
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
仓储成本total gross holding cost
他们大量购买羊、毛织品及此类商品They purchased wool, woolen fabrics and kindred articles in great quantities
他在羊行业方面颇有名望He is very well known in the wool trade
会费gross contribution
估计gross estimate
利分配distribution on gross profit
农场可变variable gross margin of farm
net gross ratio
net to gross pay ratio
分部the segment margin
分部利率departmental rate of gross margin
制成finished forms
制造manufacturing margin
制造manufacturing margin
包上已标岀重和净重Gross and net weight have been marked on package
单位贡献contribution per unit
单位贡献利益率rate of unit contribution
卖方必须在发货票上写清楚净重、皮重和It is imperative for the seller to clearly state on the invoice the net, tare and gross weights
原始利率original gross rate
国内支出gross domestic expenditure
国内资本形成gross domestic capital formation
国民生产净额与net and gross national product
如果你方对新型织品需要不急,也许我们在下一个月可以接受你方订单If you are in no haste for the new-type woolens, perhaps we can accept your order in the next month
实现的realized gross profit
我们应尽快地改正在检査中发现的有关设备的全部We should rectify all the faults with respect to the equipment discovered on inspection as soon as possible
计算on gross
未实现the unrealized gross profit
每周工资收入gross weekly earnings
代替矩阵gross substitute matrix
interim estimate
总,表观体积bulk volume
gross value
值减备抵计价法a gross-less-allowance valuation method
再生产率gross reproduction rate
contribution margin
profit margin
a gross earning
margin dealing
gross margin
current margin
gross benefit
利估存法gross profit method of inventory
利对销售净额比率ratio of gross profit to net sales
利总收入gross interest
利总额gross overall profit
利总额total gross margin
利法gross price method
利法gross earning method
利法gross earing method
利测试法gross profit test
利润率rate of gross profit
利百分率gross percentage
利规划gross margins planning
利预算gross margin budget
增值gross value added
gross spread
差额gross spread
收人gross earnings
收益gross yield
毡纸felt paper
live pig
的利润gross profit
的利润income above variable costs
的利润gross margin
gross benefit
纺厂a woolen mill
织品soft goods
货价收人gross proceeds
finished forms
gross weight
packed weight
open tare
apparent weight
apparent weight
活动利润activity gross margin
除税前盈利gross yield
短期营运the short-run performance margin
all wool
经过三天査找病后,工程师向厂长通报了这些机器的运转状况After three days of the detection of fault, the engineer informed the factory director of the working condition of these machines
产量the production of wool
产量production of wool
工业the woolen industry
识别法X, XX, XX wool
营业营运operating margin
营业gross operating spread (制造成本和卖价的差额)
营业gross operating spread
贡献contribution margin (approach, 法)
贡献益率创利额rate of contribution margin
账面gross book value
货币供应量gross money supply
超载overload gross weight
递延dividends gross margin (profit)
部门departmental margin
部门department margin
销售的收入gross income from sale
销货利变动计算表the statement accounting for variation in gross profit
零售商retail margins