
Terms containing 民族 | all forms | in specified order only
China, polit.不分民族regardless of ethnic status
China, polit.不分民族irrespective of ethnic background
China, polit.不分民族irrespective of ethnic status
China, polit.不分民族regardless of ethnic background
gen.世界各民族统节日National festivals around the world
textile东乡族民族Dongxiang ethnic costume
China, polit.中华民族the Chinese nation
gen.中华民族the Chinese people
gen.中华民族chinese nation
fin.中华民族的伟大复兴great renewal of the Chinese nation
fin.中华民族的伟大复兴great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
China, polit.《中华人民共和国民族区域自治实施纲要》Outline for the Implementation of Ethnic Regional Autonomy in the PRC
China, polit.中华人民共和国国家民族事务委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People's Republic of China
construct.中国民族形式traditional Chinese style
textile中国民族服装Chinese national costume
gen.中国民族风格Chinese national style
gen.中国主要民族传统节日Traditional Chinese festivals
China, polit.中国各族人民the Chinese people of all nationalities
textile丹麦民族服饰Danish costume
textile乌克兰民族Ukrainian costume
textile乌克兰民族服饰Ukrainian costume
gen.也许它同你们国家的民族舞相似It's probably similar to folk dancing in your country
textile京族民族Jing ethnic costume
textile京族民俗服Jingzu costume
China, polit.人口特少的民族the ethnic minorities with exceptionally small populations
China, polit.人口特少的民族the ethnic minorities with extremely small populations
China, polit.人口特少的民族nationalities with exceptionally small populations
China, polit.人口较少民族the ethnic groups with small populations
China, polit.人口较少的民族small population ethnic minority groups
China, law人数较少的民族nationality with a smaller population
textile伊拉克民族服饰Iraqian costume
textile伊朗民族服饰Iranian costume
textile传统民族刺绣ethnic embroidery
textile传统民族手工艺纺织品traditional folklore handicraft textile product
textile传统民族服装ethnic costume
textile传统民族服装ethnic clothes
China, law传统民族节日traditional festivals of the ethnic groups
interntl.trade.传统的民族手工艺纺织品traditional folklore handicraft textile product
UN, afr.伦杜族民兵同赫马族民兵Lendu-based and Hema-based militias
textile佤族民族Wazu costume
textile佤族民族Wa ethnic costume
China, polit.使各少数民族的社会发展跨越了几个历史阶段enable the social development of the ethnic minorities to leap over several historical stages
China, polit.依照宪法、民族区域自治法和其他法律规定的权限行使自治权exercise the power of autonomy within the limits of their authority as prescribed by the Constitution, the Law on Regional National Autonomy and other laws
China, law侵犯少数民族风俗习惯infringe upon the custom and habits of an ethnic group
China, polit.促进各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展encourage all ethnic groups to join hands and work together for common prosperity and development
textile俄罗斯民族Russian costume
textile俄罗斯民族Russ costume
textile俄罗斯民族服饰Russian costume
textile俄罗斯族民族Russian ethnic costume
textile俄罗斯族民俗服Russ costume
econ.保护民族工业protection of home industries
China, law保持民族特色maintain the ethnic features
China, polit.保持本民族的鲜明特色withhold its own distinctive national characteristics
China, polit.保障少数民族的权利safeguard the rights of minority nationalities
China, polit.保障少数民族的特殊权益guarantee the special rights and interests of ethnic minorities
textile傣族民族Dai ethnic costume
China, law民族素质quality of the entire nation
China, polit.全国各族人民the Chinese people of all ethnic groups across the country
China, polit.全国各族人民the people of all our ethnic groups
China, polit.全国各族人民people of all our ethnic groups
sport.全国少数民族运动会National Games for Ethnic Minorities
China, polit.具有民族特色的ethnic
textile冰岛民族服饰icelandic costume
China, polit.分配给少数民族的应选代表名额the allocated number of deputies to be elected by a minority nationality
China, polit.制造民族分裂instigate division of the nationalities
China, law制造民族分裂的行为act which instigates division of the nationality
China, polit.加强民族团结strengthen unity among the nationalities
China, polit.加强民族团结strengthen solidarity among ethnic groups
China, polit.加强民族团结strengthen ethnic unity
textile努族民族Nu ethnic costume
textile匈牙利民族服饰Hungarian costume
China, law区域自治的民族nationality exercising regional autonomy
textile南斯拉夫民族Yugoslavian costume
textile印尼民族indonesian costume
textile印度民族服装Indian costume
textile印度民族服饰India costume
textile印第安民族服饰Indian costume
textile危地马拉民族服饰Guatemalan costume
China, polit.反对地方民族主义combat local national chauvinism
China, polit.反对大民族主义combat big-nation chauvinism
tech.发展民族经济national economic development
gen.古代民族the ancients
China, law民族公民citizens of all ethic groups
China, law民族团结unity of all ethnic groups
textile吉卜赛民族服饰Gipsy costume
textile吉卜赛民族服饰gypsy costume
textile哈萨克民族服装Kazakh ethnic costume
econ.国家民族事务委员会主任Minister in Charge of the State Nationalities Affairs Commission
manag.国家民族资本企业管理national capitalist enterprise management
UN, polit.国家民族State House of Peoples
textile土家族民族Tu ethnic costume
textile土家族民族Tujia ethnic costume
textile土族民族Tu ethnic costume
textile土族民俗服Tuzu costume
textile土耳其民族服饰Turkish costume
China, law民族自治地方in the national autonomous areas
China, polit.在少数民族地区in the areas inhabited by minority peoples
China, polit.在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区in the areas where ethnic minorities live in compact communities
China, polit.在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区in an area where people of a minority nationality live in a concentrated community or where a number of nationalities live together
China, law地方民族主义local national chauvinism
textile埃及民族服饰Egyptian costume
tech.城市人口民族构成national structure of urban population
textile塔吉克族民族Tajik ethnic costume
textile塔吉克族民俗服Tajikezu costume
textile塔塔尔族民族Tataer ethnic costume
textile塔塔尔族民俗服Tataerzu costume
textile墨西哥民族服饰Mexican costume
textile夏威夷民族服饰Hawaiian costume
China, law民族共同居住inhabited by several ethnic groups
China, law民族共同居住several nationalities living together
China, law民族国家multinational state
China, polit.民族的国家a multiethnic country
China, law民族主义big-nation chauvinism
textile大不列颠民族Great Britain costume
textile奥地利民族Austrian costume
textile奥地利民族Austrian costume
UN, afr.安哥拉民族解放阵线解阵Frente Nacional para a Libertação de Angola
UN, polit.安圭拉民族联盟Anguilla National Alliance
fin.实现中华民族伟大复兴achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
fin.实现中华民族的百年梦想fulfill dreams the Chinese nation had cherished for a century
China, polit.实行民族区域自治institute ethnic regional autonomy in the areas where ethnic minorities live in compact communities
adv.对少数民族报纸ethnic press
adv.对少数民族电台ethnic radio
desert.少数民族national minority
tech.少数民族national minorities
desert.少数民族minority nationality
agric.少数民族minority (minoritas)
environ.少数民族minority A group that is different racially, politically, etc. from a larger group of which it is a part (种族上、政治上等区别于一个大集团的团体,即它是大团体的一个组成部分。)
China, polit.少数民族minority nationalities
China, polit.少数民族ethnic minority groups
China, polit.少数民族ethnic minorities
China, polit.少数民族代表deputies of from minority nationalities
busin.少数民族企业minority nationalities business
manag.少数民族体育sport for ethnic groups
manag.少数民族体育sport for minorities
sport., folk.少数民族体育sports and games for ethnic groups
China, law少数民族公民citizen of an ethnie group
agric.少数民族地区minority nationality region
China, polit.少数民族地区areas inhabited by minority nationalities
China, law少数民族地区regions inhabited by ethnic groups
tech.少数民族地区territory of nationality
desert.少数民族地名minority name
tech.少数民族建筑architecture of minority nationalities
textile少数民族服装ethnic costume
textile少数民族服装costume of national minorities
China, law少数民族的权利rights of ethnic groups
China, law少数民族罪犯criminals of ethnic groups
China, law少数民族聚居people of ethnic groups live in a concentrated community
China, polit.少数民族聚居的地方in areas where minority nationalities live in concentrated communities
UN, polit.少数民族警察Minority police
geogr.少数民族语言minority language
textile少数民族贸易minority nationalities trade
busin.少数民族贸易公司minority nationalities trading company
China, law少数民族适龄儿童school-age children of ethnic groups
busin.少数民族问题minority problem
China, law少数民族风俗习惯custom and habit of an ethnic group
textile尼日利亚民族Nigerian costume
textile尼日利亚民族服饰Nigerian costume
textile崩龙族民族Benglong ethnic costume
textile希腊民族Greek costume
textile希腊民族服饰Greek costume
China, polit.平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主义民族关系socialist ethnic relations of equality, solidarity unity, mutual assistance and harmony
China, polit.平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主义民族关系socialist ethnic relations based on equality, solidarity unity, mutual assistance and harmony
tech.建筑的民族特征national features of architecture
China, polit.弘扬以爱国主义精神为核心的民族精神vigorously promote national spirit centred on patriotism
China, polit.弘扬和培育民族精神carry forward and cultivate the national spirit
China, polit.当地民族the indigenous ethnic groups
China, law当地民族婚姻家庭local nationality in regard to marriage and family
China, law当地民族特点characteristic of the local nationalities
China, law当地民族通用的文字written language commonly used in the locality
China, polit.当地通用的民族文字the written languages of the nationalities commonly used in the locality
textile彝族民族Yi ethnic costume
textile彝族民俗服yizu costume
textile德国民族服饰Germanic costume
textile德式民族German costume
textile德式民族Germanic costume
textile德昂族民族Deang ethnic costume
textile怒旅民族服饰Nu ethnic costume
textile意大利民族服饰Italian costume
gen.我想每个民族都有其独特的音乐,是吗?I think each nationality has their unique music, don't they?
China, law扶持民族地区support the ethnic autonomous region
textile挪威民族Norwegian costume
textile挪威民族服饰Norwegian costume
econ.掌握民族资源control national resources
textile撒拉族民族Salar ethnic costume
textile撒拉族民俗服Salarzu costume
China, polit.散居的少数民族minority nationalities living in scattered groups
textile普米族民族Pumi ethnic costume
textile景颇族民族Jingpo ethnic costume
textile景颇族民俗服Jingpozu costume
China, polit.有关民族区域自治制度、特别行政区制度、基层群众自治制度的法律laws pertaining to systems for regional ethnic autonomy, special administrative regions and primary-level mass self-governance
UN, afr.有广泛基础的民族团结过渡政府broad-based transitional government of national unity
textile朝鲜民族服饰Korean costume
textile朝鲜族民族Chaoxian ethnic costume
China, law民族语言文字native spoken and written language
busin.民族资本企业corporations owned by local capital
China, law歧视、侮辱少数民族discriminate or humiliate an ethnic group
UN, afr.民主力量同盟/乌民族军=民主力量同盟/解放乌干达民族军Allied Democratic Forces/National Army for the Liberation of Uganda
busin.民族ethnic group
China, law民族ethnic status
sport., cloth.民族nationality
gen.德语 民族Volk
textile民族与宗教礼袍formal gown
China, polit.民族主义ethnic chauvinism
China, polit.民族ethnic minority townships
China, polit.民族nationality townships
tech.民族nationality township
China, polit.民族乡人民代表大会the people's congresses of ethnic minority townships
China, polit.民族乡人民代表大会代表deputies to the people's congresses of ethnic minority townships
China, polit.民族事务affairs concerning the nationalities
tech.民族事务nationalities affairs
adv.民族亚文化ethnic subculture
China, law民族仇恨national enmity
adv.民族价值观ethnic culture
China, law民族传统ethnie traditions
tech.民族传统national tradition
textile民族传统织物national traditional fabric
manag.民族体育national sport
China, law民族凝聚力power rallying the nation
econ.民族区域自治regional autonomy for nationalities
China, polit.民族区域自治Ethnic regional autonomy
China, polit.民族区域自治制度the system of regional national autonomy
China, law民族区域自治制度autonomy system of ethnic regions
China, polit.民族区域自治制度the system of autonomous ethnic minority areas
China, polit.民族区域自治政策the policy of regional ethnic autonomy
China, law民族区域自治法Law on Regional National Autonomy
China, polit.民族区域自治法the Law on the Autonomy of Ethnic Minority Areas
China, polit.民族区域自治法the Law on the Autonomy of Ethnic Minority Regions
China, polit.民族医药the folk medicine of ethnic minorities
textile民族印花ethnic print
textile民族印花布ethnic print
textile民族印花布ethnic prints
textile民族印花布服装ethnic print
tech.民族national history
tech.民族history of nationality
China, polit.民族和宗教委员会Committee for Ethnic and Religious Affairs
UN, afr.民族和解协定National Reconciliation Pact 3/98
UN, afr.民族和解政府Government of National Reconciliation
adv.民族品牌national brand
tech.民族商业minority nationalities commerce
tech.民族嗜好national preferences
China, law民族团结unity among the nationality
UN, afr.民族团结政府Government of National Unity
UN, afghan.民族团结方案National Solidarity Programme
UN, afr.民族团结过渡政府Transitional Government of national unity.
textile民族图案ethnic pattern
archit.民族图案national ornament
textile民族图案ethnic design
tech.民族图案national ornamental
China, polit.民族地区ethnic minority areas
tech.民族地区regions inhabited by ethnic groups
tech.民族地毯nationality carpet
tech.民族型式national form
China, polit.民族复兴rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
UN, afr.民族复兴党复兴党PARENA
China, polit.民族委员会the Nationalities Affairs Committee
China, law民族委员会Nationality Committee
China, polit.民族委员会the Ethnic Affairs Committee
tech.民族娃娃doll in national costumes
tech.民族nation science
tech.民族学院institute for nationalities
econ.民族实体national entity
tech.民族Palace of Nations
econ.民族工业national industry
tech.民族工业保护protection of home industries
econ.民族工商业者national industrialists and businessmen
tech.民族市场national market
China, polit.民族平等政策ethnic equality policy
busin.民族建筑national architecture
tech.民族建筑national architecture (学)
tech.民族形式nationalistic form
tech.民族形式national form
nurs.民族形式运动sport of national style
econ.民族national traits
econ.民族性格national personality
textile民族意识people hood
textile民族感的巴罗克调ethnic baroque
adv.民族成分ethnic composition
textile民族扎花布tie-dyed fabric
archit.民族文化宫Cultural Palace of Nationalities
tech.民族文化宫the Cultural Palace of the Nationalities
China, law民族文化遗产cultural heritage of the nationalities
China, polit.民族文字the written languages of the nationalities
libr.民族文献ethnic literature
textile民族服民俗服装ethnic garments
textile民族服民俗服装ethnical garments
textile民族服装ethnical costume
textile民族服装ethnic clothes
cloth.民族服装national costume
textile民族服饰national costume
adv.民族构成ethnic composition
textile民族款式ethnic look
China, law民族歧视ethnic discrimination
China, polit.民族歧视和压迫discrimination against and oppression of any nationality
textile民族毛巾minority national towel
textile民族民俗文化ethnical culture
tech.民族浪漫风格national romantic style
China, law民族特点characteristics of the nationality
China, law民族特色ethnic features
tech.民族特色national feature
China, polit.民族生存根基the survival of the Chinese nation
tech.民族生态学national ecology
tech.民族用品生产基地base of producing goods for minority nationalities
busin.民族电台ethnic radio
tech.民族national drawing
China, polit.民族ethnic
commer.民族亦缩为 Natnational
econ.民族私利national self-interest
textile民族people hood
gen.民族精神national spirit
tech.民族纪念碑national monument
interntl.trade.民族经济national economy
tech.民族经济学national economics
interntl.trade.民族经济综合体national economic complex
archit.民族绘画national drawing
econ.民族统一结构fabric of national unity
tech.民族考古学national archaeology
textile民族联盟National Union
econ.民族自尊心national self-respect
econ.民族自尊心national pride
China, law民族自治national autonomy
China, polit.民族自治区an ethnic autonomous region
China, polit.民族自治县an ethnic autonomous county
China, law民族自治地方ethnie autonomous areas
China, polit.民族自治地方national autonomous areas
China, polit.民族自治地方的人民代表大会the people's congresses of national autonomous areas
China, polit.民族自治地方的自治权利the right to autonomy of the national autonomous areas
China, polit.民族自治州an ethnic autonomous prefecture
gen.民族folk dancing
textile民族衣装ethnic clothes
archit.民族装饰national ornament
China, law民族解放liberation of nationality
UN, afr.民族解放力量Forces for National Liberation
UN, afr.民族解放力量鲁瓦萨FNL Rwasa
UN, h.rghts.act.民族解放委员会National Liberation Council
textile民族ethnic mood
busin.民族购买习惯ethnic buying habits
tech.民族贸易企业nationality products enterprises
econ.民族资产阶级national bourgeoisie
interntl.trade.民族资本national capital
busin.民族资本工商业industry and commerce controlled by the national bourgeoisie
tech.民族资源national resources
UN, afr.民族进步联盟乌普罗纳党Union for National Progress Party
tech.民族遗产national inheritance
interntl.trade.民族闭关主义national isolationism
tech.民族集居地区national area
gen.民族音乐folk music
China, law民族风俗习惯national customs and tradition
tech.民族风情瓶vase of national amorous feeling
textile民族风格national style
textile民族风格ethnic look
tech.民族风格nationalistic style
textile民族风貌ethnic look
textile水族民族Shui ethnic costume
textile水族民俗服Suizu costume
textile水族民俗服Shuizu costume
textile汉族民族Han nationality costume
textile汉族民俗服Hanzu costume
gen.津巴布韦非洲民族联盟Zimbabwe African National Union
environ.游牧民族nomad 1. A member of a people or tribe who move from place to place to find pasture and food. 2. Nomads include gypsies, desert tribes such as the Bedouin and the many primitive tribes in the Americas, Asia and Australia. Herding survives as a way of life around the Sahara, in the Middle East, in Asia as far east as western India, and in the Asian parts of the USSR. The end of pastoral nomadism would be regrettable not merely on account of the independence and distinctiveness of this way of life but because this type of economy may be a more rational means of raising large numbers of animals under arid conditions than is capital-intensive ranching (1. 一个民族或部族的成员为寻找牧场和食品从一个地方移动到另一个地方。2.游牧民族,包括吉普赛人、沙漠部落如贝都因人和美洲、亚洲和澳洲的许多原始的部落。在中东的撒哈拉、亚洲东至印度西部、苏联的亚洲部分,放牧作为一种生活方式继续存在。牧民游牧的结束将是令人遗憾的,不仅要考虑这种生活方式的独立性和独特性,而是因为这种经济形式可能是一种在干旱条件下相对资本密集的大牧场来说喂养大量动物更合理的方法。)
econ.游牧民族定居a nomad settlement
econ.游牧民族定居nomad settlement
econ.游牧民族定居点a nomad settlement
econ.游牧民族定居点nomad settlement
textile游牧民族款式nomad fashion
textile游牧民族风貌nomad look
China, law煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视incite national enmity or discrimination
econ.犹太民族基金会Jewish National Fund
polit.玻利维亚多民族the Plurinational State of Bolivia
textile瑞典民族服饰Swedish costume
textile瑶族民族Yao ethnic costume
textile瑶族民俗服Yaozu costume
UN生物多样性的人类价值:土著和传统民族 的看法Human Values of Biodiversity: Perspectives from Indigenous and Traditional Peoples
textile畲族民族She ethnic costume
textile畲族民俗服Shezu costume
textile白族民族Bai ethnic costume
China, polit.破坏民族团结undermine the unity of the nationalities
China, polit.社会主义民族关系socialist ethnic relations
textile纳西族民族服饰Naxi ethnic costume
sport., cloth.纵观世界各民族的运动服装,不难看出,体育运动服饰呈现出很强的民族性,大多数体现了各民族的服饰文化特征Looking at various peoples' costumes, it is easy to find that sportswear takes on an obvious nationality and most of it embodies respective characters of finery culture
busin.经济民族主义economic nationalism
China, polit.统一的多民族的单一制国家a unified multiethnic country a unitary multi-nationl State with a unitary political system
China, law维护民族团结safeguard the unity of the ethnic groups
China, polit.维护中华民族的根本利益safeguard the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation
China, polit.维护全国各民族团结safeguard the unity of all nationalities of the country
textile缅甸民族服饰Burmese costume
textile羌族民族Qiang ethnic costume
textile羌族民族服饰Qiang ethnic costume
textile美国民族服装American costume
gen.联合民族独立党赞比亚United National Independence Party
org.name.联合国土著民族权利宣言Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
org.name.联合国土著民族权利宣言United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
China, polit.聚居的少数民族多的省a province where many minority nationalities live in concentrated community
China, polit.代表肩负全国各族人民的重托carry the great trust of the people of all our ethnic groups
gen.肯尼亚非洲民族联盟Kenya African National Union
UN, afr.胡图人民解放党——民族解放力量穆加巴拉博纳PALIPEHUTU-FNL Mugabarabona
textile荷兰民族服饰Dutch costume
textile葡萄牙民族服饰Portuguese costume
textile蒙古族民族Mongolian ethnic costume
gen.西南非洲民族联盟South West Africa National Union
textile西班牙民族Spanish costume
textile西班牙民族服饰Spanish costume
econ.贵族、僧侣和庶民the Three Estate (o£ the Realm)
econ.资源民族主义nationalism over resources
textile赫哲族民族Hezhe ethnic costume
textile民族款式transnational fashion
textile民族款式transnational fashion style
textile超越民族流行款式transnational fashion
textile越南民族套装Ao dal
textile达斡尔族民族Dawoer ethnic costume
China, law适合民族特点appropriate to the characteristics of the nationality concerned
textile鄂伦春族民族Elangchun ethnic costume
textile鄂温克族民族Ewenke ethnic costume
textile锡伯族民族Xibo ethnic costume
textile锡伯族民俗服Xibozu costume
textile阿兹泰克民族花样aztec print (色彩鲜明的几何花样)
textile阿兹特克民族花样墨西哥aztec print
UN, afghan.阿富汗民族解放阵线Afghan National Liberation Front
UN, afghan.阿富汗伊斯兰民族运动National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan.
UN, afghan.阿富汗伊斯兰民族阵线National Islamic Front
textile阿昌族民族achang ethnic costume
textile阿根廷民族服饰Argentinean costume
textile马来西亚民族服饰Malaysian costume
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