
Terms containing 正 式 代表 | all forms | in specified order only
sport.国际军体理事会正式代表Official CISM Representation
China, polit.根据多数代表的意见确定正式候选人名单decide upon a formal list of candidates based on the opinion of the majority of deputies
proj.manag.正式代表official representative
China, polit.正式代表候选人full candidates for deputies
commer.正式委派代表duly authorized representative
busin.正式授权代表duly authorized representative
China, polit.确定和公布正式代表候选人的名单decide on and publish the formal list of candidates for deputies
China, polit.确定和公布正式代表候选人的名单decide on and publish the official list of candidates for deputies