
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing 水产品 | all forms | in specified order only
大多数消费者都根据品牌知名度、质量和产品价格选择香水Most consumers who buy fragrances are responding to the reputation of the brand, the quality of the product or the price
我们保证制造的香水和酒精、香精和水一样纯净,不带任何杂质,因为经过了预处理,能保证产品外观清澄、气味醇和、香气扑鼻We guarantee to make our perfume as pure as alcohol, essence and water, without any impurities, because pretreatment guarantees our products to be limpid, mellow and fragrant
我们公司提供超过300款的香水产品,包括一系列的热带香型和古典香型的香水Our company offers more than 300 SKU’s in perfume products, including a full line of tropical and classical fragrances
我对你们的香水很感兴趣。我已经看过了你们的展品,并且研读了产品目录I’m interested in your perfume. I've seen your exhibits and studied your catalogs
护肤产品、护发产品、除臭剂和香水,还有清洁用品都是用天然材料制成的Skin care products, hair care products, deodorizers and perfumes, and cleansing products of our company are all made naturally
石油溶剂在工业上已广泛用于各种制造过程,以生产各种不同的产品,例如涂料、印刷油墨、上光剂、黏合剂、香水、胶水和油脂Petroleum solvents are used extensively by industry in manufacturing processes for such diverse products as paint, printing ink, polish, adhesives, perfumes, glues and fats
这个品牌的香水是我们的畅销货。我们产品的价格会根据国际市场需求的变化而变化。价格可以商议,尤其是针对大订单The perfumes of the brand are our best-selling lines. The prices of our products will fluctuate according to the international market demand. And we are always open to negotiate, especially on larger orders