
Terms for subject Company name containing | all forms
南卡罗来纳州文电炉钢公司Owen Electric Steel Co. of South Carolina
壳牌洲油品股份有限公司Shell Europe CHI Products Ltd.
日本/洲航运公会Japan Europe Freight Conference
亚贸易协定Europe-Asia Trade Agreement
共同体船东协会European Community Shipowners Association
洲乙烯公司European Vinyl Corp.
洲和日本国家船东协会委员会Council of European and Japanese National Shipowners Association
洲多式联运协会European Intermodal Association
洲支线航空公司协会European Regions Airline Association
洲民航公会European Civil Aviation Conference
洲海上承包商股份有限公司European Marine Contractor,Ltd.
洲海港组织European Sea Ports Organization
洲燃气轮机有限公司European Gas Turbines Ltd.
洲物流协会European Logistics Association
洲理货协会European Tallying Association
洲石油勘查集团European Petroleum Scouts Group
洲石油集团公司European Group of Oil Co.
洲空运货主理事会European Air Shippers Council
洲船东经纪人和代理人协会European Community Association of Shipbrokers and Agents
洲薄板材公司Lamines Marchands Europeens
洲货主理事会European Shippers Council
洲起重运输协会European Association for the Transport of Heavy Lifts
洲钢管公司Europipe GmbH
洲钢管生产商协会European Steel Tubemakers Association
洲钢铁工业联盟European Confederation of Iron and Steel Industries
洲铁合金进口商协会Association of European Ferroalloy Importers
西班牙洲马格尼布管道有限公司Europe-Maghreb Pipeline Ltd.
盟保险委员会European Insurance Committee
盟道路联合会European Union Road Federation
米加海洋工程系统公司Omega Marine Engineering Systems, Inc.
法国洲钢管公司Tubeurop France
麦克德莫特洲工程股份有限公司McDermott Engineering Europe,Ltd.