
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
专业推销训练人员据以评价一推销训练方案在一给定情况下所具有效果的四个方面aim, content, method, expectation (即目的、内容、方法、期望)
为了达成我们之间的第一笔交易,我们愿将价格降到公吨100美元In order to conclude the first transaction between us, we will lessen the price to $100 per metric ton
为使用车辆,租借人月应付 1000 美元租金给公司For the use of the cars, the tenant shall pay to the company a monthly rental of $1000
今送上小麦样品,请査收。报价为旧金山离岸价,夸特5000美元We have sent you samples of wheat, which we quote $5000 per qr., FOB San Francisco
他们以月分期付款200美元的方式买下了这所新房They have bought the new house by pay installments of $200 a month
他们出售的食品,份供一人食用They serve the food in individual portions
他们同意按合同年付1000美元They covenanted to pay $1000 per annum
他们平均人每年消费4500元人民币They cost on an average RMB ¥4500 per head per annum
他们承认你方对项专利的所有权They admit ted the title of you to each of the pa-tents
他的薪水年增加1000美元His salary rises in annual increments of $1000
他答应在月15日向该公司呈递上月度的报告He promised to submit the report of the preceding month to the company by 15th day of every month
付了 2000美金后,你方连续在月的第15日分期付款,每次金额为 200美元After the payment of $2000, you can pay in consecutive installments of $200 each on the 15th day of each month
价格徘徊于米30至38美元之间The price is now hovering between $30 and $38 per meter
任何特别会议的通知应该按人头发给一位股东Any written notice of special meeting shall be delivered personally to each stockholder
优先股股收益earning per share of preferred stock
会计天要把账上的数字轧平The accountant makes the figures tally every day
估计件平均值mean per-unit estimation
估计件平均值mean-per-unit estimation
但是,我们愿意个季度向你方开具以新加坡出口银行为收款人的即期汇票We would, however adv., prefer to draw a sight bill on you quarterly in favour of the Export Bank of Singapore
你方订货即将生产完毕,我们急盼你方指示,个包装外面用何标记Your order has nearly been completed and we are urgently awaiting your instructions regarding label ling to each package
保证吨容积guaranteed space per ton
保证月销售量guaranteed monthly sales
天的定额工作do one's daily stint
充分稀释后的股收益fully diluted earnings per share
公共交通设施可以被一个希望旅行的人所利用Public facilities for communication can be utilized by everyone who wants to travel
公司可以以股10美元回收上述股票The company can retire the said stock at $10 per share
公司计划保持年度红利为股6.5美元不变,包含3.5美元的期中红利The company plans to keep its annual dividend unchanged at $6.5 per share, which includes a $3.5 interim payment
利润或亏损将由我们之间平均分摊,方可贷记或借记账款The profits or loss shall be divided equally between us, the account of each shall be credited or debited
制造业之周平均工作时数average hours worked per week in manufacturing
功率立方英尺power per cubic foot
加仑分钟gallons per minute
加仑小时gallons per hour
加仑平方英尺gallons per square foot
加仑gallons per pound
加仑英寸gallons per inch
加仑英尺gallons per foot
加仑英里gallons per mile
加仑gallons per sack
原料平均日耗用量average daily consumption of raw material
原材料平均日耗用量the average daily consumption of raw material
参加易货贸易一方each of the participants in barter
变为资本的年费用法capitalized annual cost method
各国国民所得及人所得national and per capita income in selected countries
合资方的出资比例each party's investment proportions
tons per year
商会的一成员都有资格投票,只要他亲自出席会议Each member of the board of trade would be entitled to vote if personally present at the meeting
回信应对一索赔分别作出相应解释The reply letter shall be construed to be severable as to each claim
固定资产年清査annual inventory of fixed assets
一点上all along the line
个单位费用的特定种类下under specific type of per unit cost
月的同一天应偿还出借人相同的金额A like sum of money shall be repaid to the lender on the same day of each month
在商店中使用的一种票据上均有一个标志,用以说明该店是私营的Each note used in the shop bears a notation indicating that the shop is privately owned
在此情况下,我方愿意用B替代A,件予以一美分的差价补贴In this case, we prefer to replace A with B at a difference of $0.01 per piece in your favour
套外包彩色纸,我们要求额外加收 5%费用We shall ask an extra charge of 5% for each set wrapped in fancy paper
工程竣工一个阶段,就应该支付一笔款项The completion of each phase of the work shall be followed by subsequent payments
平均人国民所得natural income per capita
平均人实际所保real income per capital
平均人实际所得real income per capita
平均人所得income per capita
平均人食品生产指数index number of per capita food production
平均年度的折旧average annual depreciation
平均日余额average daily balance
通路指定地段内平均月交通量average daily traffic
店员天需回答顾客的许多疑问A shop assistant has to answer a lot of queries from customers every day
开办日轮渡服务establish a daily ferry service
总款按月分期付,次相当于第一次付款额的 40 %The total amount is payable in monthly installments equivalent to 40% of the down payment
我们个月都要核对一次存货We make a check on our stocks once a month
我们提供给他们有关个部分的结构和详细规格等的资料We will give them information on the construction of each part as well as detailed specifications
我们的货用牢固的新木箱包装,箱2台,各用塑料小口袋一只包好Our goods are packed in new strong wooden boxes, each box containing 2 sets in individual small plastic wrapper
我们要求批发的货分别开发票We demand that each lot invoiced separately
我公司人都享受疾病津贴Every member in our corporation has sick benefit
我建议月付30美元来还清贷款I proposed to repay the loan at $30 a month
我方产品台定价100美元,包括附件费用在内,非常好销Our product is a good seller at the price of US 100 per set including the cost of accessories
我方卖给你方气垫盘,只削价20美元We sold you air mattresses at the reduced price of $20 per each
我方可按借出资本总数年5%的利率来计息We shall work out the interest at the rate of 5% per annum on the total amount of lending capital
房主同意承租人半年向他付一次款The landlord agrees that the tenant pays to him in semi-annual payments
所有那些费用在月最后一天自然增长All those fees accrue monthly on the last day of each month
拖拉机匹马力的产量output per tractor horse-power
一美元平均购入券额计算法dollar average method
一美元平均购入证券额计算dollar averaging
小时5美元的价格at the rate of five dollars an hour
按日平均计算的月余额average daily figure of the monthly balance
按照你方要求,种产品的样品将送交你方In compliance with your request, samples of each type of product will be sent to you
普通股股收益earning per share of common stock
有可能冲减股收益的证券potentially dilutive securities
根据合同罚款条款,该公司超期后天受罚1%According to the penalty clause in the contract, the company was fined 1% for every day after the deadline
根据长期协议,我们半年碰一次头讨论价格According to the long-term agreement, we meet semiannually and talk about the price
桶/barrels per day
此定期租约年可以续租,不需复杂的手续This periodic lease will be renewed from year to year without any complex procedure
此种新产品的零售价件不得高于58元人民币The retail price of this new product shall not be above RMB ¥58 per piece
一个雇员均应严格遵守其公司的各项规定Every employee should strictly comply with regulations of his company
一人时生产率output per man-hour
一位候选人应提出一份说明自己财务状况的报表Each candidate should put forward a statement setting forth his financial position
一单位累积基金accumulated fund of each enterprise
一方得指定一名无偏见的仲裁人A disinterested arbitrator shall be appointed by each party
三个月向股东发送一次公司的财务报表The financial statement of the company should be submitted to the shareholders every three month
each and every (all)
个代理商限制订购20笔货Each agent is limited to 20 orders
个外国投资者均应尊重东道国主权Every foreign investor should respect the sovereignty of the host country
个工人的产量productivity per worker
个年度必须交纳的会费obligatory annual contribution
个操作单元费用cost per functional unit
个正式工的有形固定资产率tangible fixed assets per regular employee
个职员对有关新产品的一切情况必须严守秘密Every clerk must observe strict secrecy regarding all the information relative to the new product
日、人产量output per (day, manhour)
per capita (按人口平均计算)
per capita
per head
单位gross per capita
人产量output per man
人剂量per capita dose
人吨数tons per man
人收入per capita income
人每班产量output per man-shift
人食物供给量per caput food supplies
per package
件衣服都是不折不扣地按你们的规格制作的Every piece of clothes is made exactly according to your specifications
公吨美元United States dollar per metric ton
公顷产量yield per ha.
公顷劳动投入labour input per hectare
公顷劳动投入labour contract with deferred wage
公顼产量yield per ha.
打字分钟字数words per minute
分钟英尺feet per minute
分钟英尺磅feet-pound per minute
分钟蒲式耳bushels per minute
铁道列车平均公里收入revenue per train kilometre
加仑分cents per gallon
加仑费用cost per gallon
数量quantity per unit pack
半年付款semi-annual installments
单位per unit
单位体积per unit volume
单位容量per unit volume
单位支出收益proceeds per unit of outlay
单位机械力与机械产量output per unit machine power and machine
单位边际收益contribution margin per unit
单位重量per unit weight
只受威胁家禽的成本cost per bird at risk
只船限额条款the per bottom clause
台机械平均台时产量output per machine-hour
吨燃料价格cost of fuel per ton
周两次semi-weekly (地)
人身意外险周付给金额weekly benefits
周保险费the weekly premium
周净工资收入可支配工资收入net weekly earnings spendable weekly earnings
周40小时工作制forty hours week
周正常工时the normal working week
周毛工资收入gross weekly earnings
周燃料开支weekly fuel expenditure
人身意外伤害险周给付金weekly benefits
周运转weekly run
per head
quarterly (的)
季估计the quarterly estimate
季估计quarterly estimate
家公司可委派两名代表Each of the companies may appoint two reps
小时工资率hourly wage rate
小时平均工资hourly earnings, aver age
小时平均收入average hourly earnings
小时英尺数feet per hour
工时per man hour
平方米舱面负载deck load per square meter
平方英尺加仑数gallons per square foot
平方英尺每日加仑gallons per square foot per day
per annum (by the year)
P. a per annum
年出产annual produce
年利润率annual rate of profit
年千瓦kilowatts per annual
年吨tons per year
年吨数tons per annum
年平均速率mean annual rate
年年金的收入annual receipts from an annuity
年所得annual income
年收获循环annual crop cycle
年最低提成款minimum annual royalty
年最低数量annual minimum number
年最高提成额maximum annual royalty
年消费额annual consumption
年现金流通表list of yearly cash flows
年百万加仑million gallons per year
年百万长吨million of long tons per year
年百分率percent per annum
年1的现值present worth of an annuity factor
年1的现值present worth of 1 per annum
年1的现值discount factor for a stream of income
年相等的费用equivalent uniform annual cost
年社会生产价值annual social productive value
年续约yearly renewable term
年递增average annual increase
年长吨long ton per year
当新房客住进那套房间,房主总要把房租提高5%The landlord puts up the rent by 5% every time a new tenant moves into that flat
户平均人数average size
per diem
旅费津贴per diem allowance
日价格变动限幅daily limit of price change
日价格变动限幅daily limits
日作业the daily work
日作业时间登记卡daily time card
日公吨数metric tons per day
日千瓦kilowatts per day
日千瓦kilowatt per day
日变化variation per day
日增量固定费用incremental fixed daily cost
日定额工资daily allowance
日应收款比率days receivables ratio
日收入审计daily audit of receipt
日每个适合工作的舱口装货量tons per workable hatch per day
日津贴daily allowance
日消耗量daily consumption
日现金需要比率days cash ratio
日现金需要比率day's cash ratio
日生活津贴daily subsistance allowance
日生活津贴率daily subsistance rates
日百万加仑马力horsepowers per million gallon per day
日营运成本daily operation cost
日贴水daily premium (或升水)
日费用cost per day
日运转the daily run
月个人工资计算表monthly individual payroll sheet
月产品公告monthly product announcement
月余额计算法a dialing balance method
月保费monthly premium
月公吨数metric tons per month
月平均市场兑换率the monthly average market exchange rate
月指数图表monthly index chart
月机动预算资料monthly flexible budget data
月每载重吨的租金hire per deadweight per month
月消费消耗monthly consumption
月生产工时productive man-hour per month
月等量装运equal quantity monthly
月还款的借款the monthly payment loan
期 1现之现值present worth of one dollar per period
期内一元的复利本利和the compound amount of 1 yuan per period
期折旧后财产情况condition per cent
期折旧费period depreciation charge
期间 1美元的现值the present worth of $1 per period
桶纯利net profit per barrel
桶贴现利润discounted profit per barrel
次装载的货物的平均数量约为500吨,价值为5万美元The average quantity of each shipment will be 500 tons, valued US $50000
per centum
百元固定资产原值实现的利润profit realized from every 100 yuan of the original value of fixed assets
磅加仑数gallons per pound
种鞋子做4个尺码Shoes are made in 4 fittings for each kind
箱装一台彩色电视机Each case contains one colour TV set
米钻井成本drilling rate
级增加数额step value
级货物的比例proportion of each grade
股利润earnings per share
股平均利益earnings per share
股平均盈利earnings per share
股收入per-share earnings
股美元dollars per share
股股票的账面价值book value per share of stock
股资产净值net assets value per share
船限额条款per bottom clause
英亩产量acre yield
英亩产量product per acre
英亩收获价值value per acre
英亩租矿费per-acre bonus
英亩租金per-acre rental
英寸加仑数gallons per inch
英尺加仑数gallons per foot
英尺费用成本cost per foot
英里加仑数gallons per mile
袋加仑数gallons per sack
逢二 、八月付款February and August
逢二、三、八和十一月付款February, March, August and November
马力磅pounds per horsepower
潜在的股收益稀释potentially dilutive
现开报我方第4号目录所列上海真丝印花绸码包括包装费在内 XX 美元We're pleased to quote on Shanghai printed pure silk fabrics as illustrated in our catalogue No. 4 at $... per yard including packing
目前的彩电报盘是台到岸价300美元The current offer for colored TV is $300 per set CIF
目标的股股息target dividend per share
职员人都有500美元的周转金The clerks have a float of $500 each
股息收益股股利与目前价格的比率dividend yield (股息生息率)
股票市价对股每年收益利率比率price/earnings ratio
股票市价对股每年收益利率比率P/E ratio
英尺分钟feet per minute
英尺小时feet per hour
英里/小时mile per hour
董事月有一万美元的报酬A director has a monthly remuneration of $10.000.000
计算股收益computing earning per share
计算股收益的两类法a two-class method of computing earning per share
计算股收益的两类法two-class method of computation
计算股收益的两类法two-class method of computing earning per share
该公司与日本的交易额够不上外销员年去四次东京的条件The company's volume of business with Japan does not warrant four trips by the salesman to Tokyo a year
该钢厂天产钢500吨The steel works turns out 500 tons of steel a day
详细的销售计划隔两月提交给销售经理一次Detailed sales schedules are submitted to the sales manager at two month intervals
请将日购销账目记入逐日账本Please keep the daily account of sales and purchase in a journal
货物分四批装运,批30吨,提单分开The goods are to be shipped in four lots of 30 tons each on separate bills of lading
费用图式次相同like-for-like replacement
运费吨按重量容积计算由船方决定the weight or measurement per ton, ship's option (W/M per ton)
运费吨按重量或容积计算weight or measurement per ton, ship's option (W/M per ton)
这些衬衫以件五美元批发The shirts are wholesaled at $5 for each
这家公司具有法定股份…股,每股值2美元The company has ... shares of authorized stock of the par value of $2 per share
这是一家殷实的商店,天能做大量的交易It is a substantial shop, where substantial business can be done every day
这次实验的一件必需品都已经到了Every requisite for this experiment has been obtained
这种车的耗油量是升行驶14 公里The car does fourteen kilometers to the litre
这辆巴士行驶XX公里耗1升汽油The bus does ... kilometres to the litre
通常在一次工程完毕后付款Usually, payments are made at the completion of each project
鉴于你我双方长期的业务关系我们愿减价5%,即吨60美元In view of our longstanding business relations, we will reduce our price by 5%, i.e., to $60 per ton
银行准备金的日计算daily reserve calculation
面值股50美元的股票half stock