
Terms containing 步样 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.事情到了这样的地步以致…the matter went so far that...
agric.二步抽样two-step sampling
gen.保持同样的步伐〔速度〕keep step
tech.步样preliminary sample
el.初步工程开发样机[品]preliminary engineering development model
tech.取样与同步放大器sample-and-hold amplifier
el.取样同步点摆动sampled synchronous spot wobble
tech.取样同步脉冲sampling synchronization pulse
tech.取样步骤sampling procedure
tech.同步取样synchronous sampling
tech.同步取样器synchronous sampler
el.同步逐次取样synchronized successive sampling
construct.同步采样器synchronous electronic sampler
tech.同步采样器synchronous sampler
tech.同步采样器synchronized sampler
el.异步采样速率转换器asynchronous sampling rate converter
tech.楼梯踏步高度样板height board
anim.husb.步样walk of going
gen.用同样步调step for step
commer.继我方本月三日函件,我方进一步特此通知贵方我方已向贵方寄送所有要求的样品Further to our letter of the 3rd inst., we have pleasure to inform you that we have sent you all the samples requested
busin.考克斯两步抽样法Cox's method of two-step sampling
hydroel.st.采样同步synchronized sampling
mil., air.def.采样同步脉冲sampling synchronization pulse
eng.geol.采样步骤sampling procedure
anim.husb.步样goose gait