
Terms for subject Business containing 比较 | all forms | in specified order only
三重比较triple comparison
产业部门间比较inter-industrial comparison
人与人比较man-to-man comparison
人与人比较man-to-man comparison scale
人与人比较man-to man comparison method
人口平均比较收入comparative income per head of population
人际效用比较interpersonal comparison of utility
企业比较中心Center for Interfirm Comparison
企业经营优劣比较business comparison
企业间比较interfirm comparison
作业因素比较job factor comparison
公司内比较intracompany comparison
公司内部比较intra-firm comparison
关联成对比较设计linked paired comparison designs
动基比较增长comparative growth on moving base
单位产品每月营运成本比较comparative statement of monthly operation cost per unit
双项比较binary comparison
各国生活水平比较international comparision of levels of living
同业比较分析cross section analysis
同业比较分析cross sectional analysis
同行比较horizontal comparison
商行间比较inter-firm comparisons
回收期比较payback period comparison
国际比较项目international comparison project
国际实际收入比较项目international real income comparison project
比较价格的时候,质量是我们首先必须考虑的When we compare prices, we must first take into account the quality of the products
多分布比较many-distribution comparisons
多层比较分析multistratum comparative analysis
多层比较固定样本调查multistratum comparative panel survey
多层比较调查multistratum comparative survey
多次比较method of multiple comparisons
多重比较试验multiple comparison test
定基比较增长comparative growth on fixed base
实际与标准制造费用比较comparative schedule of actual and standard overhead costs
实际与预计损益比较comparative statement of actual and estimated profit and loss
实际损益与预计损益比较comparative statement of actual and estimate profit and loss
工作单位每月成本比较comparative statement of monthly cost per unit
工作间比较job to job comparison
市场价值比较relative market value method
强制性比较coercive comparisons
成对比较method of paired comparison
成本比较差异comparative difference in cost
成本—效益比较cost-benefit comparisons
我们的市场分析预测智能防盗门的市场很活跃,因此我们成功的概率也比较Our market analysis has predicted an active market for the intelligent anti-theft locks. I'm sure we stand a fair chance to win
技术经济比较technical-economic comparison
技术经济比较性研究原则principles of technoeconomic comparative study
技术经济比较计算法comparative calculation method of technological economy
投标出价比较comparison of bid
折旧方法比较comparison of depreciation methods
收入—成本间比较trade-off of the benefits and costs
收支比较comparative statement of revenue and expense
效用与货币亏损比较utility versus money loss
时间预算研究多国比较项目multinational comparative time-budgeting research project
最优与次优方案比较comparison of optimal to suboptimal plans
最大比较优势greatest comparative advantage
最小比较劣势least comparative disadvantage
未来值比较future worth comparisons
每月单位经营成本比较comparative statement of monthly operative cost per unit
比较业务comparative business
比较对比之下显出其优点gain by contrast
比较对比之下显出其优点gain by comparison
比较之下显出其长处gain by comparison
比较优势comparative adv an tage
比较会计学comparative accounting
比较估计alternate valuation
比较分析trade-off analysis
比较分析comparison analysis
比较分析法comparison analysis method
比较判断法则law of comparative judgement
比较利益comparative profit
比较利益comparative interest
比较利益低水平low level of comparative profit
比较利益原则comparative advantage principle
比较刻度scale of comparison
比较各类布置采取有效方法comparing effectiveness of methods between alternative layout
比较各类布置采取有效方法comparative effectiveness of method between alternative layout
比较商品价格relative commodity price
比较增长comparative growth
比较岁出预算comparative estimate
比较工资relative wage
比较年度comparison year
比较广告comparison ad
比较广告学comparative advertisement
比较心理学comparative psychology
比较性与预测性信息comparative and predictive information
比较成本与另成本相比较而计算的成本comparative cost
比较成本定义comparative cost concepts
比较成本差difference of comparative cost
比较成本法则law of comparative cost
比较成本研究comparative cost study
比较成本论theory of comparative cost
比较投资效益comparative returns on investment
比较报表公司不同时期财务状况比较comparative statement
比较损益计算书comparative income statement
比较收益标准comparative earning standard
比较收益表comparative income account
比较效果comparing effectiveness
比较效用水平comparative utilization level
比较效益comparative returns
比较方案alternate layout
比较方案标准criterion for comparing alternative
比较方案标准criteria for comparing alternative
比较方法comparative approach
比较曲线trade-off curve
比较死亡率指数comparative mortality index
比较method of comparison
比较消去法comparative and eliminating
比较现值comparative present-worth
比较研究trade-off studies
比较管理学comparative management
比较管理研究comparative management study
比较类推comparison and analogy
比较经济学economics of comparison
比较统计学comparative statistics
比较舒适的生活水平relatively comfortable standard of living
比较节约saving of comparison
比较计算法comparative calculation method
比较设计方案alternative design
比较评价trade-off evaluation
比较试算表comparative trail balance
比较相对误差relative error
比较财务报表comparative financial statements
比较资产负债表与其它年月同期比较comparative balance sheet
比较问题trade-off problem
比较静态法method of comparative statics
比较静态经济学comparative static economics
比较静态预测comparative static forecast
比较预算comparative estimate
消费者公正比较测验impartial comparative consumer test
激励比较水平不等论comparison level inequity theory of motivation
物价波动比较comparative price movement
现值比较present worth method of comparison
生产小时成本比较comparative statement of cost per production hour
百分率比较chart of percentage comparisions
竞争性比较competitive comparison method
等年值比较equivalent annual worth comparison
结构比较分析法comparative analysis method of structure
联机比较on-line comparisons
营运成本比较comparative statement of operation cost
要素比较factor comparison method
财务报表的逐年比较year-to-year comparison of financial statement
资本化成本比较capitalized cost comparison
资本租赁与财务租赁的比较capital lease compared to financing lease
趋势比较trend comparison
连续生产与间断生产模型比较continuous versus intermittent models
逐国比较country-by-country comparison
逐地比较place-to-place comparison
逐项比较存货计算方法之一item by item method
采购条件比较调查comparison shopping
长期比较long-term comparison
间接价格比较indirect price comparison
间接物量比较indirect quantity comparison
静态均衡比较comparative static equilibrium analysis
预算与实际资产负债比较comparative budget and actual balance sheet
政府预算明细比较green sheet
频数分布比较comparison of frequency distribution
风险与报酬率比较trade-off between risk and rate of return
风险—收益比较研究risk-return trade-off studies