
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
人行道线zebra crossing
区域间向合作interregional horizontal co-operation
合并时间序列与断面数据pooled time-series and cross-sectional data
工资等级wage pattern
支票上划线crossing of a check
支票普通线general crossing of a cheque
收益断图earning profile
倾角angle of declination
偏差horizontal deviation
列表cross tabulation
动装置transversing gear
向兼并horizontal trust
向内在经济联系internal cross economic connections between
向分析对不同时期经营情况比较分析horizontal analysis
向劳动分工horizontal division of labour
同行业的向协定协议horizontal agreement
向合并lateral combination
向合并即同行业合并horizontal combination
向国际专业化horizontal international specialization
向多样化horizontal diversification
向多种联合经营horizontal versification and integration
向多种联合经营horizontal diversification and integration
向定价horizontal price fixing
向审计查账指一项业务全购销过程审计horizontal audit
向弯曲强度transverse bending strength
向总计horizontal summation
向扩散horizontal dissemination
向技术转移horizontal movement of technology
向拉伸试件transverse tensile specimen
向损坏transverse failure
向断裂transverse crack
向流动horizontal mobility
向相关树horizontal relevance tree
向相切horizontal tangency
向组织结构horizontal organization structure
向经济联系lateral economic ties
向职务充实horizontal job enrichment
向职务扩大化horizontal job enlargement
向职务负荷量horizontal job loading
几家公司自愿联合成一家公司的向联合lateral integration
向联合horizontal syndicalization
企业向联合horizontal integration
向联合组织horizontal organization
向联合营销组织horizontal marketing system
向联系horizontal ties
向联系horizontal communication
向营销horizontal marketing
向营销构想horizontal marketing concept
向试件transverse test specimen
向递减horizontal regression
向长期供给曲线horizontal long run supply curve
坐标刻度horizontal scale
坐标轴axis of abscissas
式审计horizontal audit
征暴敛extortionate and illegal taxes and levies
征暴敛extortionate and illegal tax and levy
截条件transversality conditions
截面弹性调整adjustment of the cross-section elasticities
统计条图horizontal bar chart
cross street
涂改支票线obliteration of a crossing
cross-bar system
式电话交换机exchange cross-bar switch
相加计算cross footing
向断裂resistance to lateral bend