
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
回路泄压释压,卸压系统primary relief system
微分控制lead control
操作运算once-through operation
first power
单程计数器start-stop counter
运算计算机single shot computer
第一级近似first approximation
线cubic curve
三元三形式ternary cubic form
梁梁板楼板beam-and-slab floor
梁梁格结构beam-and-girder construction
压缩压固secondary compression
发生组成secondary generation
变频式double-super system
放射系数production coefficient
柱面曲面quadric surface
电子抑制管brake-field triode
石油运移secondary migration
according to priority
共轭配极曲线conjugate conics
共轭二曲线conjugate conic
净化primary purification
原来处理original treatment
双重分的群bigraded group
只能使用一one-time operation
同心二曲线concentric conic
雷达反射回波round trip echoes
测量multiple metering (计数)
曲线singular conic
谐波测量test odd
尖点三曲线cuspidal cubic
接通order of connection
压固固结secondary compression
变电所发电厂送出的高压最初变电所primary substation
大气压subatmospheric pressure
寄生弯矩parasitic moment
n nth power
inverse square root-1/2
方程equation of n-th order
方程equation of n-th degree
初级测量仪表primary instrument
焦点secondary focal point
再积黄土redeposited loess
级发射有效系数collected-current ratio
级辐射secondary generation
混合,调和secondary color
局部改善minor betterment
要桁架jack truss
轧件通过轧辊的每道压下量reduction per area
弄小size down
相似二曲线similar conic
第一近似值first order of solution
第二辗压second rolling
色彩的不同层色调gradations of colour
反复加法over-and-over addition
连续接近法cut-and-try process
多层焊阶梯形山形焊接cascade sequence
非整数的积分fractional integrals
满足法first-fit method
波型耦合higher-mode coupling
谐波ultra harmonics
谐波激励higher-mode coupling