
Terms containing 欧 洲 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.一种叫作“笙”的中国管乐器先后传到了波斯和欧洲A Chinese wind instrument, called Sheng was introduced to Persia and later to Europe
avia.北约欧洲战斗机管理局NATO European Fighter Management Agency
avia.北约欧洲集团Eurogroup (北约十三国国防部长非正式集团)
polo.国际马球联合会欧洲锦标赛FIP European Championship
gen.欧洲over there
gen.欧洲国家,购物时插队是很不礼貌的行为,会遭他人轻视In Europe, cutting in line is rude and would be despised by others when shopping in the mall
gen.多瑙河发源于德国,流经欧洲中部的九个国家,在罗马尼亚汇入大海Crossing 9 nations in the center of Europe from its German source to its Romanian mouth, flows the Danube River
gen.情人节可能来自于欧洲的异教徒兴盛节,这个节日在冬天结束之际举行,通常情人之间会在这个节日互换手写信物This may have followed on from the pagan fertility festivals that were held all over Europe as the winter came to an end, when traditionally lovers would exchange hand written notes
gen.我们的敞篷车在中国和一些欧洲国家销路很好,我保证在贵方市场上也会畅销Our roadsters are selling well in China and in some European countries. I’m sure you'll have a ready market at your end
multimed.数字图书馆欧洲会议european conference on digital libraries
biol.柔毛欧洲杓兰yellow European lady-slipper (Cypripedium calceolus var. pubescens Corre,兰科)
gen.欧合国欧洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Europe
biol.欧洲七叶树buckeye (Aesculus nippocastanum L.)
biol.欧洲七叶树horse-chestnut (Aesculus hippocastamun L.)
biol.欧洲七叶树European buckeye (Aesculus hippocastanum L.,七叶树科)
biol.欧洲七叶树common horse-chestnut (Aescuius hippocastanum L.,七叶树科)
biol.欧洲七叶树aesculus hippocastanum (Aesculus hippocastanum L.,七叶树科)
gen.欧洲不锈钢发展与情报组由法、英、意、西德、比利时、荷兰、瑞士、瑞典八国组成European Stainless Steel Development and Information Group
gen.欧洲与中东信道及通信业务管理处European-Middle East Channel and Traffic Control Unit
avia.欧洲与北约联合喷气式飞机飞行员训练European/NATO joint jet pilot training
avia.欧洲与北约联合的喷气式飞机飞行员训练Euro-NATO joint jet pilot training
avia.欧洲与北约联合训练团Euro/NATO training group
geol.欧洲、中东与非洲Europe, Middle East and Africa
avia.欧洲中段雷达European Midcourse Radar
avia.欧洲中空长航时无人机European medium altitude long endurance
biol.欧洲云杉European spruce (Picea excelsa Link.,松科)
biol.欧洲云杉Norway spruce (Picea excelsa L.,松科)
biol.欧洲云杉common spruce (Picea excelsa L.,松科)
biol.欧洲仙客来sow bread (Cyclamen purpurascens Mill.,报春花科)
biol.欧洲仙客来sowbread (Cyclamen europaeum L.)
biol.欧洲仙客来European cyclamen (Cylacmen purpurascens Mill.,报春花科)
gen.欧洲促进预制装配和其他工业化方法组织European Organization For the Promotion of Prefabrication and other Industrial Building Methods
gen.欧洲信息系统杂志European Journal of Information Systems
gen.欧洲经济共同体Europe Community
gen.欧洲共同体委员会Commission of European Community
gen.欧洲共同体科学技术研究合作协调委员会Commission of European Communities, European Cooperation and Coordination in the field of Scientific and Technical Research
fishery欧洲-内陆水域Europe - inland waters
gen.欧洲军事通信谐调委员会European Military Communications Coordinating Committee
gen.欧洲农民干活时穿的长罩衫smock frock
biol.欧洲冷杉银枞,白枞,Abies alba Mill.,松科Swiss pine
biol.欧洲冷杉银枞,白枞,Abies alba Mill.,松科fir
biol.欧洲冷杉银枞,白枞,Abies alba Mill.,松科silver fir
avia.欧洲分配系统European distribution system
avia.美国空军的欧洲分配系统European Distribution System
biol.欧洲剪秋萝cuckoo flower (Coronaria floscuculi (L.) A. Br.; Lychis floscuculi L.,石竹科)
biol.欧洲剪秋萝rose-of-heaven (Lychnis coeli-rosa Desr.; Agrostemma coeli-rosa L.,石竹科)
biol.欧洲剪秋萝ragged Robin (Coronaria floscuculi (L.) A. Br.; Lychis floscuculi L.,石竹科)
biol.欧洲剪秋萝cuckoo-flower (Lychnis floscuculi (L.) A. Br.,石竹科)
biol.欧洲剪股颖fine bent-grass (Agrostis vulgaris With.,禾本科)
biol.欧洲剪股颖fine bent grass (Agrostis vulgaris With.,禾本科)
biol.欧洲剪股颖black cotch (Agrostis vulgaris With.,禾本科)
gen.欧洲化工联合会European Federation of Chemical Engineering
geol.欧洲北部大西洋边缘European North Atlantic Margine
gen.欧洲协调委员会European Coordinating Committee
gen.欧洲原子能协会European Atomic Society
gen.欧洲原子能联营European Airline Electronic Commission
gen.欧洲原子能联营参加的为欧洲经济共同体各成员国European Atomic Energy Community Society
gen.欧洲及地中海植物保护组织European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization
gen.欧洲各国奥林匹克委员会European National Olympic Committees
gen.欧洲各国奥林匹克委员会协会Association of the European National Olympic Committees
biol.欧洲合叶子queen lagerstroemia (Filipendula ulmaria; Spiraea ulmaria)
biol.欧洲合叶子meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria; Spiraea ulmaria)
biol.欧洲合叶子European meadow-sweet (Filipendula ulmaria Maxim.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲唐棣juneberry (Amelanchier vulgaris Moench.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲唐棣grape pear (Amelanchier vulgaris Moench.,蔷薇科)
multimed.欧洲商品编号european article numbering
gen.欧洲-地中海地震学中心European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre
gen.欧洲地区办事处世界卫生组织所属的Regional Office for Europe
avia.欧洲地区航空公司协会European Regional Airlines Association
geol.欧洲地学联合会European Union of Geosciences
geol.欧洲地层评价专题讨论会European Formation Evaluation Symposium
geol.欧洲地球科学编辑协会European Association of Earth-Science Editors
geol.欧洲地质学会会议Meeting of European Geological Societies
geol.欧洲地质学家联合会European Federation of Geologists
gen.欧洲地震委员会European Seismological Commission
gen.欧洲地震工程协会European Association of Earthquake Engineering
gen.欧洲塑料新闻European Plastics News
avia.欧洲多功能相控阵雷达European multifunctional phased array radar
multimed.欧洲大学与研究中心协会Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche Européenne
multimed.欧洲大学与研究中心协会Réseaux Associes Pour La Recherche Europeenne
biol.欧洲大蚊European cranefly (Tipula paludosa Meigen,大蚊科)
biol.欧洲夹竹桃oleander (Nerium indicum Mill)
biol.欧洲夹竹桃common oleander (Nerium oleander L.,夹竹桃科)
bodybuild.欧洲女子业余健美锦标赛Women's European Amateur Boding-building Championships
biol.欧洲女贞European privet (Ligustrum vulgare L.,木犀科)
multimed.欧洲学术研究网european academic research network
gen.欧洲宇航研究署European Office of Aerospace Research
avia.satellite欧洲 X 射线观测卫星European X-ray observatory
avia.欧洲 X 射线观测卫星European X-ray Observatory
biol.欧洲山杨洋山杨,Populus tremula L.,杨柳科aspen
biol.欧洲山杨poplar (Populus tremula L.)
biol.欧洲山杨aspen (Populus tremula L.)
biol.欧洲山杨青杨,Populus tremula L.,杨柳科European aspen
biol.欧洲山松mugho pine (Pinus mugo var. muphus Zenari,松科)
biol.欧洲山毛榉欧洲椈,林山毛榉,Fagus sylvatica L.,山毛榉科European beech
biol.欧洲山毛榉common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.,山毛榉科)
gen.欧洲工业炉及热装置制造业委员会European Committee of Manufacturers of Industrial Furnace and Thermic Installation
gen.欧洲工业联合会理事会Council of European Industries Federations
gen.欧洲mean European time
gen.欧洲平均时间European mean time
gen.欧洲广播联合会European Broadcasting Union
multimed.欧洲广播联盟European Broadcast Union
gen.欧洲建筑机械设备委员会Committee of European Construction Equipment
avia.欧洲开发基金会European Development Fund
avia.欧洲引力波天文台European Gravitational Observatory
biol.欧洲心形甜樱桃heart cherry tree (Prunus avium var. juliana,蔷薇科)
avia.欧洲战区空军指挥与控制研究European theatre air command and control study
avia.欧洲战区空军指挥和控制的研究European Theatre Air Command and Control Study
avia.欧洲战斗机European Combat Aircraft
avia.欧洲战斗飞机European Fighter Aircraft (含直升机)
biol.欧洲扇棕European fan-palm (Chamaerops humilis L.,棕榈科)
biol.欧洲扇棕hair palm (Chamaerops humilis L.,棕榈科)
biol.欧洲扇棕European fan palm (Chamaerops humilis L.,棕榈科)
gen.欧洲投资银行European Investment Bank (EEG 所属的)
avia.欧洲支线航空公司European Regional Airlines
avia.欧洲支线航空公司协会European Regional Airlines Association
gen.欧洲放射性燃料化学处理公司European Company for the Chemical Processing of Irradiated Fuels
gen.欧洲旅游委员会European Travel Commission
gen.欧洲无线电频率管理局European Radio Frequency Agency
gen.欧洲普通镀锌业协会European General Galvanizers Association
gen.欧洲最著名的狂欢节是在威尼斯The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice
geol.欧洲有机地球化学家协会European Association of Organic Geochemists
biol.欧洲木莓European dewberry (Rubus caesius L.,蔷薇科)
avia.欧洲未来先进旋翼机European Future Advanced Rotorcraft (欧洲五国合作研制的偏转旋翼飞机)
gen.欧洲未来加速器委员会欧洲核子研究组织所属的European Committee for Future Accelerators
avia.欧洲未来大飞机集团European Future Large Aircraft Group (英、法、德、意、西五国合作研制运输机)
avia.欧洲未来战斗飞机Future European Fighter Aircraft (方案)
biol.欧洲European hackberry (Celtis australis',榆科)
biol.欧洲bastard-elm (Celtis occidentalis L.,榆科)
biol.欧洲杓兰European lady-slipper (Cypripedium calceolus L.)
biol.欧洲Scotch pine (Pinus silvesiris L.,松科)
biol.欧洲wild pine (Pinus silvesiris L.,松科)
biol.欧洲松毛虫pine lasiocampid (Dendrolimus pint Linnaeus,枯叶蛾科)
biol.欧洲松毛虫European pine caterpillar (Dendrolimus pint Linnaeus,枯叶蛾科)
biol.欧洲板栗Spanish chestnut tree (Castanea sativa Mill.,山毛榉科)
biol.欧洲板栗European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.,山毛榉科)
biol.欧洲板栗sweet chestnut tree (Castanea sativa Mill.,山毛榉科)
biol.欧洲板栗edible chestnut tree (Castanea sativa Mill.,山毛榉科)
gen.欧洲林貂的皮毛baum marten
biol.欧洲果圆蚧European fruit scale (Quadraspidiotus ostreaeformis Curt.,盾蚧科)
biol.欧洲枸杞European wolf-berry (Lycium europaeum L.,茄科)
judo.欧洲柔道联合会European Judo Union
multimed.欧洲 ISDN 标准European integrated services digital network
avia.欧洲标准时间European Mean Time
avia.欧洲标准电器认证European Norms Electrical Certification
biol.欧洲Spanish chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.,山毛榉科)
biol.欧洲Spanish chestnut tree (Castanea sativa Mill.,山毛榉科)
biol.欧洲Italian chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.,山毛榉科)
biol.欧洲European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.,山毛榉科)
gen.欧洲核子研究委员会European Council for Nuclear Research
multimed.欧洲核子研究组织Conseil Europeen Pour la Recherche Nucleaire
multimed.欧洲核子研究组织Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire
gen.欧洲核子研究组织European Organization for Nuclear Research
gen.欧洲核电子学标准European Standard of Nuclear Electronics
gen.欧洲核能炼钢倶乐部European Nuclear Steelmaking Club
gen.欧洲核能管理局欧洲经济合作组织所属的European Nuclear Energy Agency
avia.旨在反对美国 SDI 计划的欧洲核裁军运动European Nuclear Disarmament
biol.欧洲桃蜡蚧European peach scale (Lecanium persicae Fabricius,蜡蚧科)
biol.欧洲桤木胶桤木,Alnus glutinosa Vill.,桦科common alder
biol.欧洲桤木胶桤木,Alnus glutinosa Vill.,桦科Europ ean alder
biol.欧洲桤木black alder (Alnus glutinosa Vill.,桦木科)
biol.欧洲桤木潜叶蜂European alder leaf miner (Fenusa dohrni Tisch.,叶蜂科)
bridge.欧洲桥牌联合会European Bridge League
bridge.欧洲桥牌论坛European Bridge Review
biol.欧洲common birch (Betula alba L.,桦科)
biol.欧洲common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.,木犀科)
biol.欧洲taller ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.,木犀科)
biol.欧洲欧洲白蜡树,Fraxinus excelsior L.,木犀科common ash
biol.欧洲cobnut (Corylus avellana L.,榛木科)
biol.欧洲common hazel-nut (Corylus avellana L.,榛科)
biol.欧洲nut tree (Corylus avellana L.,榛科)
biol.欧洲filbert (Corylus avellana L.,榛科)
biol.欧洲hazel tree (Corylus avellana L.,榛木科)
biol.欧洲European filbert (Corylus avellana L.,榛科)
biol.欧洲hazel-bush (Corylus avellana L.,榛科)
biol.欧洲gallnut (Corylus avellana L.,榛科)
biol.欧洲榛子大榛子,Corylus avellana L.,榛科common filbert
biol.欧洲榛子大榛子,Corylus avellana L.,榛科hazelbush
biol.欧洲榛子大榛子,Corylus avellana L.,榛科European filbert tree
biol.欧洲榛子大榛子,Corylus avellana L.,榛科filbert tree
avia.欧洲模型火箭European Model Rocketry
biol.欧洲樱草English primrose (Primula vulgaris Huds.,报春花科)
gen.欧洲橡胶杂志European Rubber JournalERJ
avia.欧洲民用航空电子设备组织European Civil Aviation Electronics
avia.欧洲民航会议European Civil Aviation Conference
avia.欧洲民航委员会European Civil Aviation Commission
avia.欧洲民航委员会commission Europeenne de aviation civile
avia.欧洲民航安全研究所European Research Institute for Civil Aviation Safety
avia.欧洲民航组织European Civil Aviation
avia.欧洲民航联合会European Civil Aviation Committee
gen.欧洲水泥协会European Cement Association
biol.欧洲没药sweet cicely (Myrrhis odorata L.,伞形花科)
biol.欧洲没药sweet scented myrrh (Myrrhis odorata L.,伞形花科)
biol.欧洲没药garden myrrh (Myrrhis odorata L.,伞形花科)
biol.欧洲没药属香茴属,Myrrhis L.,伞形花科myrrh
biol.欧洲油菜swede-like rape (Brassica napus var. oleifera DC.)
biol.欧洲油菜rapeseed (Brassica napus var. oleifera DC.)
biol.欧洲油菜rape (Brassica napus var.oleifera DC.,十字花科)
biol.欧洲油菜coleseed (Brassica napus var.oleifera DC.,十字花科)
biol.欧洲油菜colza (Brassica napus var.oleifera DC.,十字花科)
gen.欧洲混凝土委员会European Committee for Concrete
biol.欧洲火棘everlasting thorn (Pyracantha coccinea Roem.,蔷薇科)
gen.欧洲煤业组织European Coal Organization
gen.欧洲煤钢联营欧洲共同市场所属的European Coal and Steel Community
gen.欧洲物理学杂志European Journal of Physics
biol.欧洲狗舌草common groundsel'ommonragwort (Senecio vulgaris L.,菊科)
biol.欧洲狗舌草groundsel (Senecio vulgaris L.)
biol.欧洲狗舌草ragwort (Senecio vulgaris L.)
biol.欧洲狗舌草common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris L.,菊科)
biol.欧洲球螋普通蠼螋,Forficula auriculaia L.,球螋科European earwig
biol.欧洲球螋普通蠼螋,Forficula auricularia Linnaeus,球螋科European earwig
biol.欧洲球螋普通蠼螋,Forficula auriculaia L.,球螋科common earwig
biol.欧洲甜樱桃gean cherry (Prunus avium L.; Cerasus avium L.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲甜樱桃mazzard cherry (Prunus aviun L.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲甜樱桃merry (Cerasus avium L.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲甜樱桃sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.; Cerasus avium L.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲甜樱桃gean (Prunus avium L.; Cerasus avium L.,蔷薇科)
gen.欧洲生产力发展局European Productivity Agency
gen.欧洲生物化学协会联合会Federation of European Biochemical Societies
gen.欧洲生物化学杂志European Journal of Biochemistry
avia.欧洲电信标准学会European Telecommunication Standard Institute
avia.欧洲电路Eurocard (标准单面印刷电路板)
bodybuild.欧洲男子业余健美锦标赛Men's European Amateur Bodybuilding Championships
biol.欧洲白杨European white poplar (Populus alba L,杨柳科)
biol.欧洲白桦欧洲桦,Betula pendula Roth; Betula alba L.,桦木科European white birch
biol.欧洲白桦垂枝桦,欧洲桦,Betula pendula Roth; Betula alba L.,桦木科European white birch
biol.欧洲白桦欧洲桦,Betula pendula Roth; Betula alba L.,桦木科European birch
biol.欧洲白桦drooping birch (Betula pendula Roth,桦木科)
biol.欧洲白榆field elm (Ulmus laevis Pall.,榆科)
biol.欧洲白睡莲large European white waterlily (Nymphaea alba var. candidissima,睡莲科)
biol.欧洲百脉根squarpod deervetch (Lotus tetragonolobus,豆科)
biol.欧洲百脉根squarepod deervetch (Lotus tetragonolobus,豆科)
biol.欧洲益母草common motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca L.,唇形科)
biol.欧洲省沽油European bladder-nut (Staphylea pinnata L.,省沽油科)
biol.欧洲矮樱桃European dwarf cherry (Prunus fruticosa Pall.,蔷薇科)
geol.欧洲石油地质学家与工程师协会European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists & Engineers
geol.欧洲石油地质学家协会European Association of Petroleum Geologists
avia.欧洲研究信息技术的战略计划European strategic programme for research into information technology
avia.欧洲研究协调机构European Research Coordination Agency (其研究计划即称为尤里卡计划)
gen.欧洲研究局美国陆军所属的European Research Office
comp.欧洲程序库European program library
biol.欧洲稻茬菜common nipple wort (Lapsana communis L.,菊科)
gen.欧洲空军器材司令部European Air Materiel Command
gen.欧洲空运处European Air Transport Service
gen.欧洲宇宙空间数据中心European Space Data Centre
gen.欧洲空间研究协会European Space Research Institute
gen.欧洲宇宙空间研究组织European Space Research Organization
gen.欧洲空间飞行器发射装置研制中心European Space Vehicle Launcher Development Organization
biol.欧洲竹粉蠹powder post beetle (Lyctus brunneus Stephens,粉蠹科)
fishery欧洲类型围网船European type purse seiner
biol.欧洲紫杉Irish yew (Taxus baccata L.,紫杉科)
biol.欧洲紫杉English yew
biol.欧洲紫杉浆果紫杉,Taxus baccata L.,紫杉科English yew
biol.欧洲紫杉common yew (Taxus baccata L.,紫杉科)
biol.欧洲红梾木欧洲红瑞木,Cornus sanguinea L.,山茱萸科bloodtwig
biol.欧洲红梾木欧洲红瑞木,Cornus sanguinea L.,山茱萸科dogwood
biol.欧洲红梾木欧洲红瑞木,Cornus sanguinea L.,山茱萸科dogberry
biol.欧洲红瑞木red dogwood (Cornus sanguinea L.,山茱萸科)
biol.欧洲红瑞木gaiter (Cornus sanguinea L.,山茱萸科)
gen.欧洲纸浆及造纸技术会议European Conference of Pulp and Paper Technics
gen.欧洲组合学杂志European Journal of Combinatorics
biol.欧洲细辛asarabacca (Asarum europaeum L.,马兜铃科)
biol.欧洲细辛wild nard (Asarum europaeum,马兜铃科)
biol.欧洲细辛hazelwort (Asarum europaeum L.,马兜铃科)
biol.欧洲细辛asarbaca (Asarum europaeum,马兜铃科)
biol.欧洲细辛European wild ginger (Asarum europaeum,马兜铃科)
gen.欧洲经济共同体亦称欧洲共同市场,1958年由法国、西德、意大利、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡六国组成,1973年增加英国、挪威、爱尔兰三国European Economic Community
gen.欧洲经济合作委员会Committee of European Economic Co-operation
gen.欧洲经济合作组织Organization for European Economic Corporation
gen.欧洲经济合作组织Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OECD 的前身)
gen.欧洲经济合作组织European Economic Co-operation Organization
gen.欧洲经济合作联盟European League for Economic Co-operation
gen.欧洲经济委员会联合国经济社会理事会所属的区域性机构之一Economic Commission for Europe
geol.欧洲综合地质调查计划European Geotraverse Project
badm.欧洲羽毛球联盟European Badminton Union
gen.欧洲耐火材料制品公司Société Européenne des Produits Réfractaires
gen.欧洲聚合物杂志European Polymer Journal
gen.欧洲自由贸易联盟原由英国、挪威、瑞典、丹麦等七国组成,后因英国等参加欧洲经济共同体而解体European Free Trade Association
avia.欧洲航天员中心European Astronauts Center
avia.欧洲航天局European Aviation Agency
geol.欧洲航天局遥感卫星European Space Agency Remote Sensing Satellite
geol.欧洲航天局遥感卫星ESA Remote Sensing Satellite
avia.欧洲航天工业协会The European Association of Aerospace Industries
avia.欧洲航天研究中心Centre Europeen de Recherche Spatiale
avia.欧洲航天软件开发中心European Space Software Development Environment
avia.欧洲航空信息系统数据库European AIS Data Base
avia.欧洲航空公司European airliner
avia.欧洲航空公司Air Europe Ltd.
avia.欧洲航空公司医务经理协会European Airlines Medical Directors Society
avia.欧洲航空公司协会Association of European Airlines
avia.欧洲航空公司电子学会议European Airlines Electronics
avia.欧洲航空公司电子学会议European Airlines Electronics Meeting
avia.欧洲航空公司研究局European Airline Research Bureau
avia.欧洲航空发射场European space range
avia.欧洲航空安全局European Aviation Safety Agency (2002年6月,欧盟15国在布鲁塞尔的会议上决定成立欧洲航空安全局“EASA”,目标是最大限度地保护公民的安全,促进欧洲航空业的一体化发展。EASA 将接替所有 JAA 的职能和活动,同时允许非 JAA 成员国和其他非欧盟的国家加人)
avia.欧洲航空安全局European Aviation Safety Agency
avia.欧洲航空安全当局European Aviation Safety Authority
avia.欧洲航空气象专家会议European Conference of Meteorological Expert for Aeronautics
avia.欧洲航空电子委员会European Committee for Aviation Electronics
avia.欧洲航空电子委员会European Airline Electronic Committee
gen.欧洲航空电子委员会European Airline Electronic Commission
avia.欧洲航空研究局European Airlines Research Bureau
avia.欧洲航空研究技术组Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology In Europe
avia.欧洲航空科技集团Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe
avia.欧洲航空航天作业中心European Space Operations Center
avia.欧洲航空航天器材制造商协会Association Europeenne des Constructeurs de Material Aerospatial
avia., fr.欧洲航空航天器材制造商协会Association Europeenne Des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial
avia.欧洲航空航天局European Space Agency
avia.欧洲航空航天局信息检索服务处European Space Agency information retrieval service
avia.欧洲航空航天局信息网European space agency information network
avia.欧洲航空航天局先进资源卫星advanced ESA resources satellite
avia.欧洲航空航天研究处European Office of Aerospace Research
avia.欧洲航空航天研究处与开发处European Office of Aerospace Research and Development
avia.欧洲航空航天研究学会European Space Research Institute
avia.欧洲航空运输协调会议Conference on Coordination of Air Transport in Europe
avia.欧洲航空运输管理系统European air traffic management system
avia.欧洲航空采购区air procurement region, Europe
avia.欧洲航空防务和航天公司European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
avia.欧洲航线European airline
avia.欧洲航行规划组European Air Navigation Planning Group
biol.欧洲花楸mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.,蔷微科)
biol.欧洲花楸rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.,蔷微科)
biol.欧洲花楸rowantree (Sorbus aucuparia L.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲花楸mountain-ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲茶藨子普通红茶藨子,Ribes vulgare Lam; Ribes sativum Syme,虎耳草科common currant
biol.欧洲草莓strawberry plant (Fragaria vesca L.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲草莓sow-teat strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲草莓wild strawberry (Fragaria -vesca L.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲草莓small-fruited strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲荚蒾marsh elder (Viburnum opulus L.,忍冬科)
biol.欧洲荚蒾European cranberry bush (Viburnum opulus L.,忍冬科)
biol.欧洲菊苣chicory (Cichorium intybus L.,菊科)
biol.欧洲菊苣succory (Cichorium intybus L.,菊科)
biol.欧洲菊苣blue sailors (Cichorium intybus L.,菊科)
biol.欧洲萍蓬草European cow lily (Nuphor luteum (L.) Smith)
biol.欧洲落叶松common larch (Larix decidua Mill.,松科)
biol.欧洲蓍草common yarrow (Achillea opposita Thunb.,菊科)
biol.欧洲蓍草milifoil (Achillea opposita Thunb.,菊科)
biol.欧洲蓝茉莉common plumbago (Plumbago europaea L.,白花丹科)
biol.欧洲bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum Kuhn. var. Latiusculum Und.,蕨科)
biol.欧洲eastern bracken (Pteridium aquilinum Kuhn. var. Latiusculum Und.,蕨科)
biol.欧洲蝼蛄mole cricket (European, Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa L.)
gen.欧洲计算机制造业协会European Computer Manufacturers Association
multimed.欧洲计算机制造协会European Computer Manufacturers Association
avia.欧洲货运航空公司European Air Transport (Cargo)
biol.欧洲赤松Scotch pine (Pinus silvestris L.,松科)
biol.欧洲赤松red pine (Pinus silvestris L.)
biol.欧洲赤松Baltic pine (Pinus sylvestris L.,松科)
biol.欧洲越橘蔓越橘,Vaccinium myrtillus L.,杜鹃花科bilberry
biol.欧洲越橘蔓越橘,Vaccinium myrtillus L.,杜鹃科whortleberry
biol.欧洲越橘蔓越橘,Vaccinium myrtillus L.,杜鹃科biberry
biol.欧洲越橘huckleberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.,乌饭树科)
gen.欧洲轻质面墙情报委员会European Information Committee for Lt-wt Facades
gen.欧洲辐射燃料化学处理公司European Co. for the Chemical Processing of irradiated Fuels
gen.欧洲银行辛迪加投资研究局Eurosyndicate Investment Research Bureau (EEC 所属八大投资银行组成的)
gen.欧洲运载火箭发展组织European Launcher Development Organization
multimed.欧洲远程通信标准学会European Telecommunication Standards Institute
biol.欧洲连翘Albanian forsythia (Forsythia europaea Deg. et Bald,木犀科)
avia.欧洲适航条例Joint Aviation Requirements, European
gen.欧洲通信卫星委员会European Communications Satellite Committee
gen.欧洲通信卫星组织European Communications Satellite Organization
avia.欧洲通用战术运输机系统European utility tactical transport aircraft system
geol.欧洲遥感实验室协会European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories
gen.欧洲邮政与电信管理联合会Conference of European Postal and Telecommunication Administrations
gen.欧洲酸樱桃quarello cherry
biol.欧洲酸樱桃sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.,蔷薇科)
biol.欧洲酸樱桃morello tree (Prunus cerasus L.,蔷薇科)
gen.欧洲野牛 Bison bonasusEuropean bison
biol.欧洲野猪European wild boar (Sus scrofa)
biol.欧洲金莲花common globeflower (Trollius europaeus L.,毛茛科)
gen.欧洲钢结构会议European Convention for Constructional Steelwork
biol.欧洲铁木European hop-hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia Scop,榛木科)
gen.欧洲铝箔协会European Aluminium Foil Association
biol.欧洲银冷杉银枞,Abies alba,松科European silver fir
avia.欧洲防务倡议European defence initiative
avia.欧洲防务共同体European Defence Community
avia.欧洲防务局European Defence Agency
avia.欧洲防务提升计划European Defence Improvement Programme (北约)
avia.欧洲防务改进计划European defence improvement programme
avia.欧洲防御共同体European Defense Community
biol.欧洲防风cultivated parenip (Pastinaca sativa L.)
biol.欧洲防风pastinaca (Pastinaca sativa L.)
biol.欧洲防风cultivated parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.,伞形花科)
biol.欧洲防风属pastinaca (Pastinaca L.,伞形花科)
avia.欧洲防鸟撞击委员会European Bird Strike Committee
avia.欧洲防鸟撞委员会European Bird Strike Committee
gen.欧洲各国陶瓷业协会联合会Congress of European Ceramic Association
geol.欧洲、非洲与中东Europe, Africa and Middle East
gen.欧洲风格Europeanism (方式)
gen.欧洲飞行情报处European Flight Information
biol.欧洲马先蒿沼泽马先蒿,Redicularis palustris L.,玄参科lousewort
biol.欧洲马先蒿沼泽马先蒿,Redicularis palustris L.,玄参科tall red rattle
biol.欧洲马羽虱European horse biting louse (Trichodectes pilosus Giebel,兽羽虱科)
biol.欧洲鹅耳枥hardbeam (Carpinus betulus L.,榛木科)
biol.欧洲鹅耳枥桦叶鹅耳枥,Carpinus betulus L.,桦木科hard beam
biol.欧洲鹅耳枥white beech (Carpinus betulus L.,榛木科)
biol.欧洲鹅耳枥European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.,榛木科)
biol.欧洲麝鼠desman (Desmana moschata)
biol.欧洲麦茎蜂wheat stem sawfly (Cephus pygmaeus Linnaeus,茎蜂科)
biol.欧洲麦茎蜂European wheat stem sawfly (Cephus pygmaeus Linnaeus,茎蜂科)
biol.欧洲麦茎蜂grain sawfly (Cephus pygmaeus Linnaeus)
biol.欧洲黄杨锦熟黄杨,Buxus sempervirens L.,黄杨科common box
biol.欧洲黑莓blackberry (Rubus fructicosus L.)
biol.甘蓝型欧洲油菜winter swede rape (Brossica napus L.,十字花科)
gen.美国的欧洲广播系统American Broadcasting System in Europe
gen.美国目前正从一个主要由欧洲移民组成的国家变为一个多元移民的国家The United States is currently shifting from being a nation of immigrants of mainly European descent to one of immigrants from other parts of the world
gen.英国欧洲航空公司British European Airways (Corp.)
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