
Terms containing 比 照 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.不按照比例not to scale
gen.M 严格按照M的比例大小而…in strict proprtion with
interntl.trade.依照比例的成分proportionate part
fin.借贷对照比率ratio study
el.光照度均匀比uniformity ratio of illuminance
tech.光照比light application ratio
el.区域照度比area illumination ratio
earth.sc.埃塞俄比亚电灯照明与电力管理局Ethiopian Electric Light and Power Authority
tech.复照比例尺reproduction scale
tech.大比例尺照片large-scale photograph
space太阳-恒星辐照度比较实验仪solar stellar irradiance comparison experiment
sport.室内体育场应是四周有围墙、顶部有覆盖的体育场、应为室内比赛提供符合条件的照明、供暖和通风设备The indoor stadium shall be completely enclosed and covered. Lighting, heating and ventilation shall be provided to give satisfactory conditions for indoor competitions
el.比照明装置contrast lighting
cosmet.将酒精、香精和水按照一定的比例放入容器中,搅拌混合放置一段时间,让香精中的杂质充分沉淀Pour alcohol, essence and water into the container according to certain proportion, then stir and place for a while to let the impurities to precipitate adequately
gen.屏幕照度比screen illumination ratio
China, law按照比例on a pro rata basis
lat., econ.按照比例pro rata
tech.标准照片对比法standard photo comparison method
expl.根据实际情况和计算药量、参照成功的有可比性的工程、确定药包个数、药量、布置位置、人水深度和起爆顺序design procedure of water pressure blasting
China, law比照in the light of
tech.比照with reference to
avia.比照标准reference standard
China, law比照适用refer to in application
China, law比照适用apply by reference
avia.比较性空中照相comparative cover (不同时间对同一目标所作的空中照相,用以发现该目标的变化)
gen.比较简单的做法就是,按照电话簿黄页部分所列出的出租车公司的号码打电话叫车,让他们派车上机场接您It's easier to call a taxi company listed in the Yellow Pages for a telephone directory and ask them to send a cab to pick you up at the airport
el.照度差异比diversity ratio of illumination
el.照度最大与最小值比diversity ratio of illumination
tech.照明对比lighting contrast
tech.照明对比度lighting contrast ratio
tech.照明比light ratio
anim.husb.照比contrast ratio
tech.照片比例scale of the photograph (尺)
tech.照片比例photographical scale (尺)
tech.照片比例photographic scale (尺)
avia.照片比例photographic scale
tech.照片比例尺scale of photograph
auto.牌照灯比率两个最高的测试点与两个最低的测试点的比率ratio-license lamp
tech.航空照片比例尺scale of aerial photograph
gen.这照片比你本人漂亮This photograph flatters you