
Terms for subject International trade containing 比率 | all forms | in specified order only
两表比率bi-statement ratios
"二对一" 比率two-to-one ratio
二数列相关比率bi-serial ratio of correlation
产出的比率output ratio
产权债务比率worth-debts ratio
股票价格收益比率price-earnings ratio
依赖比率dependent ratio
借入资本成本与借入资本比率ratio of cost of capital borrowed to borrowed capital
债务与资本的比率debt equity ratio
债务偿还比率debt-service rations
储备金比率标准reserve ratio test
公司利润率与股东自有资本或销售额比率ratio of profits to stockholder's equity or to sales
内部比率internal ratio
内部准备与净利益比率ratio of internal reserves to net profits
净值与负债比率ratio of net worth to liabilities
净值与资产总额比率ratio of net worth to total capital
净利润与净销售比率ratio of net profit to net sales
净收益与销货比率ratio of net income to net sales
净收益对现发股本比率ratio of net income to outstanding stock
净收益对资产总额比率ratio of net income to total assets
净收益对销货净额比率ratio of net income to net sales
净销售与存货比率ratio of net sales to inventory
分摊比率rate of assessment
利息费用与销货比率ratio of interest expense to sales
利润比率profit ratio
利润股息比率dividend cover
利润销货额比率profit-volume ratio
利益成本比率benefit-cost ratio
利-量比率profit-volume ratio
制造成本与销货净额比率ratio of cost of goods manufactured and sold to net sales
制销成本与销货净额比率ratio of cost of goods manufactured and sold to net sales
动态比率dynamic ratios
劳动力比率labour ratios
可变成本比率variable cost ratio
呆滞与除账销货比率ratio of bad debts to credit sales
呆账与赊账销货比率ratio of bad debts to credit sales
固定比率fixed ratio
固定负债对担保资产比率ratio of fixed liabilities to assets held for security
固定资产与净值比率ratio of fixed assets to net worth
固定资产与固定负债比率ratio of fixed assets to fixed liabilities
固定资产与长期资本比率ratio of fixed assets to long-term capital
固定资产对净值的比率fixed assets to net worth
固定资产对资产总额比率ratio of fixed assets to total assets
固定资产对资本比率ratio of fixed assets to capital
国内储蓄总量对总产值的比率ratio of gross domestic saving to the gross product
国际储备对进口的比率rate of international reserves imports
国际间的商品交换比率real ratio of international exchange
国际间的商品交换实际比率real ratio of international exchange
基本比率standard rate
塔式比率pyramid ratio
存放款比率ratio of loans to deposits
存款一放款比率deposit-loan ratio
存款利息及费用与存款比率ratio of interests and expenses on deposit to deposits
存货对应收款项比率ratio of inventories to receivables
实际比率effective rate
差额利润比率differential profit ratio
平均缴入资本的利润比率profit ratio of average paid-in capital
库存销售比率inventory-sales ratio
应付账款对购货比率ratio of trade accounts payable to purchases
应收账款比率receivable ratio
开始认价比率opening to-application ratio
开始认购比率opening-to-application ratio
总投资对国民总产值的比率ratio of gross investment to gross national product
总资本构成对国民总值比率ratio of gross capital formation to gross national product
比率运费率proportional rate
成本比率计划法cost ratio plan
成本利得比率cost-benefit ratio
成本收益比率cost-benefit ratio
按滑动比率提成sliding-scale royalty
损失比率loss rate
损失比率loss ratio
损益比率profit ratio
损益比率profit and loss ratio
损益比率income sheet ratios
支付比率payout ratio
收回期间比率collection-period ratio
有效比率deposit-loan ratio
期货/现货比率futures /physical
期货/现货比率future /physical
构成比率component ratio
标准比率standard ratio method
比例税率proportional rate of tax
比例税率proportional tax rate
比率分析法ratio analysis method
比率溢额混合分保契约mixed quota surplus treaty
比率责任再保险quota share reinsurance
法定资本对负债总额及净值的比率ratio of vested capital to total liabilities and net worth
流动比率current ratio
流动收入与流动费用比率ratio of current income to current expense
流动负债与总负债及净值比率ratio of current liabilities to total liabilities and net worth
流动负债对负债总额比率ratio of current liabilities to total liabilities
流动资产与固定资产比率ratio of current assets to fixed assets
流动资产与资产总额比率ratio of current assets to total assets
流动资产对流动负债比率ratio of current assets to current liabilities
现金比率cash ratio
现金与销货收入比率cash-to-revenue ratio
现金及应收款项对流动负债比率cash and receivables to current liabilities ratio
现金对流动负债比率ratio of cash to current liabilities
生产能力比率productivity ratio
百分率比较percentage comparisons
百分率比较表percentage statement
盈余对资本净值比率ratio of surpluses to net worth
组成比率component ratio
经营比率index of operating ratio
综合比率composite ratio
股本与净值比率ratio of capital stock to net worth
自筹资本比率self-financing ratio
获利比率profitability ratio
营业比率operating ratio
营业净利对销货净额比率ratio of net operating profits to net sales
营业费用与销货比率ratio of operating expenses to sales
营运资金比率working capital ratio
衡平权比率equity ratio
补充比率supplementary ratios
规定准备比率reserve requirement ratio
规模投资比率size-investment ratio
负债与净值比率ratio of liabilities to net worth
负债与资产净值比率debt equity ratio
负债净值比率debt-to-net-worth ratio
负债净值比率debt-net-worth ratio
负债总额与净值比率ratio of total liabilities to net worth
货币贷借与股票贷借的比率ratio of money loans to stock loans
货拗交易比率terms of interchange
货物交换比率rate of interchange
货物交换比率rate on interchange
货物交易比率terms of interchange
贷款与存款比率loan-deposit ratio
资产负债比率equity-debt ratio
资产负债比率balance sheet ratios
资产负债与损益比率balance sheet-income sheet ratios
资本一产值比率capital-output ratio
银行资本与钞票发行额的比率equity-debt ratio
资本产出增长比率incremental capital-output ratio
资本对流动负债比率ratio of capital to current liabilities
资本对负债比率ratio of inside to outside equities
资本设备比率capital equipment ratio
资本负债比率worth-debts ratio
资本还原比率capitalized ratio
输出入比率output-input ratio
进出口比率export-import cover ratio
酸性试验比率acid-test ratio
重量体积比率weight-bulk ratio
金融比率financial ratio
金银块比率bullion ratio
银行的流动比率bank liquidity ratio
销货净额对资本净值比率ratio of net sales to net worth
销货净额对应收款项比率ratio of net sales to receivables
销货成本及营业费用对销货净额比率ratio of cost of sales and operating expenses to net sales
静态比率static ratio