
Terms for subject General containing 毫不 | all forms | in specified order only
毫不因…而受影响none the worse (for)
毫不asright as N inepence
毫不right as N inepence
毫不to a hair
毫不差地to a tee
毫不差地/to a tittle
毫不差地to a T
毫不差地to an inch
毫不能移动的性质unbugeability (状态)
毫不right as a trivet
毫不asright as a trivet
毫不right as rain
丝毫也不not a dreg
丝毫也不变not change by one iota
和实物丝毫不差的exact to the life
对…毫不在乎not give a fig for
对…毫不在乎not give a hoot about
对…毫不在乎not care a fig for
对…毫不在意make nothing of
对…毫不在意not care a chip for
no... at all
not... at all
毫不nor in the least
毫不never the
毫不not at all
毫不not in the least
毫不not a bit (of it)
毫不the deuce a bit
毫不the devil a bit
毫不not care a feather
对…毫不介意not care a button (about)
毫不关心not care a damn
毫不关心not care a farthing
毫不关心not care a fig
毫不关心not care a rap
毫不关心not care a pin
毫不动声色not turn a hair
毫不勉强地feel no reluctance in + ing
M 毫不同情 Mhave no sympathy for
毫不含糊地in so many words
毫不在乎not care a cent
毫不在乎not care a curse
毫不在乎do not care a dime
毫不在乎not care a doit
对…毫不在乎not give a hang (about)
毫不在乎not care a rap
毫不在乎计较not care a redcent
毫不在乎not care a row of beans
毫不在乎not care a rush
毫不在乎not care a stiver
毫不在乎计较not give a redcent
对…毫不在乎not care a hang (about)
毫不在乎not care a bit
毫不在乎地without compunction
毫不在意not care a damn
毫不在意not care a rap
毫不在意not care a fig
毫不在意not care a farthing
毫不在意not care a pin
毫不怀疑cut of all doubt
毫不怀疑make no doubts (of)
毫不怀疑beyond all doubt
毫不怀疑past all doubt
毫不怀疑beyond a shadow of doubt
毫不掩饰make no bones of
毫不犹豫go ahead
about, to + inf.毫不犹豫make no bones of
毫不疲倦not turn a hair
毫不疲倦地around the clock
毫不相似nothing of the kind
毫不相关wide of the mark
毫不费力without striking a blow
毫不费力地at an easy rate
毫不费力地with a wet finger
毫不足取not worth a fillip
毫不足取not worth a fig
毫不迟延地without any loss of time
毫不迟延地without delay
毫不迟疑地like a shot
毫不迟疑地make no scruple of
毫不遗漏地without omitting a single circumstance
毫不重要count for nothing
毫不重视not value at a pin's fee
毫不重视…not care a fig for
毫不重视…not give a fig for
毫不重视not set at a pin's fee
误差不超过 0,01 毫米的量规gauge that must not err by more than 0.01mm
马力和马毫不相干horsepower has nothing to do with the horse