
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
一天内轻轻涂擦这种油膏几Please rub this ointment gently several times in a day
一天刷几牙?How many times do you brush your teeth in a day?
您什么时候来的?When did you come last?
复诊时,我想与您讨论治疗计划Next time, I want to discuss the treatment schedule with you
请带翻译来Please come with your interpreter next time
以上的复诊是必需的At least two more visits are necessary
—个月应更换一牙刷Your brush should be replaced about once every mouth
义齿需要调改几才能适合您的口腔We are going to adjust the denture a few more times to fit your mouth
充填物将封住根管,避免其再感染The filling will seal the canal and prevent it from being infected again
到下复诊时我将做诊疗计划I will make a diagnosis and treatment plan till next appointment
如果在下复诊前临时冠掉了,请与我们联系If the temporary crown comes off before your next appointment, please contact us
您多长时间出现一口腔溃疡?How often does the ulceration flare up?
您最后一治牙是什么时候?When was the last time you went to a dental treatment?
您最后一治牙是什么时候?When did the tooth last have dental treatment?
您最后一由牙医洁牙是什么时候?When was the last time you had your teeth cleaned by a dentist or a dental hygienist?
您末月经是哪天?When did your last period begin?
您第一发现这种情况是什么时候?How and when did your illness begin?
您第一发现这种情况是什么时候?When did the symptom start?
您第一发现这种情况是什么时候?When did you first notice anything wrong?
您第一发现这种情况是什么时候?When did you first notice such conditions?
最后一做口腔检査是什么时候?When was your last dental check-up?
最后一拍 X 线片是什么时候?When was the last time you had an X -ray?
正畸治疗包括三个阶段,依为:仔细检查,粘固锁槽调整,用保持器维持There are three stages for orthodontic treatment, the periods for detail examinations, treatment with braces and maintenance using a retainer
口腔溃疡大约持续多长时间?How long does the ulceration usually last?
您来挂号时,请出示这张卡Please show this card at the registration desk every time you come
治疗大概需要三十分钟Each treatment will take about thirty minutes
饭后您都应该刷牙You should brush your teeth after every meal
每个部位应刷十Move it in a circular motion about ten times at the same place
每年一的口腔检査是非常重要的It is important to have regular dental check-ups at least once a year
第一检査费为 110 元Please pay the charge for the first examination, 110 RMB
您想用什么材料?This time, what kind of material do you prefer?
,我将用个别托盘为您取模This time I'll take an impression of your mouth by sing this individual tray
这是您的挂号证。请不要遗失,每来时带着它This is your registration card, Please don't lose it and bring it here whenever you come
这是您第一到口腔门诊吗?Is this your first visit to this dental clinic?
这是您第一戴义齿吗?Is this the first time you have a denture?
需要四复诊或一个月的时间It will take four visits or one month to be treated
饭后三十分钟用水服用抗生素,每天三,连续服用三天Take this antibiotic with a glass of water thirty minutes after every meal, three times a day, for three days