平比较international comparision of levels of living
合格水平质量quality of certified level
水平贸易指经济发展水平大致相同的国家间贸易horizontal trade
品质控制水平quality control level
因子水平level of factor
固定显著水平constant significant level
国内供应价格水平domestic supply price level
国民家庭生活支出水平living expenditure level of national household
国际物价水平international price level
场外价格水平kerb levels
场外证券价格水平kerb levels
基准消费水平base level of consumption
存款水平deposit line
存款水平deposit level
存货水平stock level
存货记录水平inventory record level
存量水平控制stock level ordering
完成标准水平level of performance standard
定额备用金水平imprest level
实际水平actual level
实际投入作业水平actual input activity level
实际生活水平actual living level
工业水平level of industry
工业部门产出水平industry output level
工作水平work level
工资水平标准wage level
市场需求水平level of market demand
常规显著性水平conventional significance level
平均出厂质量水平average outgoing quality level
平均技术水平average technical level
平均生活水平average standard of living
平均质量水平average quality level
平水运价内河平水航道运价level-stream freight rate
库存水平level of stock
强化管理水平level of intensive management
一般物价水平变动general price level change
总体水平overall level
总物价水平general price level
总物价水平变动general price level changes
总进口量水平level of total import
成批质量水平lot quality level
成本水平线cost level
战略水平tactical level
技术水平technical levels
技术发展水平state of the art
技术性能水平level of technical performance
投资水平investment level
投资水平变动investment level movement
抗升水平resistance level
交易所价格幅度抗升水平指汇率,股价或货价在变动前暂停波动的水平点resistance level
持续高水平continuous high level
按国内水平at the national level
按国际水平at the international level
按当时投资水平at the prevailing rate of investment
按新增加就业劳动力平均需要的积累水平average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force
按物价水平调整的损益price level gains or losses
按物价水平调整的财务报表price level financial statements
按综合物价水平调整General Price-Level Adjustments
按综合物价水平调整的报表General Price Level Adjusted Statement
接受订货水平work level
接国内水平at the national level
提高服务水平improving standards in service
提高盈利水平promote the level of profitableness
提高管理水平improving management
支付和汇款的水平和方式level and modalities of payment and remittance
支持水平support level
收入水平变动income-level movement
收入水平对进口需要的弹性影响income elasticity of demand for imports
放任物价水平大幅度波动large-scale swings of laissez-faire price levels
效率水平level of efficiency
文化水平cultural level
无差异水平指数indifference-level index number
无差异水平指数indifference-level index
普通教育水平General Educational Development
最低水平floor level
最低收入水平minimum earning level
最低月平均水平lowest monthly mean level
最低消费水平minimal consumption level
最低生活水平bare subsistence level of living
最低生活水平bare subsistence level
最低积累水平minimum accumulation level
最佳生产水平optimum level of production
最大储量水平maximum level of inventory
最末水平terminal level
最高水平maximum high-level
最高存量水平maximum inventory level
最高工资水平maximum level of wage
最高库存水平maximum level of stock
最高最低水平检验minimax level test
最高管理水平top management level
月平均水平monthly mean level
有效流动性水平effective liquidity level
期望质量水平expected quality level
极限质量水平limiting quality level
标准置信水平nominal confidence level
标准质量水平standard quality level
检修水平判定repair level decision
检定后质量水平certificated quality level
检验水平test level
水平second level
比较利益低水平low level of comparative profit
比较效用水平comparative utilization level
比较舒适的生活水平relatively comfortable standard of living
水平乘数horizontal multiplier
水平乘法器horizontal multiplier
人寿险水平保费保险level premium insurance
水平保险费level premium
水平决策矩阵法horizontal decision matrices
水平协调horizontal coordination
水平变化change in level
水平基线datum line
水平多样化horizontal diversification
水平市场horizontal market
水平幅度调整horizontal amplitude control
水平式使用广告媒介horizontal buy
水平或平均需求模式horizontal or average demand model
水平扫描电路horizontal scanning circuit
水平支付抵押level-payment mortgage
水平曲线level curve
水平测量仪level measuring set
水平渗透horizontal saturation
水平离差horizontal deviation
水平综合horizontal integration
水平考虑horizontal problem
水平能见距离visible horizon
水平衡量horizontal measure
水平运价level-stream freight rate
活动水平activity level
活动水平activity levels
流动性水平liquidity level
测定显著水平observed level of significance
满意水平satisfactory level
潜意识水平unconscious level
激励比较水平不等论comparison level inequity theory of motivation
物价水平下降drifting down of the price level
现代企业管理水平modern enterprise management level
现场维修最低水平lowest field level of maintenance
理论允许水平theoretical allowable level
生产水平level of production
生产就业水平level of productive employment
生产工人动力装备总水平aggregate horsepower per production worker
生产线水平line level
生存工资水平existence level of wages
生活支出水平living expenditure level
目标水平target level
目标存量水平target inventory level
管理水平level of supervision
管理水平management level
管理水平level of managerial competence
管理水平level of control (management)
管理水平评价appraisal of management level
管理技能水平level of managerial expertise
精确水平level of accuracy
组织水平organization level
经营管理水平management control level
绝对销售水平absolute sales levels
统计显著性水平level of statistical significance
维修水平level of maintainability
维持水平support level
维持保证金水平maintenance level
综合水平level of aggregation
职业水平开发employee development
股息历史水平dividend history
营运水平level of operation
营销水平level of marketing
行业盈利水平industry-wide profit level
要素水平平均factor level mean
规定概率水平specified probability levels
订正后的价格水平revised price level
记录水平record level
试验水平test level
试验水平pilot lever
货币项目物价水平调整price level adjustment of monetary items
费用水平cost level
资产流动性水平level of assets mobility
资本存量水平level of capital stock
水平above level
水平over level
水平above ground level
车间机械化水平mechanization level of workshop
较低规格水平lower specification level
达到世界先进水平meet advanced world standard
达到最新水平bring up to date
达国际水平at the international level
进出口商品价格水平level of prices at imports and exports
部门价格水平sectoral price level
重排水平reorder level
销售服务水平sales service level
需求量预测的消费水平consumption level method of demand forecasting
顾客服务水平level of customer service
顾客服务水平customer service level
预测水平forecasting horizon
预计效能水平predetermined level of efficiency
领导水平level of leadership
饱和水平saturation level
验收质量水平acceptance quality level
水平high standard
水平high plateau
水平high level
高收入高就业水平的平衡预算balanced budget at high level income and employment
高生活水平high standard of living