
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一次性使用的遥控象站expendable remote operating weather station
上大层、污染、辐射和气候联席会议upper atmosphere, pollution, radiation and climate merged sessions
不凝non-condensable gases
不漏air tight
世界候大会世界气象组织World Climate Conference
世界候应用计划世界气象组织world climate applications programmeWMO
世界候影响研究计划联合国环境计划署World Climate Impact Studies Programme
世界候数据和监测计划World Climate Data and Monitoring Programme
世界候研究计划world climate research programmeWMO /ICSU
世界候研究计划-海洋学部分World Climate Research Program-Oceanography
世界候计划世界气象组织/ 国际科学协会理事会world climate program WMO/ ICSU
世界候调查局World Survey of Climatology
世界候资料计划世界气象组织world climate data programme WMO
世界象中心世界天气监视网,华盛顿World Meteorological Center WWW, Washington
世界象大厦World Weather Building
世界象日世界气象组织world meteorological day WMO
世界象时段World Meteorological Intervals
世界象组织meteorologische weltorganisation
世界大洋候实验World Ocean Climate Experiment
世界天中心World Weather Center
世界天监视world weather watch
世界天系统World Weather System
世界天计划World Weather Program
世界天资料记录World Weather Records
世界逐月地面站候记录World Monthly Surface Station Climatology
业务象卫星小组委员会panel on operational meteorological satellites
东中伊利诺伊象网East Central Illinois Network
东京天中心日本Tokyo Weather Center Japan
东京天中心日本Tokyo Weather Center
东南亚天中心Southeast Asia Weather Center
东方氮有限公司Eastern Nitrogen, Ltd.
东欧象资料综合处理中心莫斯科Meteorological Synthesizing Center-East Moscow
伊朗全国天然公司National Iranian Gas Company
伊朗天然干线Iran Gas Trunk Line
伦敦象局London Meteorological Office
伦敦天象中心London Weather Centre
分带用空装置air installation compatible use zoning
分离出的液化stripped gas liquor
切萨皮克湾地区自动化野外作业系统卫星天广播Chesapeake Region AFOS/Satellite Weather Broadcast
初始蒸initial vapour
初始蒸initial vapor
occluded gas
化学蒸沉淀chemical vapor deposited
化学蒸沉淀法一种人造金刚石新方法chemical vapor deposition
化学蒸相析出法chemical vapor distillation
北京象中心实时数据库中国Real Time Data Bank at Beijing Meteorological Center China
北半球极地天试验Polar Experiment in the Northern Hemisphere
北印度洋热带旋风经概率预报Wind Probability Forecasting for the North Indian Ocean
北太平洋反North Pacific Anticyclone
北极候系统研究Arctic Climate System Study
北极象研究小组Arctic Meteorological Research Group
北极天中心Arctic Weather Center
北极雾团、北极体和气溶胶采样计划Arctic Haze and the Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program
北欧夏季中层大合作研究计划Middle Atmosphere Cooperation/Summer in Northern Europe
同位素比值监测相色普-质谱法联用isotope ratio-monitoring gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
同步多球极光观测simultaneous auroral multi balloons observation
土壤soil air
土壤体容量soil air capacity
土壤态水soil water in vapor phase
土壤 Rn-Hg 联合测量法method for soil gas Rn-Hg combined measurement
土壤源温室soil-borne greenhouse gases
土壤空交换soil air exchange
土壤空扩散soil air diffusion
土壤空扩散系数diffusion coefficient of soil air
土壤空状况soil air regime
土壤空相对扩散系数relative diffusion coefficient of soil air
土壤空组成soil air composition
土壤通soil aeration
在标准压和标准温度下under standard pressure and temperature
复杂地形大研究atmospheric studies in complex terrain
复杂地形的大研究计划美国能源部atmospheric studies in the complex terrain program DOE
夏威夷中尺度能量与候学研究计划Hawaii Mesoscale Energy and Climate Project
夏季海平面压异常summer sea level pressure anomaly
多伦多大学大物理研究所加拿大University of Toronto, Institute of Aerophysics Canada
多年候平均值climatological normals
多效蒸压缩multieffect vapour-compression
多效蒸压缩multieffect vapor-compression
多维相色谱测定法multidimensional gas chromatography
夜间海上night marine air temperature
与海洋信息处理系统atmospheric and oceanographic information processing system
与海洋信息处理系统支持程序包AOIPS support package
与海洋图像处理系统atmospheric and oceanographic image processing system
与海洋学委员会Committee on Atmosphere and Oceans US
与海洋物理学physics of the atmosphere and ocean
云物理学实验室美国国家宇航局atmospheric cloud physics laboratoryNASA
云辐射扰动力atmospheric cloud radioactive forcing
传输特性characteristics of atmospheric transmission
光学和遥感研究所Institute for Atmospheric Optics and Remote Sensing
光学和遥感研究所Institute for Atmospheric Optics and Remote Sensing
化学及全球污染委员会Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution
atmospheric pressure
变化atmospheric changes
变率试验atmospheric variability experiment
和环境研究公司atmospheric and environmental research, incorporated
和空间物理实验室Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
密度探险者人造卫星air density explorer
层物理计划atmospheric physics program
层、磁层和空间等离子体atmospheric, magnetospheric and plasma-in-space
微波探测器microwave atmospheric sounder
扩散测量系统atmospheric diffusion measuring system
探测火箭atmospheric sounding projectile
探险者卫星atmosphere explorer
改正atmospheric correction
效应订正系统atmospheric effect correction system
数据采集系统atmospheric data acquisition system
本底污染监测网世界气象组织background air pollution monitoring network
气候研究atmosphere climate study
气象探测器atmospheric meteorological probe
水当量water in equilibrium with the atmosphere
水汽凝结atmosphere humidity condensate
污染测定方法世界气象组织air pollution measurement techniques WMO
污染物质输送法atmospheric pollutant transport method
污染限制委员会Air Pollution Abatement Commission
洁净指数index of atmospheric purity
测定委员会Committee on Atmospheric Measurement US
-海洋-低温层系统atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere system
海洋型atmospheric and oceanographic mode
-海洋相互作用air-sea interaction
-海洋相互作用联合委员会Joint Committee on Air-Sea Interaction
物理和地球物理杂journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics
物理和大气化学实验室美国国家海洋和大气管理局Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Laboratory NOAA
物理学实验室Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics
物理研究所Institute for Physics of the Atmosphere
物理研究所中国科学院Institute of Atmospheric Physics
物理研究所Atmospheric Physics Institute
环境air environment
环境局加拿大环境公司atmospheric environment service
环境监测atmospheric environmental monitoring
电探测系统atmospheric electric detection system
痕量分子光谱学atmospheric trace molecular spectroscopy
痕量分子光谱干涉仪atmospheric trace molecules observed by spectroscopy (instrument)
研究信息交换研究项目atmospheric research information exchange study
研究和辐照评估实验室美国环境保护局Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory USEPA
研究用全数字视频图像系统all digital video imaging system for atmospheric research
研究管理局加拿大Atmospheric Research Directorate Canada
研究规划Atmospheric Research Program US
科学与水文学国际计划委员会Committee on International Programs in Atmospheric Sciences and Hydr-ology
科学合作研究所Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
科学处美国国家宇航局马歇尔空间飞行中心Atmospheric Sciences Division NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center
科学委员会Council on Atmospheric Sciences
科学实验室Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences
科学局加拿大艾伯塔省科学研究委员会Atmospheric Sciences Department ARC
科学研究中心Atmospheric Sciences Research Center
科学研究实验室Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory
科学研究所Institute for Atmospheric Sciences
红外线衰减系数atmospheric infrared attenuation coefficient
角动量atmospheric angular momentum
输送模式atmospheric transport model
运动数据air movement data
大学大研究协会University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
大湖大沉积物测网great lakes atmospheric deposition network
大西洋海洋学和象学实验室Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories
与作物周报美国联合农业气象中心weekly weather and crop bulletinJAWF
中心Weather Center
中心Weather Center
侦察电讯符号weather reconnaissance
侦察中队weather reconnaissance squadron
侦察联队weather reconnaissance wing
侦察飞行电讯符号weather reconnaissance flight
信息显示系统weather information remoting and display system
决策模式weather maker model
分析处weather analysis division
分析终端weather analysis terminal
动力试验synoptic-dynamic experiment
卡片数据weather card data
-大气探测火箭Weather-Atmospheric Sounding Projectile
平流模式synoptic advection model
报告电讯符号weather report
探测synoptic meteorological sounding
控制研究协会Weather Control Research Association
服务国际公司Weather Services International
涡动synoptic eddies
略图等值线生成器weather outline contour generator
监视weather watch
监视与警报系统watch/warning preparedness system
研究计划weather research program
简报电视weather briefing television
统计回归statistical-synoptic regression
观测weather watch
观测与预报系统weather observing and forecasting system
观测组weather squadron
观测记要summary of synoptic meteorological observation
记录资料处理中心Weather Record Processing Center
资料生成器weather generator
转播中心Weather Relay Center
通信中心Weather Communication Center
预报报告weather forecast report
威斯康星州天试验中心Wisconsin Test Facility
威斯汀豪斯电公司Westinghouse Electric Corp.
封闭系统压指数baric index of system-closed
射电象学联合会间委员会Inter-Union Commission of Radio Meteorology
指森林、城市、 洞穴等局部地区的气候microclimate
小冰河期little ice age climate
小天weather of area
弗吉尼亚海波浪候模式Virginia Sea Wave Climate Model
感应电/伽马射线测井induction electrical/gamma ray log
戈达德大实验室Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres
戈达德大科学实验室Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheric Science
戈达德空间研究所大环流模型Goddard Institute for Space Studies General Circulation Model
最低海平面minimum sea level pressure
最终象辐射磁带final meteorological radiation tape
最终蒸final vapour
最终蒸final vapor
月球相色谱仪lunar gas chromatograph
月球大检测器lunar atmosphere detector
月球表面大成分实验lunar surface atmospheric composition experiment
朝鲜电公司Korea Electric Company
标准= 760 毫米汞柱normal atmosphere
标准象站standard meteorological station
标准大温度indicated air temperature
标准水文象资料交换格式standard hydrometeorological exchange format
标准状态下的空standard air
植物 /体系数plant/gas coefficient
次中尺度天相干涡旋submesoscale, coherent vortices
次天低气压subsynoptic low
欧洲候与自然灾害研究计划European Programme on Climatology and Natural Hazards
欧洲象业务电讯网Meteorological Operational Telecommunication Network in Europe
欧洲象卫星数据管理局Meteosat Data Management Department
欧洲象卫星组织European Meteorological Satellite
欧洲伊比利亚半岛大污染中尺度气象循环试验Meso-Meteorological Cycles of Air Pollution in the Iberian Peninsula
欧洲区域空污染模型European Regional Model of Air Pollution
欧洲国际象电传打字电报网International Meteorological Teleprinter Network in Europe
欧洲地球同步象卫星Geostationary European Meteorological Satellite
欧洲大化学污染测网European Air Chemistry Network
欧洲大酸性沉积物模型European Acid Deposition Model
欧洲天中心European Weather Central
欧洲航空象专家会议European Conference of Meteorological Experts for Aeronautics
体喷出gas ejection
体密度平衡gas density balance
体演化分析gas evolution analysis
体能交换gas power exchange
体能量转化高级研究小组team to advance research for gas energy transformation
体评价分析gas evolution analysis
体采样阀gas sampling valve
体闪烁正比计数器gas scintillation proportional counter
侵和油侵泥浆gas and oil cut mud
侵泥浆gas cut mud
候、作物和土壤climate, crop, and soil
候变化框架协定framework convention on climate change
候变迁研究专家小组委员会panel of experts on climate change
候和地面范围影响模拟simulating climate and land effects of ranges
候和环境评估中心Center for Climatic and Environmental Assessment
候学委员会国际气象学与大气物理学协会Commission on Climatology IAMAP
候学委员会世界气候组织Commission for ClimatologyWMO
候应用计划climate application programme
候数据中心Climate Data Center
候数据分析程序climatic data analysis program
候极值climatic extremes
候标准climatological normals
候模式中辐射代码的相互比较intercomparison of radiative codes in climate models
候演算climate computing
候生产潜力agro-climatic potential productivity
候生态型climatic ecotype
候相对频率climatological relative frequency
候系统监测计划世界气候资料计划climate system monitoring program WCDP
候系统研究计划climate system research program
候自记站climatological automated recording station
候评估数据库climate assessment data base
候长期研究、制图和预报计划Climate Long-range Investigation, Mapping and Prediction Project
冷式反应堆gas-cooled reactor
冷式实验性反应堆gas-cooled reactor experiment
冷快中子增殖反应堆实验gas-cooled fast-breeder reactor experiment
冷的air blast cooled
冷的air-blast cooled
动力作用aerodynamic reaction
动型波能转换pneumatic wave energy conversion
动型波能转换系统pneumatic wave energy conversion system
动测试程序装置pneumatic test sequencer
动液压的pneumatic hydraulic
动潜孔锤与泥浆反循环结合冲击钻进mud air circulation hammer
动阻尼复位控制系统damped aerodynamic righting attitude control system
back pressure
压变化atmospheric pressure variation
压式化学电离质谱分光光度计atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrophotometer
压效率井孔中的水位变化与大气压之比barometric efficiency
压显示器barometric indicator
压、温度和湿度pressure, temperature, and humidity
压、温度和相对湿度pressure, temperature, and relative humidity
压-温度计pressure-temperature gauge
压-温度计pressure-temperature gage
味廓线分析水质flavor profile analysis
味强度指数odour intensity index
味强度指数odor intensity index
味等级评估flavor rating assessment
味阈值odour threshold
味阈值测试flavor threshold test
和凝析油显示show gas and condensate
和油gas and oil
团变性试验全球大气研究规划air-mass transformation experimentGARP
团和锋面分析air mass and front analysis
团气流计air mass flow meter
-固体物质分离器gas-solids separator
固相色层gas-solid chromatography
固相色谱gas-solid chromatography
固相色谱gas solid chromatogram
孔率air porosity
gas seal
air tight
态氮测量系统gaseous nitrogen measuring system
旋强度cyclone severity
-油比air/oil ratio
泡状汽化蒸发,沸腾nucleate boiling
流结构flow pattern
流诊断分析diagnostic analysis of currents
-海大气环流模式A-OGCM (atmosphere-ocean general circulation models)
相互作用处理系统atmospheric and oceanographic interactive processing system
海型atmospheric and oceanographic mode
-海通量工作组working group on air-sea fluxes
-海通量现场测定工作组working group on in situ measurement for air-sea fluxes
液分溶层析法gas-liquid partition chromatography
-液包裹体gas-liquid inclusion
液固相色谱测定法gas-liquid-solid chromatography
液放射色谱法gas-liquid radiochromatography
液比gas liquid ratio
液相色谱图gas liquid chromatogram
液相色谱测定法gas-liquid chromatography
液相色谱-质谱联用仪gas-liquid chromatographymass spectrometer
液相色谱-质谱联用测定法gas-liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometry
-液色谱法gas-liquid chromatography
溶胶特性实验aerosol characterization experiment
溶胶采样系统aerosol sampling system
滤相关辐射仪gas filter correlation radiometer
球测风pilot balloon soundings
相停留时间gas phase residence times
相分配色谱gas partition chromatography
相氢化物原子吸收分光光度法gas hydride atomic absorption spectrophotometry
相滴定法gas phase titration
相粒状活性炭vapour-phase granular activated carbon
相粒状活性炭vapor-phase granular activated carbon
相色层gas chromatography
相色层gas chromatograph
相色谱gas chromatography
相色谱gas chromatograph
相色谱仪gas chromatography
相色谱仪-质谱仪-计算机联机系统gas chromatography-mass spectrometer-computer
相色谱-傅里叶变换红外光谱联用Gas Chromatography/Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
相色谱-化学电离质谱-计算机联用gas chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry computer
相色谱化学离子化质谱仪gas chromatographic chemical ionization mass spectrometer
相色谱-核磁共振波谱联用gas-chromatography-nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry
相色谱-紫外光谱测定法gas chromatography-ultraviolet spectrometry
相色谱-红外光谱联用测定法gas chromatography-infrared spectrometry
相色谱-红外技术联用gas chromatography-infrared technique
相色谱-负化学电离质谱联用法gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry
相色谱-质谱图数据系统gas chromatograph/mass spectrogram data system
相色谱-质谱法数据系统闭合环路溶出分析gas chromatography/mass spectrometry data system closed-loop stripping analysis
相色谱-质谱联用仪gas chromatography-mass spectrometer
相色谱-质谱联用仪gas chromatograph mass spectrometer
相色谱质谱联用测定法gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry
相色谱-质谱联用测定法gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
相色谱-质谱联用测定法combined gas chromatographymass spectrometry
相色谱-质谱-质谱法gas chromatography-mass spectrography-mass spectrography
象业务电讯网meteorological operational telecommunication network
象中心Meteorological Center
象中队电讯符号weather squadron
象中队weather squadron
象交互数据显示系统meteorological interactive data display system
象仪器终端和代表性观测meteorological equipment terminal and representative observation
象传感器meteorological sensors
象传真系统weather facsimile system
象信息〔O〕 meteorological information
象信息交互显示系统meteorological interactive display system
象信息处weather information branch
象信息提取中心Meteorological Information Extraction Centre
象信息数据采集系统meteorological information data acqusition system
象信息显示系统meteorological information display system
象信息系统meteorological information system
象信息转接中心Weather Message Switching Center
象停滞指数meteorological stagnation index
象协作委员会Meteorological Coordinate Committee
象卫星meteorological satellite
象卫星原苏联meteorological satellite
象卫星中心日本Meteorological Satellite Center Japan
象卫星作业系统meteosat operational system
象卫星地面中心ground facilities meteosat
象卫星地面计算系统METEOSAT ground computer system
象卫星实验室Meteorological Satellite Laboratory
象卫星探测计划Meteosat Exploitation Project
象卫星控制中心METEOSAT Control Centre France
象卫星联合咨询委员会Joint Meteorological Satellite Advisory Committee
象卫星联合计划局Joint Meteorological Satellite Program Office
象卫星覆盖区meteorological satellite activities
象卫星计划评审委员会Meteorological Satellite Program Review Board
象卫星资料地面接收站meteorological satellite data receiving ground station
象变迁与海洋学委员会联合国政府间海洋学委员会海洋研究专门委员会Committee on Climate Changes and the Ocean SCOR/IOC
象台meteorological office
象台weather base
象台电讯符号weather station
象台meteorological station
象台站天气观测员station weather officer
象地面观测站网meteorological surface observation network
象基准面meteorological datum plane
象学出版物publications in meteorology
象学和地球科学实验室Laboratory for Meteorology and Earth Sciences
象学和水文学研究所Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology
象学和海洋学中心加拿大Meteorology and Oceanography Centre Canada
象学系Department of Meteorology
象学联合委员会Joint Meteorological Committee
象局meteorological service
象局电讯符号weather bureau
象局meteorological office
象局meteorological office
象工作日weather working days
象工程中心Meteorology Engineering Center
象应用图示整套彩色系统meteorological applications graphics integrated colour system
象应用图示整套彩色系统meteorological applications graphics integrated color system
象应用技术卫星meteorological applications technology satellite
象应用显示系统meteorological application display system
象总台main meteorological office
象总台main meteorological station
象探测卫星meteorological detection satellite
象探测火箭meteorological sounding rocket
象数据传递meteorological data dissemination
象数据处理中心Meteorological Data Handling Center
象数据处理程序包meteorological data processing package
象数据存取库meteorological data access library
象数据实时程序meteorological data real time program
象数据应用中心印度新德里Meteorological Data Utilization Centre New Delhi
象数据采集meteorological data collection
象数据采集和显示系统meteorological data acquisition and display system
象无线电传播资料联合委员会Joint Meteorological Radio Propagation Committee
象服务公司meteorological company
象档案资料检索系统欧洲中期天气预报中心meteorological archival and retrieval system
象气球探测radiosonde observation
象气球探测资料radiosonde observation data
象浮筒火箭weather buoy rocket
象-海洋测定系统meteorological-oceanographic measurement system
象火箭网委员会Meteorological Rocket Network Committee
象火箭观测小组委员会subcommittee for meteorological rocket observations
象电报电讯符号weather message
象监测与预报meteorological monitoring and forecasting
象监视meteorological watch
象研究所日本meteorological research institute Japan
象研究所丹麦,挪威meteorological institute Denmark, Norway
象研究所日本Kisho Kenkyujo Nippon
象站电讯符号weather station
象站自记仪register of weather station
象系统meteorological system
象联合委员会Joint Meteorological Board
象联队weather wing
象观测与预报检验weather observation and forecasting control
象观测场meteorological site
象记录weather report
象记录meteorological report
象资料〔O〕 meteorological information
象资料综合处理中心meteorological synthesizing centre
象转播中心Weather Relay Broadcast Center
象辅助用海潮观测发报机meteorological auxiliary sea current observation transmitter
象通信系统meteorological communications system
象预报中心Meteorological Prediction Center
象风洞试验meteorological wind tunnel
辉光谱仪airglow spectrometer
速标示器airspeed indicator
air gap
泡流速仪hydrogen bubble velocity meter
活性污泥处理法oxygen activated sludge process
氧吸附、除及化学还原oxygen adsorption, outgassing and chemical reduction
洛杉矶空污染控制区Los Angeles Air Pollution Control District
理论象学研究所丹麦Institute for Theoretical Meteorology Denmark
甚短期天预报very-short-range forecasting
生成体的垂直密度vertical density of generated gas
用微波发射光谱检测器的相色谱法gas chromatography with microwave emission spectrometric detector
真空油vacuum gas oil
研究大的天文和空间技术astronomical and space techniques for research on the atmosphere
稀薄rarefied gas field
程序变压相色谱法programmed pressure gas chromatography
程序变流相色谱programming flow gas chromatography
缅甸石油和天然企业Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise
耦合大环流模式coupled general circulation model
耦合海洋大响应实验热带海洋和全球大气计划coupled ocean atmosphere response experiment TOGA
脉冲相色谱pulsed gas chromatography
调制候的凝化率climate-modulated deposition rate
贝尔格莱德大学水文象研究所南斯拉夫Hydrometeorological Institute and Belgrade University
质量-碱性氧炼钢法quality basic oxygen process
-液色谱测定法inverse gas liquid chromatography
选择性离子监测相色谱-质谱联用测定法selected ion monitoring gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
选择离子监控相色谱法gas chromatographic method with selected-ion monitoring
选择离子监控检测器相色谱-质谱联用法gas chromatography mass spectrometry with selected ion monitor detector
选择离子监测相色谱-质谱联用测定法gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with selected-ion monitoring
逐日高空象记录daily aerological record
土壤堆 处理aerated soil pile treatment
通用候模式美国国家大气研究中心Community Climate Model
通用象绘图软件包general meteorological plotting software package
通用象软件包general meteorological software package
通用天预报系统general purpose forecasting system
通用电公司General Electric Company
通用电有限公司General Electric Company Limited
通过业务环境卫星进行的大热测量atmospheric thermal measurements from operational environmental satellite
锆石、电石和金红石成熟指数zircon, tourmaline and rutile maturity index
锋面-海相互作用试验frontal air-sea interactions experiment
锕射射气同位素 An²¹⁹actinon
锕射氯的同位素actinium emanation
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