
Terms for subject Communications containing 欧洲 | all forms | in specified order only
欧洲列车运行控制系统European Train Control System
欧洲安全计算机European Vital Computer
欧洲电信标准协会European Telecommunication Standards Institute
欧洲电工技术标准委员会Comite Europeen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
欧洲电工标准化委员会European Committee for Electrical Standardization
欧洲铁路互联互通协会European Association for Railway Interoperability
欧洲铁路互联互通技术规范Technical Specification for Interoperability
欧洲铁路制造业协会UNion des Industries Ferroviaires Europeennes
欧洲铁路和基础设施企业联盟Community of European Railway and infrastructure companies
欧洲铁路无线增强网络European Integrated Railway Radio Enhanced Network
欧洲铁路研究咨询委员会European Rail Research Advisory Council
欧洲铁路联盟Community of European Railways
欧洲铁路运输管理系统European Rail Traffic Management System
欧洲铁路运输管理系统European Rail Traffic Managements System