
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing 比较 | all forms | in specified order only
各项工程规模方案技术经济比较Technical and economic comparisons of various project scale alternatives
址、厂址比较平面布置图及剖面图Project layout and profiles of dam sluice area and powerhouse area of alternative scheme
坝址、厂址方案比较汇总表summary of alternative comparison of dam area and powerhouse area
方向比较式保护direction comparison protection
枢纽布置方案比较汇总表comparison summary of main structure layouts
比较坝址tentative sites
比较坝址工程地质平面图剖面图Engineering <-> geological plan profile of alternative dam site
比较方案alternative scheme
比较relative method
相位比较保护phase comparison protection
相位比较继电器phase comparison relays
经济比较economic comparison