
Terms for subject Securities containing 欺诈 | all forms | in specified order only
不得欺诈债权人non fraud of creditor
价格欺诈price gouging
公司欺诈corporate fraud
关联欺诈affinity fraud
欺诈fighting frauds
欺诈修正修改公司章程,禁止在缺席股东同意前,从非真正的收购方以溢价回购目标股份anti-greenmail amendment
欺诈协议anti-greenmail agreement
欺诈条款anti-fraud provision
反操纵/反欺诈条款anti-manipulation/antideception provisions
1988 年内幕交易与证券欺诈Insider Trading and securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988
推定欺诈constructive fraud
掺水交剔欺诈交易wash sale
揭穿转让欺诈的测试tests to defeat fraudulent conveyance
欺诈侵占转让法fraudulent conveyance law
欺诈嫌疑suspicion of fraud
欺诈性侵占fraudulent conversion
欺诈性信贷业务extortionate credit transaction
欺诈性单证fraudulent document
欺诈性手法fraudulent practice
欺诈性挪用款项fraudulent misuse of funds
欺诈性破产fraudulent bankruptcy
欺诈性行为deceptive practices
欺诈性证明fraudulent proof
欺诈或不诚实行为fraudulent or dishonest act
欺诈或误导企图fraudulent or misleading intent
欺诈手段fraudulent mean
欺诈指控allegation of fraud
欺诈查验fraud test
欺诈活动fraudulent activity
欺诈的可能性potential for fraud
欺诈/舞弊情况fraudulent condition
欺诈行为fraudulent conduct
欺诈让与fraudulent alienation
欺诈让与的受让人fraudulent alienee
欺诈责任liability for fraud
欺诈转让fraudulent conveyances
禁止证券欺诈行为暂行办法Provisional Measures Prohibiting Fraudulent Conduct Relating to Securities
统一反欺诈转让法Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act
股本融资欺诈equity funding fraud
舞弊欺诈性活动fraudulent practice
采用其他欺诈手段resorting to other fraudulent means
防止欺诈prevention of fraud