
Terms containing 民族 的 | all forms | in specified order only
fin.中华民族的伟大复兴great renewal of the Chinese nation
fin.中华民族的伟大复兴great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
gen.也许它同你们国家的民族舞相似It's probably similar to folk dancing in your country
China, polit.人口特少的民族the ethnic minorities with extremely small populations
China, polit.人口特少的民族the ethnic minorities with exceptionally small populations
China, polit.人口特少的民族nationalities with exceptionally small populations
China, polit.人口较少的民族small population ethnic minority groups
China, law人数较少的民族nationality with a smaller population
interntl.trade.传统的民族手工艺纺织品traditional folklore handicraft textile product
China, polit.使各少数民族的社会发展跨越了几个历史阶段enable the social development of the ethnic minorities to leap over several historical stages
China, polit.依照宪法、民族区域自治法和其他法律规定的权限行使自治权exercise the power of autonomy within the limits of their authority as prescribed by the Constitution, the Law on Regional National Autonomy and other laws
China, polit.保持本民族的鲜明特色withhold its own distinctive national characteristics
China, polit.保障少数民族的权利safeguard the rights of minority nationalities
China, polit.保障少数民族的特殊权益guarantee the special rights and interests of ethnic minorities
China, polit.具有民族特色的ethnic
China, polit.分配给少数民族的应选代表名额the allocated number of deputies to be elected by a minority nationality
China, law制造民族分裂的行为act which instigates division of the nationality
China, law区域自治的民族nationality exercising regional autonomy
China, polit.在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区in the areas where ethnic minorities live in compact communities
China, polit.在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区in an area where people of a minority nationality live in a concentrated community or where a number of nationalities live together
China, polit.民族的国家a multiethnic country
fin.实现中华民族的百年梦想fulfill dreams the Chinese nation had cherished for a century
China, law少数民族的权利rights of ethnic groups
China, polit.少数民族聚居的地方in areas where minority nationalities live in concentrated communities
China, polit.平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主义民族关系socialist ethnic relations of equality, solidarity unity, mutual assistance and harmony
China, polit.平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主义民族关系socialist ethnic relations based on equality, solidarity unity, mutual assistance and harmony
tech.建筑的民族特征national features of architecture
China, polit.弘扬以爱国主义精神为核心的民族精神vigorously promote national spirit centred on patriotism
China, law当地民族通用的文字written language commonly used in the locality
China, polit.当地通用的民族文字the written languages of the nationalities commonly used in the locality
gen.我想每个民族都有其独特的音乐,是吗?I think each nationality has their unique music, don't they?
China, polit.散居的少数民族minority nationalities living in scattered groups
China, polit.有关民族区域自治制度、特别行政区制度、基层群众自治制度的法律laws pertaining to systems for regional ethnic autonomy, special administrative regions and primary-level mass self-governance
UN, afr.有广泛基础的民族团结过渡政府broad-based transitional government of national unity
textile民族感的巴罗克调ethnic baroque
commer.民族的亦缩为 Natnational
China, polit.民族的ethnic
China, polit.民族自治地方的人民代表大会the people's congresses of national autonomous areas
China, polit.民族自治地方的自治权利the right to autonomy of the national autonomous areas
UN生物多样性的人类价值:土著和传统民族 的看法Human Values of Biodiversity: Perspectives from Indigenous and Traditional Peoples
sport., cloth.纵观世界各民族的运动服装,不难看出,体育运动服饰呈现出很强的民族性,大多数体现了各民族的服饰文化特征Looking at various peoples' costumes, it is easy to find that sportswear takes on an obvious nationality and most of it embodies respective characters of finery culture
China, polit.统一的多民族的单一制国家a unified multiethnic country a unitary multi-nationl State with a unitary political system
China, polit.维护中华民族的根本利益safeguard the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation
China, polit.聚居的少数民族多的省a province where many minority nationalities live in concentrated community
China, polit.代表肩负全国各族人民的重托carry the great trust of the people of all our ethnic groups
furn.藏式木雕家具是藏族特有的民间传统工艺之一Tibetan carved wooden furniture is unique to Tibetan folklore