
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
性交易once-for-all transaction
性总授权blanket authority
性收入nonrecurrent receipt
性收入nonrecurrent income
性收入nonrecurrent revenue
性贬值discrete depreciation
性贬值discrete step depreciation
性贬值one-off depreciation
性贬值step depreciation
总付lump sum
总付lump sum payment
两年一的磋商biennial consultation
两年一的磋商程序bicyclic procedure IMF consultations
平均值quadratic mean
债务的优先ranking of claims
债务的优先prioritization of debt
关于执董会改革的第七拟议修正案Board Reform Amendment
关于执董会改革的第七拟议修正案Seventh Amendment
关于执董会改革的第七拟议修正案Proposed Seventh Amendment on the Reform of the Executive Board
分档的利率rate tiering
安第斯区域一体化协定Andean Subregional Integration Agreement
安第斯区域一体化协定Cartagena Agreement
期末一性还本付息的贷款bullet loan
优条件second-best optimum
优条件second-best solution
优解决方案second-best optimum
优解决方案second-best solution
优论second-best theory
级债券junior debt
级债券subordinated debt
级债务junior debt
级债务subordinated debt
级债权junior claim
级抵押贷款subprime loan
级抵押贷款subprime mortgage
级抵押贷款市场nonprime mortgage market
级抵押贷款市场subprime mortgage market
级抽样单位secondary sampling unit
级资产subpar asset
级资产substandard asset
每两年一的监督检查Biennial Review of Surveillance
每两年一的监督检查biennial surveillance review
特别提款权的特别一性分配special allocation of SDRs
特别提款权的特别一性分配one-time special SDR allocation
特别提款权的特别一性分配equity allocation of SDRs
特别提款权的特别一性分配special SDR allocation
特别提款权的特别一性分配special one-time allocation of SDRs
第一层银行first-tier bank
连续两下降的经济衰退double-dip recession
公开募股initial public offering
公开发行initial public offering