
Terms for subject Mining containing | all forms
冲程分钟strokes per minute
加仑gallons per barrel
加仑英亩gallons per acre
千桶水thousand barrels of water per day
千立方英尺mille cubic feet per day
千立方英尺日历日mille cubic feet per calendar day
千立方英尺英亩一英尺mille cubic feet/acre-foot
tons per day
平方英寸磅压差下每日 生产桶数pounds per square inch
平方英寸磅压差下每日 生产桶数barrels/day/psi
barrels per minute
小时barrels per hour
barrels per month
桶水barrels of water per day
桶油barrels of oil per minute
桶油小时barrels of oil per hour
桶油barrels of oil per year
桶油生产小时barrels of oil per producing hour
桶油生产日barrels of oil per producing day
井每日产桶数barrels per well per day
产储罐油桶数所含的储罐水桶数stock tank barrels water/stock tank barrels oil
分钟产油桶数barrels of oil per minute
分钟冲数strokes per minute
分钟标准立方米normal cubic metre per minute
分钟标准立方英尺standard cubic feet per minute
分钟标准立方英尺normal cubic feet per minute
分钟桶数barrels per minute
分钟立方英尺数cubic feet per minute
小时 油加仑gallons of oil per hour
小时液量fluid per hour
小时 立方英尺天然气cubic feet gas per hour
小时产凝析油加仑数gallons condensate per hour
小时产凝析油桶数barrels condensate per hour
小时产加仑水gallons of water per hour
小时产水桶数barrels of water per hour
小时产油桶数barrels of oil per hour
小时产液桶数barrels fluid per hour
小时千立方英尺mille cubic feet hour
小时压入凝析油桶数barrels load condensate per hour
小时压入水桶数barrels load water per hour
小时压裂油桶数barrels load oil per hour
小时标准立方英尺standard cubic feet per hour
小时桶数barrels per hour
小时流量flow per hour
小时百万立方英尺million cubic feet per hour
小时盐水桶数barrels salt water per hour
小时立方英尺cubic feet per hour
小时酸水桶数barrels acid water per hour
小时馏出液桶数barrels distillate per hour
工时产量production per man hour
年产油桶数barrels of oil per year
开井日桶数barrels per operating day
十亿标准立方英尺billion standard cubic feet per day
十亿标准立方英尺天然气billion standard cubic feet of gas per day
千储罐桶液体mille stock tank barrels fluid per day
千桶水thousand barrels of water per day
千立方英尺天然气mille cubic feet per day
吨数tons per day
吨数tons per day
油加仑数gallons of oil per day
液量fluid per day
百万桶million barrels per day
百万桶油million barrels oil per day
百万立方英尺天然气millions of cubic feet per day
百万立方英尺天然气million cubic feet per day
立方英尺天然气cubic feet gas per day
日产凝析油加仑数gallons condensate per day
日产凝析油桶数barrels condensate per day
日产水桶数barrels of water per day
日产液体桶数daily barrel of liquid
日产液体桶数daily bbl of liquid
日产液桶数barrels of liquid per day
日产液桶数barrels fluid per day
日产百万加仑million gallons per day
日储罐存油桶数stock tank barrels of oil per day
日储罐桶数stock tank barrels per day
日出水桶数barrels of water per day
日加仑数gallons per day
日十亿加仑billion gallons per day
美、法日十亿立方英尺数billion cubic feet per day
日千桶流体thousand barrels fluid per day
日千立方英尺天然气thousand cubic feet of gas per day
日历日千立方英尺天然气mille cubic feet per calendar day
日历日平均原油蒸汽比calendar day oil steam ratio
日历日 百万立方英尺天然气million cubic feet per calender day
日历日产油桶数barrels of oil per calendar day
日压入凝析油桶数barrels load condensate per day
日压入水桶数barrels load water per day
日压裂油桶数barrels load oil per day
日地下桶数reservoir barrels/day
日地面桶水stock tank barrels water per day
日地面水桶数stock tank barrels water per day
日标准立方米standard cubic meters/day
日标准立方英尺standard cubic feet per day
日桶数barrels daily
日桶数barrels per day
日桶数barells per day
日桶油当量barrels per day oil equivalent
日每英亩加仑数gallons per acre per day
日油当量桶数barrels of oil equivalent per day
日百万美制加仑million US gallons per day
日百万立方米million cubic meters/day
日百万立方英尺天然气million cubic feet gas per day
日百万立方英尺油million cubic feet oil per day
日盐水桶数barrels salt water per day
日许可产量daily allowable
日酸水桶数barrels acid water per day
日馏出液桶数barrels distillate per day
月产油桶数barrels of oil per month
月千立方英尺mille cubic feet month
月桶数barrels per month
月立方英尺数cubic feet per mont
标准地面桶标准立方英尺standard cubic feet per standard tank barrel
标准立方英尺桶数barrels/standard cubic feet
桶加仑数gallons per barrel
桶标准立方英尺standard cubic feet per barrel
桶桶数barrels per barrel
桶立方英尺数cubic foot per barrel
油每月barrels of oil per month
生产小时产油桶数barrels of oil per producing hour
生产日产油桶数barrels of oil per producing day
百万标准立方英尺气中含油桶数barrels per million standard cubic feet of gas
百万立方英尺气含油桶数barrels per million cubic feet
百万立方英尺产水桶数barrels water per million cubic feet
百万立方英尺产水桶数barrels water per MMCF
百万立方英尺气含凝析油桶数barrels condensate per million cubic feet
百万立方英尺气含凝析油桶数barrels condensate per MCF
百磅产量所需工时operation hours per 100 pounds produced
磅压差下每日生产桶数barrels/day/lb. pressure drop
磅立方英尺数cubic feet per pound
秒标准立方英尺standard cubic feet per second
英亩— 英尺桶数barrels per acre foot
英亩产量yield per acre
英亩原油桶数barrels of oil per acre
英亩英尺千立英尺天然气mille cubic feet/acre-foot
边节点数nodes per edge
分钟转数pump revolution per minute
百万加仑million gallons per day
百万桶million barrels per day
百万桶油million barrels oil per day
百万立方英尺millions of cubic feet per day
百万立方英尺million cubic feet per day
百万立方英尺日历日million cubic feet per calender day
立方英尺cubic feet per minute
立方英尺分钟cubic feet per minute
立方英尺cubic feet per mont
立方英尺cubic foot per barrel
立方英尺cubic feet per pound