
Terms containing 民间 | all forms | in specified order only
manag.东道国民间反应community public attitude of host country
busin.东道国民间反应community attitude of host country
China, polit.中国民间文艺家协会China Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Art
textile民间手工艺为主题的饰品folklore craft-based accessories
shipb.保罢工、暴动和民间动乱险insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion
fin.允许离岸银行之间从事人民币转账业务allow offshore banks to transfer renminbi among themselves
el.公认民间工作机构recognized private operating agency
interntl.trade.关于解决各国和其他国家的国民之间的投资争端的公约Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States
busin.Washington, 18 March 1965关于解决国家与他国国民之间投资争端公约华盛顿,1965 年 3 月 18 日Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nations of Other States
China, polit.关于解决国家与他国国民之间的投资争端的公约Convention on the Settlement of investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of other States
UN关于资源、环境、人民和发展之间相互关系的全系统工作方案System-wide Programme of Work on the Interrelationships between Resources, Environment, People and Development
interntl.trade.其他民间长期资本other long-term private capital
ed.农民田间学校farmer field school
econ.农民-贸易商之间的联系farmer-trade linkage
space可用时间和居民综合考虑mission, enemy, terrain, troops, weather, time available and civilian considerations
org.name.国际非政府组织/民间社会组织粮食主权规划委员会International Planning Committee
org.name.国际非政府组织/民间社会组织粮食主权规划委员会International NGO/CSO Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty
China, polit.在全国人民代表大会会议期间during an NPC session
China, polit.在全国人民代表大会闭会期间when the NPC is not in session
IMF.就基金组织治理改革问题与民间社会开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with civil society on IMF Governance Reform
IMF.就基金组织治理改革问题与民间社会开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar consultations
IMF.就基金组织治理改革问题与民间社会开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with the Fund on Reform of IMF Governance
IMF.居民与居民之间的交易resident-to-resident transaction
libr.市民空间civic space
econ.1965年华盛顿关于解决国家与他国公民之间投资争端的公Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (Washington, 18 March 1965)
space当地民用时间local civil time
busin.政府对民间平衡government-to-public balance
econ.政府对民间的往来账treasury accounts with the public
avia.政府间欧洲移民委员会Intergovernmental Committee for European Migrations
org.name.政府间移民委员会Intergovernmental Committee for Migration
el.数据处理设备和办公电子设备干扰民间管理委员会Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Data Processing Equipment and Electronic Office Machine
IT格林威治民用时间Greenwich civil time
archit.格林尼治民用时间Greenwich civil time G.C.T.
interntl.trade.殖民地间贸易intercolonial trade
el.民办行业间商务标准voluntary interindustry commerce standards
oil民德一里斯间冰期Mindel-Riss period
tech.民德一里斯间冰期Mindel-Riss interglacial stage
earth.sc.民德-里斯间冰期Mindel-Riss Interglacial Stage
China, law民法所称的期间time periods referred to in the civil law
oil民用时间civil time
avia.民用空间技术倡议civil space technology initiative
tech.民用间防护civil protection
busin.民间专业协会non-governmental professional association
tech.民间习俗folk custom
interntl.trade.民间企业private enterprise
interntl.trade.民间企业退休金private enterprise annuity
tech.民间会计private accounting
environ.民间传统folk tradition The common beliefs, practices, customs and other cultural elements of an ethnic or social group that are rooted in the past, but are persisting into the present due to means such as arts and crafts, songs and music, dance, foods, drama, storytelling and certain forms of oral communication (一个民族或社会团体共同的信念,行为,习惯和其他文化元素,通常植根于过去,但以艺术和手工艺,歌曲和音乐,舞蹈,饮食,戏剧,讲故事和口头传播的形式保持到现在。)
China, law民间传统体育项目folk traditional sports
exhib.民间传说folk story
manag.民间体育folk sport
sport.民间体育folk games
sport.民间体育folk sports
China, law民间体育团体non-governmental sports organization
sport.民间体育运动folk sports
fin.民间信用non-institutionalized credit
tech.民间信用non-governmental credit
securit.民间信贷non-institutionalized credit
avia.民间修理机构civilian repair organization
fin.民间folk debt
fin.民间债券non-government-purpose bond
textile民间储量private storage
textile民间公司civil corporation
agric.民间兽医colt's cutte
tech.民间准则private regulation
fin.民间利率non-governmental interest rate
textile民间印花folklore print
IMF.民间及社区关系办公室Civic & Community Relations Office
IMF.民间及社区关系计划Civic & Community Relations Program
busin.民间反应community attitude
commer.民间团体non-official agencies
China, law民间团体non-governmental organization
tech.民间契约civil contract
tech.民间审计private audit
tech.民间审计non-governmental audit
busin.民间对外贸易private foreign trade
tech.民间工程deposite works
tech.民间工程private work
tech.民间工程deposit works
tech.民间工程合同private work contract
textile民间工艺national technology
arts.民间工艺folk craft
exhib.民间工艺品folk crafts
tech.民间工艺品folk arts and crafts
textile民间式时装folklore fashion
textile民间惯例private practice
textile民间手艺饰品folklore craft-based accessories
textile民间投资private investment
fin.民间投资non-governmental investment
busin.民间投资主导型经济economy led by private investment
busin.民间投资公司private investment company
environ.民间故事folklore The traditional and common beliefs, practices and customs of a people, which are passed on as a shared way of life, often through oral traditions such as folktales, legends, anecdotes, proverbs, jokes and other forms of communication (一群人传统的和共同的信仰,实践和习俗,通过共享的方式生活传承,通常通过口头传统,例如民间故事,传说,故事,谚语,笑话及其他沟通形式。)
tech.民间救助civil salvage
China, law民间文学艺术作品folk literary and artistic works
textile民间服装folk costume
textile民间服装folk wear
China, law民间机构non-governmental institutions
textile民间款式ethnic look
securit.民间流动资金private flow
busin.民间海外投资公司Overseas Private Investment Corporation
textile民间特色的长裙folksy long skirt
agric.民间personal (personalis)
IMF.民间社会civic society
UN民间社会civil society
IMF.民间社会全球政策论坛Civil Society Global Policy Forum
org.name.民间社会和私营部门伙伴关系处Partnerships with Civil Society and the Private Sector Branch
IMF.民间社会政策论坛Civil Society Forum
IMF.民间社会政策论坛Civil Society Policy Forum
IMF.民间社会组织civil society organization
polit.民间社会组织Civil Society Organizations
org.name.民间社会组织/非政府组织论坛CSO/NGO Forum
IMF.民间社会组织非正式大会CSO Townhall Meetings
org.name.民间社会论坛Civil Society Forum
tech.民间社团voluntary association
avia.民间空中防卫civil air guard
China, law民间纠纷civil dispute
tech.民间纠纷dispute among the people
expl.民间组织non-government organization
econ.民间组织a non-official organization
gen.民间组织non-governmental organization
interntl.trade.民间经济团体non-governmental economic organization
busin.民间经济部门private economic sector
China, law民间统计调查non-governmental statistical investigation
agric.民间育种personal breeding
exhib.民间舞蹈folk dance
tech.民间艺术folk craft
textile民间艺术folke art
tech.民间艺术folk handicraft
tech.民间艺术folk art
fin.民间融资non-governmental financing
econ.民间要求civil demand
shipb.民间许可证协议nongovernmental license agreement
tech.民间访civilian visit
interntl.trade.民间访问civilian visit
textile民间财产保管人civil property custodian
busin.民间贸易civil trade
busin.民间贸易non-government trade
tech.民间贸易people-to-people trading activity
econ.民间贸易the non-governmental trade
textile民间贸易people-to-people trade
textile民间贸易private trade
econ.民间贸易people-to-~ trade
tech.民间贸易non-governmental trade
econ.民间贸易代表团a non-government trade mission
econ.民间贸易代表团a non-governmental trade mission
tech.民间贸易代表团non-government trade mission
interntl.trade.民间贸易代表团non-governmental trade mission
shipb.民间贸易代表团nongovernmental trade mission
busin.民间贸易协定non-government trade agreement
interntl.trade.民间贸易协定non-governmental trade agreement
shipb.民间贸易协定nongovernmental trade agreement
busin.民间资本构成formation of private capital
textile民间资金private funds
expl.民间资金non-governmental fund
busin.民间资金流动private flow
textile民间转让private transfer
econ., int. law.民间运动civil movement
agric.民间选种people's selection
tech.民间道路private road
textile民间采购private procurement
textile民间银行private bank
avia.民间防空civil air defense
gen.民间防空措施勤务civil defence service
tech.民间青花folk blue and white
proj.manag.民间骚乱civil commotion
textile法国民间窄幅梭结花边ave maria lace
econ.与美国国际收支平衡表相关的按季公布的测度居民与非居民之间商品、服务、收人和单方转移交易的经常往来项目差额balance on current account
China, law涉外民事案件的期间period for the trials of civil cases involving foreign elements
org.name.病虫害综合防治农民田间学校Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field School
org.name.知识产权与遗传资源、传统知识和民间文学艺术政府间委员会Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore
space空间殖民地space colony
shipb.罢工、暴动和民间动乱保险insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion
org.name.联合国与民间社会关系知名人士小组Panel of Eminent Persons on United Nations-Civil Society Relations
gen.英国皇家民间防空监视Royal Observer Corps
furn.藏式木雕家具是藏族特有的民间传统工艺之一Tibetan carved wooden furniture is unique to Tibetan folklore
econ.解决国家间与各国民间投资争执公约convention on the settlement of investment disputes between states and national of other states
commer.解决国家间与各国国民间投资争执公约Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States
China, polit.调解民间纠纷mediate civil disputes
oil贡兹一民德间冰期Gunz-Mindel interglacial period
fin.进一步放宽民间投资市场准人further relax controls over market access for non-governmental investment
fin.通过提振民间消费来实现增长再平衡rebalance growth by promoting private consumption
ed.青少年农民田间和生活学校Junior Farmer Field and Life School
busin.非本国居民间以本国货币计算的债权claim expressed in national currency between non-residents
fin.鼓励扩大民间投资encourage greater non-government investment