
Terms for subject Sports containing | all forms
天清晨上班前都要在公园慢跑He jogs in the park every morning before going to work
决赛时、名参赛选手允许有 3 次试跳、投掷等机会Each competitor is allowed 3 trials in the finals
在分道内进行的所有的赛跑、名运动员必须始终保持在指定给他的分道内进行赛跑In all races run in lanes, each competitor shall keep within his allocated lane from start to finish
在跳高比赛时、横杆放在最初的起跳高度上、名选手有三次机会跳越横杆In the high jump, the bar is set at a starting height and each competitor has three chances to clear it
安全适当的日摄入量建议Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intake
平均圈成绩average lap-time
应向名运动员提供两块号码布Every competitor shall be provided with two number bibs
成人日最低需要量minimum daily adult requirement
我们的跑道一圈只有 200 米Each lap of our running track is only 200 metres
推荐日摄取量reference daily intake
推荐日膳食供给量recommended dietary or daily allowance (RDA)
推荐的日摄取量recommended daily intake
最大搏输出量maximal stroke volume
呼吸量minute volume of breathing
输出量minute volume
通气量minute breathing capacity
分击次blows per minute
分通气量respiratory minute volume
分通气量respiration minute volume
分钟击…次blows per minute
分钟呼吸量expiratory gas volume per minute
分钟摄氧量oxygen uptake per minute
分钟输出量minute volume
分钟通气量minute ventilation volume
分钟需氧量oxygen requirement per minute
单位时间per unit time
场成绩公布results announcement of each round
小时公里数kilometres per hour
小时英里数miles per hour
美国年的运动新手奖rookie-of-the year honour
搏输出量every pulse output
搏输出量stroke volume
搏量stroke volume
方五人赛five-a-side game
剂量daily dose
日公报daily bulletin
日剂量daily dose
日参考值Daily Reference Values
日参考摄取量reference daily intake (RDI)
日最低需要量minimum daily requirement
日最小需要量minimal daily requirement
日程序表daily program
日能量总消耗total daily energy expenditure
日膳食供给量daily dietary allowance
日膳食营养供给量建议recommended daily dietary allowance
日膳食营养素供给量daily dietary allowance
日节律diurnal rhythm
日营养素供给量daily nutrient allowance
日营养素需要量daily nutrient requirement
日赛程表daily programme
日量值Daily Value
日食物指南Daily Food Guide
球得分制rally scoring system
电子游戏秒显示帧数frames per second
轮起跳后、横杆提升 3 厘米3 cm is to be raised after each round
竞走的一步过程中、运动员在后脚离地面前、他的前脚必须与地面保持接触During the period of each step, the advancing foot of the walker must make contact with the ground before the rear foot leaves the ground
美国推荐日膳食供给量United States Recommended Daily Allowance
分通气量pulmonary ventilation per minute
赛龙舟被正式列入国家体育竞赛项目的名单,并且年都举行比赛Dragon-boat race was listed into the state sports competition programs and has been held every year