
Terms containing 每次 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.付了 2000美金后,你方连续在每月的第15日分期付款,每次金额为 200美元After the payment of $2000, you can pay in consecutive installments of $200 each on the 15th day of each month
China, polit.全国人民代表大会会议每年举行一次the National Peopled Congress meets in session once a year
expl.促成超压强度的主要爆破参数是每次延时的装药量以及药包裸露于大气的程度、或者说药包的埋深The primary design-parameters which contribute to the intensity of overpressure are the charge weight per delay and the extent of exposure of the charges to the atmosphere, that is,the depth of burial of the charges
sport.决赛时、每名参赛选手允许有 3 次试跳、投掷等机会Each competitor is allowed 3 trials in the finals
gen.几乎每次nine times out of ten
gen.几乎每次ninety-nine times out of a hundred
busin.动作次数/每分钟operations per minute
telecom.千运算次每秒thousand of operations per second
auto.发动机发火次数每分explosions per minute
gen.另外还有些药片,每日三次,每次一片Here are some tablets, too. Take one tablet three times a day
gen.只要对照每个行李输送带上方的班次告示牌就可以了Just check the flight display board above each carousel
sport.在跳高比赛时、横杆放在最初的起跳高度上、每名选手有三次机会跳越横杆In the high jump, the bar is set at a starting height and each competitor has three chances to clear it
adv.布莱尔克里姆发胶、"每次只用一点点"、Kenyon & Eckhardt 广告公司、20世纪50年代Brylcreem, "A little dab'll do ya" (Kenyon & Eckhardt)
expl.当炸药威力大、产生的震感强、噪声大、飞石多。如果炸药威力太小、由于抵抗线和围压增加、会导致爆破失败、而且对于每次延时所用的药量而言、所产生的振动会比预计的要大While a high powder factor may generate higher levels of vibration, noise and flyrock, a power factor that is too low may cause a blast to fail and may generate more vibration than expected for the charge per delay that was used, because of increased burden and confinement
econ.总款按月分期付,每次相当于第一次付款额的 40 %The total amount is payable in monthly installments equivalent to 40% of the down payment
econ.我们每个月都要核对一次存货We make a check on our stocks once a month
econ.房主同意承租人每半年向他付一次款The landlord agrees that the tenant pays to him in semi-annual payments
commer.每次装运隔两个月space out shipments two months apart
el.每次通话话音/数据控制per call control
expl.挪威掏槽与楔形掏槽相比、可以提供更可靠的每次爆破的进度The Norwegian cut can provide more dependable advance per round than the plough cut。
econ.根据长期协议,我们每半年碰一次头讨论价格According to the long-term agreement, we meet semiannually and talk about the price
shipb.次数每分钟counter per minute
avia.次数每秒count per minute
shipb.次每分钟counter per minute
gen.每 20 年一次的vigintennial
gen.每 15 年发生一次的quindecenial
gen.星期两次twice a week
gen.as often as...
tech.每一回次per tour
gen.每…一次时every time
expl.每一次气体释放的量级取决于每一阶段的具体过程、但可能有大的变化The magnitude of each of these emissions is dependent on the specific process at each stage, with large variations possible
tech.每一次行程brush stroke (混凝土路面刷毛机)
econ.每三个月向股东发送一次公司的财务报表The financial statement of the company should be submitted to the shareholders every three month
cosmet.每三个月更换一次睫毛膏,每年更换一次其他的眼部化妆品Replace your mascara every three months and other eye makeup once a year
China, polit.每两个月一次every other month
auto.每两周一次检查biweekly inspection
IMF.每两年一次的监督检查Biennial Review of Surveillance
IMF.每两年一次的监督检查biennial surveillance review
dentist.每个部位应刷十次Move it in a circular motion about ten times at the same place
tech.每冲击一次套管的延深penetration per blow (用锤夯入)
telecom.每分 钟运算次数operations per minute
auto.每分做功次数explosions per minute
sport.每分击次blows per minute
agric.每分操作次数operations per minute (opm)
telecom.每分钟小时断续次数interruption per minute hour
el.每分钟中断次数interruption per minute
gen.每分钟中断次数interruptions per minute
tech.每分钟倒斗次数frequency of bucket emptying per minute
tech.每分钟冲程次数stroke per minute
sport.每分钟击…次blows per minute
el.每分钟动[操]作次数operations per minute
avia.每分钟动作次数operations per minute
mil.每分钟发射次数rounds per minute
avia.每分钟发射次数shots per minute
gen.每分钟变向次数6000 alts = 50 赫芝alternations per minute
el.每分钟呼叫次数calls per minute
tech.柱塞的每分钟往复次数reversal per minute
dril.每分钟往返次数reversals per minute
tech.锻锤的每分钟打击次数blows per-minute
gen.每分钟打击次数blows per minute
busin.每分钟振动…次vibrations per minute
geophys.每分钟振动次数vibrations per minute
oil.proc.每分钟操作次数operations per minute
IT每分钟操作次数opm (operations per minute)
busin.每分钟断续次数interruption per minute
avia.每分钟次数counts per minute
earth.sc.每分钟泵往复次数number of pump strokes per minute
oil.proc.燃料油每分钟爆发次数explosions per minute
gen.每分钟爆发次数燃料油的explosions per minute
auto.每分钟的打击次数blows per minute
avia.每分钟监视次数look per minute
nucl.phys.每分钟裂变次数decays disintegrations per minute
gen.每分钟裂变次数disintegrations per minute
earth.sc.每分钟计算次数counts per minute
tech.每分钟转动次数revolutions per minute
gen.每分钟运转运算次数runs per minute
el.每分钟重复次数repeats per minute
swim.每划水3 次呼吸1次breathing every third stroke
tech.每割次产量yield per tapping
tech.每十五分钟测一次a fifteen minutes frequency
el.每千人次访问收费cost per thousand
el.每千人次访问收费网上信息发布计费方式cost per thousand impression
securit.每千次成本网上广告千次点击成本cost per thousand CPT
market.每千次的成本cost per thousand
fin.每半年一次结算in equal semi-annual installments
securit.每半年支付利息一次semi-annual interest payment
water.res.每半日一次的潮汐semi-diurnal tide
econ.每周两次semi-weekly (地)
tech.每周两次twice a week
gen.每周出版一次be published weekly
el.每周投片次数wafer starts per week
gen.每周3次有规律的运动能减低患乳癌的概率A regular workout 3 times a week can lower your risk of breast cancer
el.每天呼叫次数calls per day
tech.每天往返运行次数trip per day (货车)
tech.每季付一次的股息quarterly dividend
el.每小时击键次数key strokes per hour
gen.每小时印刷次数impressions per hour
el.每小时按键次数key depressions per hour
telecom.每小时按键次数key depression per hour
refrig.每小时换气次数air changes per hour
el.每小时接通次数number of switching-on per hour
busin.每小时断续次数interruption per hour
el.每小时査询次数query per hour
el.每小时每电路占用次数seizures per circuit per hour
el.每小时每电路试呼次数attempts per circuit per hour
China, polit.每年一次once a year
tech.每年一次的休假annual leave
dentist.每年一次的口腔检査是非常重要的It is important to have regular dental check-ups at least once a year
anim.husb.每批次品率限量质量管理lot tolerance percent defective
met.【铁】 每日【天】出炉次数casts per day
anim.husb.每日 4 次quater in die
anim.husb.每日 2 次bis in die
anim.husb.每日 2 次bid
tech.每日一次水尺读数one gauge reading per day
tech.每日一次水尺读数one gage reading per day
tech.每日两次水尺读数twice-daily gauge reading
tech.每日两次水尺读数twice-daily gage reading
tech.每日两次观读水位twice-daily gauge reading
tech.每日两次观读水位twice-daily gage reading
el.每日呼叫次数calls per day
med.每日四次quater in die
el.每日投片次数wafer starts per day
anim.husb.每日挤奶 2 次twice daily milking
anim.husb.每日2次bis in die
anim.husb.每日给桑次数feeding times in a day
el.每日通话次数calls per day
anim.husb.每日饲喂一次one meal daily
gen.每月一次once a month
agric.每月一次的menstrual (menstrualis)
oil每月一次试样monthly sample
shipb.每月与银行结算一次settle with the bank once a month
telecom.每条电路每小时试呼次数attempts per circuit per hour
gen.每-次each time (that, when)
gen.每-次every time (that, when)
relig.拉丁语每次toties quoties
gen.每次at every turm
tech.每次each time
gen.每次each time (that, when)
shipb.每次every time
gen.每次every time (that, when)
cryptogr.每次乘法per multiplication
busin.每次事故any one event
el.每次事故的平均损失mean losses per failure
tech.每次冲击per blow
tech.每次冲击下陷深度set per blow
tech.每次冲击率per blow rate
tech.每次冲击贯入深度set per blow
telecom.每次占用平均保持时间mean holding time per seizure
el.每次占用平均持续时间mean holding time per seizure
gen.每次去参加舞会,她都打扮得特别漂亮Every time she went to a dance, she would always be dressed up to the nines
interntl.trade.每次发单成本cost per ordering
anim.husb.每次受胎产羔率lambs born per conception
anim.husb.每次受胎产羔率lamb born per conception
agric.每次受胎的配种次数services per conception
dentist.每次口腔溃疡大约持续多长时间?How long does the ulceration usually last?
proj.manag.每次只能有一个人远程控制您的桌面You can only have one person remote control your desktop at a time
el.每次吸收的中子产额neutron yield per absorption
tech.每次呼叫固定路径选择fixed routing per call
tech.每次呼叫固定路径选择法fixed routing per call method
tech.每次噪声轰鸣时间duration of each burst of noise
expl.每次延迟最大装药量maximum explosive charge per delay
dentist.每次您来挂号时,请出示这张卡Please show this card at the registration desk every time you come
busin.每次意外事故each and every accident
busin.每次意外事故any one accident
tech.每次所扣的税款the tax withheld from each payment
busin.每次损失each and every loss
China, law每次收入额amount received in each payment
tech.每次收率yield per pass
dentist.每次治疗大概需要三十分钟Each treatment will take about thirty minutes
plast.每次注塑成型的体积量volume moulded per shot
plast.每次注塑成型的体积量volume molded per shot
plast.每次注塑料重量weight moulded per shot
plast.每次注塑料重量weight molded per shot
tech.每次注射per injection
tech.每次活动性质feature of each movement
tech.每次活动时间duration of each movement
dril.每次灌泥浆时泵冲数strokes per fill
agric.每次灌溉水量amount of water per irrigation
tech.每次磨锐钎头的进尺率output per resharpening
tech.每次磨锐钻头的进尺率output per resharpening
avia.每次空运活动的载客人数passengers per air transport movement
avia.每次翻修的着陆数landings per overhaul
tech.每次荷载时间time of per loading
el.每次行动成本cost per action
tech.每次行程each run
tech.每次行程走刀量feed per stroke
el.每次裂变发出的平均中子数average number of neutrons emitted per fission
el.每次裂变所放出的中子数neutrons per fission
phys.每次裂变所放出的全部中子neutrons per fission
el.每次裂变放出中子数number of neutrons per fission
el.每次裂变的中子产额neutron yield per fission
el.每次裂变释放出的能量energy released per fission
tech.每次装载时间time of per loading
econ.每次装载的货物的平均数量约为500吨,价值为5万美元The average quantity of each shipment will be 500 tons, valued US $50000
el.每次转换对应时钟周期数clock cycles per conversion
proj.manag.每次重置 GSP 或者关闭 GSP 时、它必须从系统主板获取实时时钟信息Each time the GSP is reset or powered down, it must get the real time clock information from the system board
tech.每次错动量amount of offset in each time
tech.每次降水入渗系数infiltration coefficient of precipitation each time
multimed.每次页面浏览量带来的收入income per page view
avia.每次飞行成本cost per flight
dentist.每次饭后您都应该刷牙You should brush your teeth after every meal
met.每浇次历时cast time per sequence
met.每浇次总历时total cast time per sequence
met.每浇次炉数number of heats in a sequence
met.每浇次炉数heats per sequence
mil.每炮发射次数rounds per gun
gen.每炮每分钟发射次数rounds per gun per minute
gen.每炮每日发射次数rounds per gun per day
chem.每班三次three times per shift
chem.每班两次twice per shift
el.隧洞掘进每班操作的循环次数rounds per shift
el.每电路小时试探次数bids per circuit per hour
gen.每百万小时的失灵次数failures per million hours
telecom.每秒万亿次浮点运算trillion floating point operations per second
el.每秒万亿次浮点运算数trillion floating-point operations per second
el.每秒万亿次运算数tera operations per second
el.每秒中断次数interruption per second
avia.每秒中断次数interruptions per second
mil., air.def.每秒内完成的复数运算次数complex operation per second
mil., air.def.每秒十亿次浮点运算giga floating point operation per second
el.每秒十亿次浮点运算数giga floating-point operations per second
mil., air.def.每秒十亿次运算gigaoperation per second
mil., air.def.每秒十亿次运算billion operation per second
el.每秒十亿次运算数giga operations per second
el.每秒十亿次运算数billion operations per second
el.每秒十亿次逻辑运算数giga logic operations per second
el.每秒千次取样数kilo samples per second
el.每秒千次模糊逻辑推理数thousands of fuzzy logical inference per second
el.每秒千次运算数thousands of operations per second
el.每秒千次运算数kilooperations per second
el.每秒取样次数samples per second
el.每秒吉[千兆]次取样数giga samples per second
el.每秒天电干扰次数sferic strokes per second
avia.每秒抽样次数samples per second
geophys.每秒振动次数vibrations per second
agric.每秒操作次数operations per second (ops)
el.每秒整数运算次数integer operations per second
tech.每秒旋转次数revolutions per second
el.每秒模糊逻辑推理次数fuzzy logical inference per second
el.每秒浮点运算次数floating-point operations per second
mil., air.def.每秒浮点运算次数floating point operation per second
el.每秒百万次传送数mega transfers per second
el.每秒百万次取样数million samples per second
el.每秒百万次取样数mega-samples per second
space每秒百万次指令a million instruction per second (计算机处理速度)
avia.每秒百万次指令a million instruction per second
avia.每秒百万次操作mega operations per second
IT每秒百万次浮点运算million floating-point operations per second
mil., air.def.每秒百万次浮点运算million floating point operation per second
el.每秒百万次浮点运算数million floating-point operations per second
el.每秒百万次浮点运算数mega-floating-point operations per second
el.每秒百万次理论运算数million theoretical operations per second
el.每秒百万次磁通翻转数million flux reversals per second
el.每秒百万次磁通翻转数mega flux reversals per second
el.每秒百万次等效加数million equivalent adds per second
IT每秒百万次运算million operations per second
el.每秒百万次运算数million operations per second
el.每秒百万次运算数mega operations per second
telecom.每秒的逻辑推理次数logical inference per second
el.每秒试呼次数call attempts per second
el.每秒输人/输出次数inputs/outputs per second
el.每秒运算次数operations per second
space每秒逻辑推理次数logical inferences per second
AI.每秒逻辑推理次数Logical Inference Per Second
el.每秒逻辑运算次数logical operations per second
gen.每秒钟中断次数interruptions per second
radio每秒钟天电冲击次数sferic strokes per second
gen.每秒钟振动次数vibrations per second
comp.每秒钟百万次指令数millions of instructions per second
nucl.phys.每秒钟裂变次数decays disintegrations per second
nucl.phys.每秒钟製变次数decays disintegrations per second
earth.sc.每秒钟计算次数counts per second
tech.每秒闪光次数flashes per second
el.每线路小时连通次数connections per circuit per hour
agric.每网次per haul
agric.每胎所要交配次数number of services per conception
mech.eng.每英寸切削次数每进刀一英寸的心轴转数cuts per inch
el.每英寸千次磁通交变数kilo flux changes per inch
el.每英寸千次磁通翻转数kilo flux reversals per inch
textile每英寸开口 14 次fourteen point
textile每英寸开口 14次的机制花边fourteen point
avia.每观看一次即收费的电视节目pay-per-view programming
tech.每通过一次per pass
met.【压】 每道次伸长量elongation for each pass
tech.每道次压下量reduction per area
met.每道次压下量pass reduction
met.每道次压下量reduction per pass
met.【压】 每道次压下量draught per hole
met.【压】 每道次压下量draught per pass
met.【压】 每道次压下量pass reduction
met.【压】 每道次压下量reduction per pass
met.【压】 每道次压下量rolling draught
construct.轧件通过轧辊的每道次压下量reduction per area
tech.每道次压下量draught per pass
met.【压】 每道次延伸量elongation per pass
met.【压】 每道次延伸量pass elongation
met.每道次延伸量elongation for each pass
hydroel.st.每钻次的深度、长度和时间depth, length, and time for each run
gen.每隔 10 分钟取一次读数take readings every ten minutes
swim.每隔一次快速游swim every other one hard
auto.火花塞火花次数每分sparks per minute
eng.geol.盾构的每一次推进shove of shield
cosmet.睫毛膏属易挥发产品,每次使用不要来回多次蘸取Mascara is a highly evaporative product, do not repeatedly dip into mascara
auto.电子学脉冲次数每分pulses per minute
auto.脉冲次数每分pulses per minute
auto.电子学脉冲次数每秒pulses per second
tech.船舶平均每次在港停泊天数time used per stay in port
tech.船舶平均每次在港停泊天数time used for a day in port
econ.该公司与日本的交易额够不上外销员每年去四次东京的条件The company's volume of business with Japan does not warrant four trips by the salesman to Tokyo a year
econ.详细的销售计划每隔两月提交给销售经理一次Detailed sales schedules are submitted to the sales manager at two month intervals
econ.费用图式每次相同like-for-like replacement
avia.运算次数每分钟operations per minute
dentist.这是您的挂号证。请不要遗失,每次来时带着它This is your registration card, Please don't lose it and bring it here whenever you come
econ.这次实验的每一件必需品都已经到了Every requisite for this experiment has been obtained
gen.这钟每星期只需要上一次发条this clock needs winding once a week
econ.通常在每一次工程完毕后付款Usually, payments are made at the completion of each project
auto.闪烁次数每秒flashes per second
expl.除了与地质和距离有关的因素外、还有一些因素与爆破作业设计直接相关。其中最重要的是每次延迟的最大装药量、即每次要爆炸的炸药最大量有时标明为每8毫秒间隔爆炸的炸药量In addition to factors that are related to geology and distance are those factors that are related directly to the design of blasting operations. The most important of these is the maximum charge weight per delay: that is, the maximum quantity of explosive that detonates at one time sometimes specified as being that which detonates within any eight millisecond period of time
dentist.饭后三十分钟用水服用抗生素,每天三次,连续服用三天Take this antibiotic with a glass of water thirty minutes after every meal, three times a day, for three days