
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
可调整的日价格限幅variable daily limit
可调整的月价格变动限幅variable daily limit
工作单位月成本比较表comparative statement of monthly operative cost per unit
平均人食物生产指数index number per capita food production
有可能扯低股收益的证券potentially dilutive securities
一小组学科small learning package
一特别提款权单位per SDR
两年时期per biennium
个特别提款权单位per SDR
人平均国民生产总值GNP per capita
O/00 per mill (per thousand)
per mille
单位持有成本unit holding cost
吨运费按重量或体积计算W/M per ton
周保险费weekly premium
周情报报吿weekly intelligence report
季保险费quarterly premium
小时工资收入hourly earnings
小时平均工资hourly earnings, average
平方米舱面负荷deck load per square metre
per year
年利润profit per annum
年总需要量demand per year
年更新期yearly renewable term
年最低支付额minimum annual royalty
年最高支付额maximum annual royalty
年续保制yearly renewable term
年续得制yearly renewable tenn
per diem
对账单daily monthly statement of account
日价值daily reference value
日价格变动限幅daily limit of price changes
日价格限幅daily price limit
日保费daily premium
日利息daily interest
日升水daily premium
日每适合工作舱口装卸……吨数tons per workable hatch per day
日津贴per diem allowance
日贴水daily premium
日费用per diem expenses
per mensem
月一之现值present value of 1 per period
月交货量monthly delivery
月产量monthly output
月保险费monthly premium
月对账单monthly statement of accounts
月平均市场兑换率monthly average market exchange rates
月运输monthly shipment
月销售情况monthly sales
期一之本利和compound amount of 1 per period
次发单成本cost per ordering
per centum
股基本盈利primary earning per share
股收益earnings per share
蒲式耳价格price per Bushel
观需要时的代理人the agent of necessity
认缴一股增加一票plus one vote for each share subscribed
生产小时月成本比较表comparative statement of monthly cost per productive hour
一种商品加上标签tag every item in the store
运费with per ton