
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing | all forms
下眼睑睫bottom lash
她补妆要用睫膏、眉笔和口红Mascara, a powder pencil and a lipstick are needed for her makeup fix
30岁以下的,只需一点睫膏和唇膏就足够了。30岁以上的,再搽点遮瑕膏For women under 30, a little mascara and lip gloss; over 30, add a touch of concealer
我向您推荐这种迷你刷头的睫I recommend this mini-brush mascara to you
我将以兰蔻、娥佩兰、欧莱雅和美宝莲作为调查对象,根据以上五个准则去选择一款最适合您使用的睫I will have Lancome, Opera, L'Oreal and Maybelline as the target brands for my survey and find the mascara that best meets your requirement, on the basis of the five norms mentioned above
每三个月更换一次睫膏,每年更换一次其他的眼部化妆品Replace your mascara every three months and other eye makeup once a year
由浅至深顺次使用,向睫根部层层加深Use from the lightest shade to the darkest towards the lash line in a gradation effect
膏属易挥发产品,每次使用不要来回多次蘸取Mascara is a highly evaporative product, do not repeatedly dip into mascara
膏打开后可使用3至6个月,室温下放置。一旦出现结块时就别再使用Mascara opened can be used for 3 to 6 months, placed at room temperature Once agglomeration appears, do not bother to use
该产品适用于油性肌肤,能有效卸妆,深层洁净孔及平衡油脂分泌It's a perfect cleansing solution for impure skin ; it effectively removes makeup, deeply cleanses pores and helps balance excess oil
这款泡沫洁面霜可以缩小孔、减少油光且没有紧绷感This foaming cream cleanser could minimize the pores and control shine without feeling tight