
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing | all forms
高粱为多用途高粱品种,一年生禾草; Sorghum vulgare Pors.Rio
饲料单位Scandinavian feed unit
饲料单位Scandinavian feed-unit
饲料单位Northern European feed-unit
饲料单位Northern European feed unit
饲料单位barley unit
亚孔颖草old world bluestem (Bothriochloa caucasica C. E. Hubb.)
毒麦禾本科黑麦草属植物; Lolium persicum Boiss et HohPersian darnel
蜜蜂幼虫腐烂病病原:Bacillus plutonEuropean foulbrood
洲共同市场动物蛋白进口商联合会Euromarker Federation of Animal Protein Importers
洲农业工人联合会European Federation of Agricultural Workers
洲农业指导与保证基金会European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund
洲农业航空中心European Agricultural Aviation Center
洲分子生物学实验室European Molecular Biology Laboratory
洲动物血型研究会European Society for Animal Blood-Group Research
洲卫矛European spindle-tree (Euonymus europaea)
洲口蹄疫防制委员会European Commission for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease
洲口蹄疫防制委员会European chestnut Castanea sativa European Commission for the Control of FMD
洲山毛榉common beech (Fagus sylvatica)
洲斗牛西班牙、葡萄牙专门培育公牛作斗牛用。通常黑色或深棕色,亦有灰色、红色或红白花,有品种协会Fighting Bull
洲林业与林产品委员会European Commission on Forestry and Forest Products
洲栗Spanish chestnut
洲栗French chestnut
洲植物保护研究委员会European Committee for Plant Protection Research
洲水生哺乳动物协会European Association for Aquatic Mammals
洲水貂European mink (Mustela lutreola)
洲油菜rapeseed (Brassica napus)
洲油菜colza (Brassica napus)
洲海滨草European beachgrass (Ammophila arenaria)
洲狗舌草common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)
洲猪瘟European swine fever
洲猪瘟病毒hog cholera virus
洲猪瘟病毒European swine fever virus
洲猪瘟病毒猪霍乱病毒European swine fever virus
洲生物化学药理学会European Society for Biochemical Pharmacology
洲生物学期刊编辑协会European Association of Editors of Biological Periodicals
洲畜牧学会European Association of Animal Production
洲畜牧联合会意大利Federation Europeenne de Zootechnie
意大利洲畜牧联合会Federation Europeenne de Zootechnie
洲百脉根square-pod deervetch (Lotus tetragonolobus)
洲盘羊Mouflon (group, Ovis musimon 野绵羊。产于地中海诸岛、塞浦路斯、高加索、伊朗等地)
洲种European race
洲稻茬菜common nipple wort (Lapsana communis)
洲红牛European Red
洲组织培养学会European Tissue Culture Society
洲细胞学会联合会European Federation of Cytology Societies
洲经济共同体保藏乳制品生产者协会Association of Preserved Milk Manufacturers of the EEC
洲经济共同体奶业协会Association of the Processed Cheese Industry of the EEC
洲经济共同体食品科学委员会Scientific Committee for Food of EEC
洲翦股颖fine bent
洲翦股颖colonial bent
洲肉品研究工作者会议论文集Proceedings of the European Meeting of Meat Research Workers
洲芜菁Meloe vesicatoria
洲苦苣菜corn sow thistle
洲草地联合会European Grassland Federation
洲草地联合会论文集Proceedings of the European Grassland Federation
洲草地联合会论文集Proceeding of the European Grassland Federation
洲蕨common brake
洲蕨western bracken
洲蕨bracken (Pteridium aquilinum)
洲蕨毒素bracken fern toxin
洲虎尾属草European feathergrass (Chloris pennata)
洲蛇麻草培植委员会European Hops Culture Committee
洲蜜蜂European honey bee (Apis mellifera)
洲野牛European bison (Bison bonasus)
洲野牛Bos bonasus
洲野牛Bison bonasus
洲野牛urus (Bos bonasus)
洲饲料单位European feed unit
洲马先蒿tall red rattle
洲鸡瘟pestis avium
洲鸡瘟European fowl pest
洲黄牛European Blond and Yellow (1962年奥地利黄牛、法国金黄阿奎登牛 (Aguitaine Blond)、利木赞牛 (Limousin)、德国黄牛、意大利皮德蒙牛 (Picdmont)联合组成欧洲黄牛品种协会)
洲黑白花牛比利时、英国、丹麦、法国、德国、意大利、瑞典等国黑白花牛品种协会于1966 年联合组成欧洲黑白花牛品种协会European Black and White
洲黑蜂black bee (Apis mellifera mellifera L.)
盟农业合作综合委员会General Committee for Agricultural Cooperation in the European Union
石南属heath (Erica)
石头花石竹科丝石竹属植物; Gypsophila oldhamiana Miq.oldham gypsophila
蓍草milfoil (Achillea millefolium)
蓍草菊科多年生杂草,质粗,在欧洲、亚洲、北美洲分布广泛,可为家畜采食,饲用价值尚可yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
蓍草common milfoil (Achillea millefolium)
black bryony
薯属植物black bryony
stock pigeon (Columba oenas)
龙芽草common agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)
绝对电磁制电阻单位,合 109欧姆abohm
英国和洲的牛巴贝斯焦虫病redwater (British and European redwater of cattle, bovine hemoglobinuria)